“Gay Political Activists and Democratic Leaders are already Planning Post-Election Strategies." NAPERVILLE, Ill., Oct. 20 /Christian Newswire/ -- Peter LaBarbera, President, Americans For Truth is available for comment on the following highlights from an article, "Democratic House a Gay Boon?" in the most recent (Oct. 20) edition of the homosexual newspaper Washington Blade: -“Gay political activists and Democratic leaders are already planning post-election strategies and priorities for an expectedly bluer and more progressive [read: liberal] House of Representatives... The preliminary plans ... put a [transsexual]-inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act [ENDA] atop the wish list of gay rights supporters,” the Blade reports. -“I think that everyone believes that [a transsexual-] inclusive ENDA is our top priority,” said Matt Foreman, executive director of the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force. Other top priorities for homosexual activists: passing a “hate crimes