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Showing posts from May, 2005

Is Al Franken a Lying Liar and a Idiot?

Is Al Franken a Lying Liar and a Idiot? “[Radio host Al] Franken also imitated a priest giving Communion, saying "Body of Christ" when an imagined pedophile priest was in line but "not for you" when pro-choice politicians came up,” according to Michael Goodwin of the New York Daily News. [] This Franken mockery of the Eucharist on Air America radio proves he is an idiot and possibly an anti-Catholic bigot. This ridicule reminds one of the Nazi propaganda that mocked the most sacred religious Jewish customs. The Jewish religion holds God’s very name in the highest respect and reverence. The radio host, who claims to be Jewish, in the introduction of his new book Lies And the Lying Liars has a disrespectful mock conservation with the Holy One of the Old Testament. Here‘s an sample Franken‘s mockery:“’TOTAL BULL____,’ God said. ’ START BY ATTACKING THEM. HE’S [former CBS reporter Bernard Goldberg who wrote a...