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Showing posts from June, 2023

Don't agree because even Bishop Athanasius Schneider apparently admit popes differ on it and will do post on it at some On the Question of the True Pope           by  Bishop Athanasius Schneider, ORC DESCRIPTION Bishop Athanasius Schneider comments on some key questions that have been vexing many faithful Catholics in the midst of the current crisis in the Church. PUBLISHER & DATE LifeSiteNews, February 28, 2020 On the question of the true pope in the light of the opinion of the automatic loss of the papal office for heresy and the speculations about the resignation of Benedict XVI The hypothesis of the possibility of a heretical pope derives from the Decree of Gratian (dist. XL, cap. 6, col. 146) from the 12th century. According to the opinion expressed in this decree, the pope cannot be judged by any human authority, except if he has fallen into heresy ( a nemine est iudicandus, nisi deprehendatur a fide devius ). Basing themselves on this spurious decree erroneously attributed to St. Boniface (+754)...

Protestant Pastor: The Cure for 'Gayness'

God   works all things together   for   the good   of those who   love   Him,   who   are   called   according to   His purpose (Romans 8:28). Scott Lively's Mission Dispatch, June 25, 2023, Observations and Action on Current Events, History and Theology. Photo above is at Tel Gezer archaeological site looking west toward Jaffa, Israel. Subscribe  HERE . Contact/Comment  HERE .   DONATE  HERE . Weekly Recap -- Sunday Edition Today at 4PM Central Freestyle Bible Study on 1 Samuel 12-13 The Fall of the Judges and Rise of the Kings Watch on Rumble  HERE Watch/Participate on Facebook  HERE Past shows are on Rumble   HERE   or Gab  HERE To participate via the chatroom you must use Facebook or you can just watch on Rumble Click on graphic to visit the 30 Days of Pride-Month Push-Back homepage. To support this campaign, select the "Abiding Truth Ministries" donor option  HERE . Help u...

"Barr who buried all the Biden corruption evidence since 2017. It's not a coincidence that the centerpiece of the Biden family corruption--although it extends elsewhere geographically--was Ukraine" & "Who is this 'Wauck'?" Dad29 Wisconsin native. "The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."--GKC "Liberalism is the modern and morbid habit of always sacrificing the normal to the abnormal" --G K Chesterton "The only objective of Liberty is Life" --G K Chesterton "A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition." -- Rudyard Kipling TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 2023 Bluto Barr's REAL Bio Seems there's a bit more to Bill Barr's work-experience than he tells in his "I'm a Catholic Boy" routine.  This is a transcript of an interview of Atty. Bob Barnes,  written up by Wauck . ...His dad was the Dalton School headmaster, very elite school, the current SecState went there. The last thing Barr's dad did before stepping down to write science fiction books that glorified underage sexual assault was to ...

The Church and the Libertarian: A Defense of the Catholic Church's Teaching on Man, Economy, and State byChristopher A. Ferrara reads reviews

The Church and the Libertarian: A Defense of the Catholic Church's Teaching on Man, Economy, and State by Christopher A. Ferrara Write a review How customer reviews and ratings work See All Buying Options Top positive review All positive reviews › George McCombe 5.0 out of 5 stars A Robust Defence of Catholic Social Teaching against Austrian Libertarianism Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on February 9, 2018 It is easy to see why Austrian libertarianism has a certain appeal to many conservative Catholics. In an era where the Government increasingly interferes in areas which should not concern it, who doesn’t long for the State to take a step back? What Catholic doesn’t abhor the shameful reality of tax money funding abortion? And few are the Catholic families who have not felt the financial pinch caused by increased taxation. The Ludwig Von Mises Institute regularly churns our books, leaflets, and articles on why its combination of anarchism and unrestricted capitalism is the sol...