Please Pray for President Bush James Risen’s new book State of War: The Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration is interesting. The problem is the author has a history of unfairness and bias. Risen is the coauthor of a previous book called Wrath of Angels: The American Abortion Wars whose book proclaimed the "rise and fall of the American anti- abortion movement." The book saidthat the abortion movement won the war. I guess that’s why top Democrats are now claiming to be pro-life or trying to reach out pro-life voters. They are not about to stopping the killing, but want to pretend to be pro-life to get votes. One pro-life reviewer called the book “fiction ”as well as bias “cloak and dagger conspiracy” writing. Another said that it uses “caricature” and unfair “heavy- handed psychological explanations.” Getting back to the war book, the major problem is as one reviewer of State of War , who liked the book on the whole, said: “One major problem with ‘State of Wa...