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Showing posts from May, 2021

Were Chesterton & Maritain both Leftists and Pro-French Revolutionist following “the Gospel of Rousseau" ?

" Jean Jacques Rousseau, taken by Maritain as the quint-essential philosopher of the political left" - Maceij Sobiech Polish scholar Maceij Sobiech presents evidence that G.K. Chesterton and Jacques Maritain were both leftist and pro-French Revolutionists: And,  to  end  our  enumeration  here,  the  result  is  of course  such that the image of “Chesterton the rightist” penetrates to the public view, where – in the immortal words of Jacques Maritain from his Letter on Independence (1935) – passing through “the opinions of men, the evil commerce of appearance and blood, the terrors and hatreds” it becomes a parody of itself – but a telling parody indeed; and let us say here for the moment only as much as that it is emphatically not an accident  that  Adam  Gopnik,  in  his  famous  article  from The New Yorker, published when the first talks about the possibilities ... [of Chesterton being]...

St. Catherine's Mystical Marriage: Marxists & Atheists don't Believe in Chivalry or Courtly Love or Saints as do Catholics

  For Medieval Catholics it was not the "Enlightenment scientific" Newtonian anthropomorphic metaphor of "laws of [impersonal] physics" that moved the sun and the stars and mankind, but the love of God. As Dante said it is "the love that moves the sun and the other stars." It is God's love that brought the stars and us out of nothingness and into existence and keeps us at every moment from falling back into nothingness. G.K. Chesterton hilariously ridiculed Marxist's and atheist's sneer at this: “It is absurd for the [atheistic] Evolutionist to complain that it is unthinkable for an admittedly unthinkable God to make everything out of nothing, and then pretend that it is more thinkable that nothing should turn itself into everything.” Reality as well as God's and man's love are not " reducible to hormonal reactions; his aspirations for truth reducible to conditioned responses; his belief in God a neurological reaction to fear ...

Close Friend of Pope Benedict: Pope decided to Resign as a result of “Tremendous Pressure”

The close friend of Pope Benedict XVI, Archbishop Luigi Negri, said the fBenedict decided to resign as a result of “tremendous pressure.” “I am certain that the truth will emerge one day showing grave liability both inside and outside the Vatican.”Negri said: “It is no coincidence that in America, even on the basis of what has been published by Wikileaks, some Catholic groups have asked President Trump to open a commission of inquiry to investigate whether the administration of Barack Obama exerted pressure on Benedict.”[ ]

Why is Francis Catholic Media trying to Discredit "Team Francis['s]" Martel "Hit Job" on "their Conservative Enemies"?

June 25, 2019 It is very amusing to see pro-Francis "conservative" Vatican expert Robert Moynihan in Letter #35 say the "Team Francis, indulged" gay activist Frederic Martel's gay gossip book is very confusing to him and bad because it wants to put pressure on Francis's Team: "[I]t [Martel's book] seems to me part of some larger strategy, for a purpose I did not fully understand, to put pressure to bear on the Holy See." Gay activist Michael Winters on February 22 for a National Catholic Reporter article titled "Martel's Vatican city closet book exposes his motives and mistakes, not truth", also, thought it was bad because it is the "gay equivalent of a Viganò testimonianza." Might it be Moynihan and Winters are terrified that the general public might realize that Francis's Vatican is controlled (and 80 percent gay populated according to Martel) by the Vatican gay lobby as Archbishop ...

Top 13 Catholic Spirituality Books

Unknown said… Beginning to Pray by Anthony Bloom. Small in stature and size but a delightful and powerful book. I have given away a few well marked highlighted and underlined copies, and one new one. It is a treasure and easy to read since it takes an essence of prayer, and tells stories to illustrate it. Good for us who fall asleep reading philosophy.     J une 06, 2011 My Favorite Catholic Spirituality Books A Listmania! list by Amanda Rose (Florida) The list author says: "I am a Catholic convert who was delighted to find the immense and almost secret treasure box of the Church - saints, mysticism, intellectualism, simplicity, common-sense advice, moral values, and a complete array of ways to achieve happiness through Christ. Struggling day by day to remain faithful, accept the love of Christ, act mercifully, and keep moving along the Little Way to Heaven. I write spiritual reflections at" 1. Divine I...