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Just beginnings continued...: A Three Act Play about King St. Fernando III By Fred Martinez

Three Act Play about  King St. Fernando III By Fred Martinez The young Fernando's eyes shined as he listened to the warrior Archbishop tell what happened that day when his grandfather King Alfonso saved Spain from total destruction. Archbishop:  Remember what your grandfather faced, the Moors trophy beheadings and crucifixions were continual. They cut off the knights head dead or alive and send them to the theirs principle towns of the Muslim empire. Sometimes the skulls and corpses were to huge piles of bloody mass as if it were a "height of mimaret" for a call for horrible macabre Isla mic prayer. With this in mind, what you grandfather with his small Christian army proposed to do was courageous sheer madness when he readied to charge down into a Muslim combined army of over a hundred thousand as his troops seemed ready to crumble. With the battle seemingly almost lost, your grandfather shouted, "Archbishop, let you and me die here!" I roared back, "Here
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