Life Teen Catholic Youth Ministry? Richard Salbato 11-26-2007 Two years ago I returned from Fatima and Panama to be close to my children and grandchildren. My daughter was teaching Bible Study and Confirmation Classes at Lake Arrowhead Catholic Church and three of my grandchildren were attending the Confirmation Classes. As part of the Confirmation Classes the students were required to attend the Sunday 6:30 PM Sunday Life Teen Youth Mass and from there to the Confirmation Class. I attended this Youth Mass one time and found it very disturbing to say the least, because of the music and the socialization during the Mass. It seemed very charismatic to me, so I asked my daughter about it. She said that this was part of an international group called, Life Teen, and that the Confirmation students were required to belong to Life Teen in order to be confirmed. Not long after that my three grandchildren went on a mandatory Life Teen two day retreat about 100 miles away. They all came ba...