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Showing posts from March, 2008

Abortionist Obama: "I will not Yield and Planned Parenthood will not Yield" Can a Catholic vote for Obama? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted: February 29, 2008 1:00 am Eastern © 2008 Those who accuse presidential aspirant Sen. Barack Obama of empty rhetoric must have missed his speech last July, recently made public, to the benefactors of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund. At that festive event, he was as sharp and specific as a scalpel. "The first thing I'd do as president," he told a cheering audience, "is sign the Freedom of Choice Act. That's the first thing that I'd do." The audience cheered enthusiastically. And well they might. As NARAL enthuses on its website, this act would "codify Roe v. Wade's protections and guarantee the right to choose for future generations of women." In short, if we are to take Obama at his word, his first priority as president would be to serve an early death sentence o...

Is Obama's Planned Parenthood Encouraging Donations "Aimed at Aborting Black Babies?”

Is Obama's Planned Parenthood Encouraging Donations "Aimed at Aborting Black Babies?” Yes, read below. Fred Planned Parenthood of Idaho officials apologized Wednesday for what they called an employee’s ‘serious mistake‘ in encouraging a donation aimed at aborting Black babies,” The Statesmen said. According to a press release by Vice President of External Affairs Julia Piercey, “a known anti-choice extremist set out to smear Planned Parenthood.” Rose, who calls herself a whistleblower, believes the tapes speak for themselves. [] Abortionist Obama: "The First Thing I’d do as President is, is Sign the Freedom of [Abortion] Choice Act" Coming soon Planned Parenthood’s Barack Obama as the Abortionist President. Fred Barack Obama before Planned Parenthood Action Fund, July 17, 2007 Dessa Cosma: [W]hat would you do at the federal level not only to en...

Might McCain Pick Gay Agenda Romney for VP?

Might McCain Pick Gay Agenda Romney for VP? By doing so he may give the presidency to to Hillary-Obama. I know a pro-lifer who said if Romney is the VP he will not vote for McCain. Many pro-family activists will consider this a sign McCain as president will be for homosexual "Special Rights" and wishy-washy on pro-life. Fred Mitt Romney's Liberal Paradigm Shift: a Republican FOR Homosexual 'Special Rights' MEDIA ADVISORY, Feb. 4 /Christian Newswire/ -- Peter LaBarbera, founder of Republicans For Family Values, today criticized GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney for his "novel pro- homosexual positioning in the GOP." On Dec. 16, Romney (the alleged "conservative" in the race) told NBC's "Meet the Press" that "it makes sense at the state level" to enact pro-homosexual "sexual orientation" laws. (Last week, CNN's Roland Martin reported that Romney told him that he opposes "gay marriage," but supp...

"McCain Cannot Win in November Without the Catholic Vote"

"McCain cannot win in November without the Catholic vote." Romney will not do it. Mitt might lose McCain some more pro-life and pro-family voters. Fred McCain and the Pope: McCain cannot win in November without the Catholic vote How is he going to get it? by Robert R. Reilly (re-published with permission from March 25, 2008 ( - Sen. John McCain cannot win in November without the Catholic vote, which is around 25 percent of the electorate. How is he going to get it? The worst thing he could assume is that it is going to fall into his lap because Catholics will have nowhere else to go. Some people with nowhere to go simply stay home. Or they may go elsewhere, as it appears they have already been doing. The Wall Street Journal reports that in "a recent survey of 19 states that have held presidential primaries this year, 63% of Catholics identified themselves as Democrats." That's up from 42 percent in 2005. Not a good augury for...

Story Behind the Story: The Clinton Myth

Story Behind the Story: The Clinton Myth By Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen The Politico Friday 21 March 2008 One big fact has largely been lost in the recent coverage of the Democratic presidential race: Hillary Rodham Clinton has virtually no chance of winning. Her own campaign acknowledges there is no way that she will finish ahead in pledged delegates. That means the only way she wins is if Democratic superdelegates are ready to risk a backlash of historic proportions from the party's most reliable constituency. Unless Clinton is able to at least win the primary popular vote - which also would take nothing less than an electoral miracle - and use that achievement to pressure superdelegates, she has only one scenario for victory. An African-American opponent and his backers would be told that, even though he won the contest with voters, the prize is going to someone else. People who think that scenario is even remotely likely are living on another planet. As it happens, many people ...

Is Easter a Historical Fact?

