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Showing posts from December, 2020

"The Top 10 National Pulse Scoops of 2020"

The National Pulse's Top 10 Scoops of 2020: Previously the in-house blog of the American Principles Project, Raheem Kassam took over The National Pulse in January 2020, immediately recruiting star reporter Natalie Winters and turning the outlet into one of the top conservative news and investigations sites in the Western world. We want to thank YOU for all your support: your donations , your memberships , your shares, your clicks, and your prayers. Here are the top stories, by page views, from The National Pulse in 2020: 10. Major Media Organizations Take Chinese Communist Briefings for ‘Favorable Coverage’ Read our latest CCP scoop, here. 9. Peter Navarro’s ‘Immaculate Deception’ Report Detailing Election Fraud. 8. Ford Motors Profits From Police While Ford Foundation Donates Millions to BLM 7. Lying, Trump-Bashing Reporter Pretends   Doesn’t Work For China… She Does. 6. Fox Falters in Viewership After Wrongly Calling Race for Biden. 5. O’Keefe Trolls CNN, Dials Into T...

"Did Chief Justice Roberts Signed the FISA Warrants to Spy on Trump?"

Conservative activist Trey Gibbs asked " Did Chief Justice Roberts signed the FISA warrants to spy on Trump?": Trey Gibbs ( AK) @TreyGibbs28   Did Chief Justice Roberts signed the FISA warrants to spy on Trump? @GenFlynn   #1. Is that true? #2. If thats true...How can Justice Roberts EVER be allowed to rule on a future case involving President Trump? @SidneyPowell1   Was it bias, incompetence, corruption, or all 3? [] Note: The Catholic Monitor implores all CM readers to now or as soon as possible to "Contact Governor Brian Kemp and DEMAND that he IMMEDIATELY call a special session of the legislature": Call him at 404-656-1776 Email him at or use this contact form . Message him on Facebook and Twitter .   Also, please ask your friends and family to "Contact Governor Brian Kemp and DEMAND that he IMMEDIATELY call a special session of the legislature" and their elect...