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Showing posts from June, 2024

Larson: "analytical science is intrinsically evil, but rather that it is intrinsically superficial simply because quantitative analysis can never touch or understand the nature of any substance created by God out of nothing..John Horgan’s best-selling book The End of Science (Broadway Books, 1996). Mr. Horgan, former senior writer at Scientific American, interviewed several dozen of the most famous and prize-winning scientists in the world as to their views regarding the “meaning of science”, the “end of science”, etc. He discovered and chronicles what he calls a world of “ironic” science: a world in which virtually no one is sure of any reality, or that there even is such a thing; there is total confusion in regard to the science of epistemology – whether there is or can be any true correspondence between the human mind and objective reality (or whether this is even a valid distinction or question); there appears to be a radical discontinuum between the world of ordinary human experience". Reductive science is the most destructive heresy of our times. But it is more than a heresy. It is, as I have already pointed out, an ambience, a poisoned atmosphere, which modern man takes in with virtually every breath. This poison convinces modern man not only that material realities are reducible to accidental and quantifiable being, but it also creates that intellectual ambience which convinces him that he himself is reducible to accidental properties – that his love is reducible to hormonal reactions; his aspirations for truth reducible to conditioned responses; his belief in God a neurological reaction to fear and uncertainty.   But its most destructive effect is that it eliminates that fundamental mysteriousness about life and creation which leads a person to think about and hunger after God. This is why there is now so much indifference towards God. And this is also why, despite all the sc

Fr. Pro: “When I’m in Heaven. I Promise to Perform a Happy Mexican Hat Dance to Cheer up any Long Faced Saints I find in Heaven”

Father Miguel Pro Act 3, Scene 5 Standing by the casket of Miguel is dad, Don Miguel. At the front of the casket crying is Miguel sister Conception knelling and crying. Behind her is a quiet crowd. Don Miguel- I’m surprised at you Conception. Is this how you behave in the presence of saints? (Miguel’s sister Conception stands and stops crying.) Don Miguel- Remember what my son said: “If I’m ever caught, be prepared to ask me for things when I’m in heaven. I promise to perform a happy Mexican hat dance to cheer up any long faced saints I find in heaven.”  Let us give praise to God as my son dances in heaven. (At these words a band starts playing Mexican hat dance music. Miguel’s sister rubs her face and smiles. The crowd starts shouting Viva Cristo Rey! Viva Cristo Rey! Viva Cristo Rey!) - A Saint Dancing in Heaven Below is my first draft of a play that my friend  Cathal (Cal) Gallagher , who is a real  playwright, made into a great play.  Cathal's work as a playwright is his  way t

Gene Gomulka website GROUNDBREAKING REPORTS Addressing the Present-Day Culture of Sexual Predation and Cover-Ups in U.S. Seminaries The State of the U.S. Catholic Episcopate and Priesthood Clerical Abuse and Misconduct: Diocese of Springfield in Illinois Causes for the Priest Shortage Congressional Testimony on DoD Homosexual Policy INTERVIEWS / TV ,  RADIO  &  PODCAST APPEARANCES Joe McClane: How Deep Does the Corruption Go? The Angry Catholic: Victims Suffer While Predators Thrive Christine Niles:  Clerical Orgies: The Rome Connection ​Patrick Coffin : Catholic Media Has  Fallen ​ Joseph Sciambra : Groming in Catholic Seminaries David Hammer: L osing Faith: The Church Sex Abuse Scandal Consolidating Power : Clerical Sexual Predation Today Patrick Coffin : Stop the McElroy Elevation YOUTUBE VIDEOS Bombshell Report Reveals Ongoing Sexual Predation Crisis in Catholic Seminaries Lawsuit Explained: Former Seminarian Exposes Scandalous Clerical Misconduct  Exposed: Shocki