Is Easter a Historical Fact? Did Jesus Christ Rise from the Dead? Briefly, therefore, the fact of Christ's Resurrection is attested by more than 500 eyewitnesses, whose experience, simplicity, and uprightness of life rendered them incapable of inventing such a fable, who lived at a time when any attempt to deceive could have been easily discovered, who had nothing in this life to gain, but everything to lose by their testimony, whose moral courage exhibited in their apostolic life can be explained only by their intimate conviction of the objective truth of their message. Again the fact of Christ's Resurrection is attested by the eloquent silence of the Synagogue which had done everything to prevent deception, which could have easily discovered deception, if there had been any, which opposed only sleeping witnesses to the testimony of the Apostles, which did not punish the alleged carelessness of the official guard, and which could not answer the testimony of the Apostles except...

Is Easter a Historical Fact?

Is Easter a Historical Fact? Did Jesus Christ Rise from the Dead? Briefly, therefore, the fact of Christ's Resurrection is attested by more than 500 eyewitnesses, whose experience, simplicity, and uprightness of life rendered them incapable of inventing such a fable, who lived at a time when any attempt to deceive could have been easily discovered, who had nothing in this life to gain, but everything to lose by their testimony, whose moral courage exhibited in their apostolic life can be explained only by their intimate conviction of the objective truth of their message. Again the fact of Christ's Resurrection is attested by the eloquent silence of the Synagogue which had done everything to prevent deception, which could have easily discovered deception, if there had been any, which opposed only sleeping witnesses to the testimony of the Apostles, which did not punish the alleged carelessness of the official guard, and which could not answer the testimony of the Apostles except...

"Catholic University Allow[s] Someone who Strongly Believes in Partial-Birth Abortion"

Pro-Life, Catholic Advocates Complain About Michelle Obama Speech at Villanova Philadelphia, PA ( -- Another Catholic college is getting tagged by pro-life advocates for hosting a pro-abortion speaker -- this time Villanova University for a Thursday appearance by Michelle Obama. The wife of pro-abortion presidential candidate Barack Obama spoke before 2,500 people at a political rally for him at Villanova’s Jake Nevin Fieldhouse. Senator Obama's pro-abortion views are well-established and he favors keeping abortions legal another 35 years and paid for with taxpayer dollars. Michelle Obama, also an abortion advocate, endorsed partial-birth abortion in a 2004 fundraising letter for her husband. Kristan Hawkins, the director of Students for Life of America, alerted to the appearance and said it violates the pro-life and Catholic views of Villanova students. “It is disheartening to see a Catholic university allow someone who strongly believes in partial-birth ...

Is Your Child's School on the list?

Homosexual Day of Silence - Is Your Child's School on the list? Dear Dr. Frank, Because of the action of concerned parents, hundreds of schools have removed their school as a listed participant in the pro-homosexual "Day of Silence." You can join the fight for your children too! On, Friday, April 25, several thousand schools across the nation will be observing "Day of Silence (DOS)." DOS is a nationwide push to promote the homosexual lifestyle in public schools. When AFA alerted parents of this public school classroom disruption by homosexual student activists, many took action immediately! If you haven't gotten involved, it's critical that you do so today! A simple phone call or letter to school administrators, telling them your child will not attend school the day it observes DOS, may be enough to cause some participating schools to change their plans. Sample letter here. Please listen to a 60-second radio ad warning parents about Day of Silence, then ...

“'Gender-Bender Chemicals' are Negatively Affecting the Environment"

“'Gender-Bender Chemicals' are Negatively Affecting the Environment" by Judie Brown When I saw the latest report on starlings and the dreadful damage that birth control hormones are doing to their ability to sing, I was amazed! The thing that made me stop and take notice was not that additional research is showing that “gender-bender chemicals” are negatively affecting the environment, but rather that such scientific results do not get even a minimal amount of attention from the major media in America. According to this most recent article, “scientists at Cardiff University have discovered that the brains of male starlings foraging for worms at a sewage treatment works in South-West England have been subtly changed by being contaminated by estrogen from the contraceptive pill and hormone replacement therapy.“ The report says that female hormones pass into the sewage by way of female urine and remain unaffected by the sewage itself. However the hormones do cause the part of...

Pray as you Read this Catholic Manifesto

Pray as you read this Catholic Manifesto for the 21 century. It shows the only solution for peace for your family and the world. Fred “What, then, is the solution? At the very least it will demand of us, each in his own vocation and sphere of influence, a consecration to Truth as the final arbiter of reality in all situations that confront us. It will necessarily lead us to abandoning artificial constructs of interaction with the world—especially those strategies that would seek a good at the cost of hiding or equivocating the truth. It will demand courage of us, especially the willingness to lose everything for the sake of truth. Moreover, it will demand that in our very being we become presences of incarnated truth, bringing Christ into the so-called “naked public square” not only in our words but with our whole lives. It must be done with love, but it must also be done firmly, clearly, and with moral authority. Mankind does not need more rhetoric. It needs living words dynamically p...