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Showing posts from December, 2007

LA gang F13 accused of targeting blacks

LA gang F13 accused of targeting blacks By THOMAS WATKINS, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 1 minute ago LOS ANGELES - In a murderous quest aimed at "cleansing" their turf of snitches and rival gangsters, members of one of Los Angeles County's most vicious Latino gangs sometimes killed people just because of their race, an investigation found. ADVERTISEMENT There were even instances in which Florencia 13 leaders ordered killings of black gangsters and then, when the intended victim couldn't be located, said "Well, shoot any black you see," Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca said. "In certain cases some murders were just purely motivated on killing a black person," Baca said. Authorities say there were 20 murders among more than 80 shootings documented during the gang's rampage in the hardscrabble Florence-Firestone neighborhood, exceptional even in an area where gang violence has been commonplace for decades. They don't specify the time fr...

Michael Savage lawsuit links CAIR to 9/11 plot

WorldNetDaily December 29, 2007 Michael Savage lawsuit links CAIR to 9/11 plot Talker amends lawsuit against organizer of Muslim boycott to include RICO charges WASHINGTON – It's no longer just a charge of copyright violation in the case of Michael Savage v. Council on American-Islamic Relations. Now the radio talk star is going for the legal jugular in his battle with the group that bills itself as a Muslim civil rights organization. The San Francisco-based talker has amended his lawsuit against CAIR for misusing audio clips of his show as part of a boycott campaign against his three-hour daily program to include charges the group "has consistently sought to silence opponents of violent terror through economic blackmail, frivolous but costly lawsuits, threats of lawsuits and abuses of the legal system." The amended lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in Northern California, also charges CAIR with using exto...

Romney's Gay Mafia Christmas Present

What is the difference between Giuliani and Romney? The Gay Mafia's media attacked Huckbee for saying Merry Christmas and daring to mention Jesus during Happy Holidays season. The Gay Mafia supports Romney and Giuliani for promoting "homosexual 'marriage,' same-sex adoption and pro- homosexuality indoctrination of schoolchildren." What is the difference between Giuliani and Romney? Romney seems to be deeper in the pocket of the Gay Mafia. Even Giuliani seems afraid to give a "Christmas Present to the 'Gay' Lobby." Fred Mitt Romney's Christmas Present to the 'Gay' Lobby Should End Pro-Family Leaders' Support for his Candidacy CHICAGO, December 26 /Christian Newswire/ -- Peter LaBarbera, longtime pro- family advocate and founder of the Republicans For Family Values website, is calling on pro-family leaders who have endorsed Mitt Romney to withdraw their support for his candidacy in light of his recent comments on NBC's "Mee...

Was Romney the Most Pro-abortion/Gay Mafia Republican Official in the Nation?

Romney was probably the most pro-abortion and pro-gay rights Republican official in the nation for the last decade. The idea that he has suddenly become a conservative after a decade of liberal actions and statements would be merely amusing were it not for the fact that he's running for the presidency and that many conservatives are falling for this act. [] The Mitt Romney Deception by Brian Camenker, MassResistance November 20, 2006 [Download as Word format] Despite recent statements across the country by Governor Mitt Romney claiming he's pro-life, pro-family and a committed conservative, a broad investigation of his actual statements, actions, and public positions over the years indicates that he has spent his entire career speaking and governing as a liberal - and that his new fou...

Will Hillary be Bill's Vice President?

Which Clinton Running the Show? By Dick Morris & Eileen McGann As Bill Clinton crisscrosses America defending his wife's candidacy, he's fueling speculation about who'd be in charge should Hillary be elected. Sen. Clinton — the incredible shrinking candidate — seems at times almost a bystander at her husband's campaign, merely playing a somewhat more active role than she did in '92. In our modern era of dynastic politics, the elder members of the dynasties have a duty to step aside to let their less experienced heirs shine. Former President George H.W. Bush, for example, has stayed well out of the limelight to let his son have center stage. Yet Bill Clinton is playing an ever-larger role in his wife's campaign. At first, his appearances were novel and politically helpful. But then they came to underscore her weakness. It was as if Dennis Thatcher had stood up for Maggie as she faced down the Argentine junta in the Falklands war. Now, Bill's oversized pre...

Romney and Same Sex Marriage

Excellent Comment!! Thank you Tom. Tom Lang said... Excellent Post!! With regards to Same Sex Marriage in Massachusetts... when is Romney going to fess up to the fact that he was negotiating with the Log Cabin President, Patrick Guerriero back in 2004 to accept Civil Unions? If you remember, Goodridge happened and our legislature was looking at "The Compromise Amendment" which would offer Civil Unions en lieu of marriage. Most of us were saying "NO" to civil unions, however playing the game of chess Romney was opting for civil unions instead of marriage or nothing. Unfortunately the Log Cabin Republicans were hoping of negotiating a "safe" civil union for LGBT at the expense of Goodridge and Guerriero wanted to be "our savior" with his backroom deal with Romney. History needs to be told!

Huckabee Outdistances Romney 37% to 23%

Huckabee gains Among Iowa Republicans, the poll found that Huckabee dominates Romney and the rest of the field not only among born-again Christians and regular churchgoers but also among women and the disaffected. He was supported by 46% of women surveyed, and 44% of voters who say the country is headed in the wrong direction. Huckabee argues that the Republican Party needs to acknowledge the pocketbook anxieties of middle-class voters. The GOP contest in Iowa is essentially a two-man race: Huckabee's 37% and Romney's 23% outdistance McCain and former Sen. Fred Thompson of Tennessee, both with 11%; and former New York Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, Rep. Ron Paul of Texas and Rep. Duncan Hunter of Alpine, Calif., who all register in single digits. The Republican pecking order is completely different in New Hampshire, where evangelical conservatives hold less sway. There, Huckabee barely registers, backed by only 9%, while Romney leads with 34%. But McCain has made notable gains in r...

"[Huckabee] has to Win Iowa. If he does, he will be the Favorite . . . for the Nomination"

PJB: Is It Down to Mitt and Mike? posted by Linda by Patrick J. Buchanan Not since 1952 has the nation entered a presidential year with greater seeming uncertainty as to who will face off in November. Early that year, Tennessee Sen. Ernest Kefauver upset Harry Truman in New Hampshire, relieving the nation by dashing Harry’s hopes for another four years. The Republican race would be a titanic struggle between the Eastern Establishment’s Gen. Dwight Eisenhower and “Mr. Republican,” Ohio Sen. Robert Taft, the conservative paragon. Splitting the primaries between them, Ike and Taft fought all the way to the convention, where Ike’s Texas delegates were seated and Bob Taft’s booted. How important was that race? Ike would win and serve two terms. His young running mate, Richard Nixon, would be twice elected president. A dark horse for that GOP nomination, Gov. Earl Warren of California, who threw his support to Ike at a critical moment, would be named chief justice. Out of that Republican rac...

Romney Deliberate Deception

Romney Deliberate Deception I don't know about you, but I was fully expecting to open up the Boston Globe and find Kris Mineau of Mitt's, oops I mean Mass Family Institute recounting the day he marched through the streets of Detroit with Martin Luther King, Mitt and George Romney. When you think about it, it all makes sense. Like Harvey the invisible rabbit, Mitt was with us on the March to protect life, Mitt was with us on the march to protect the sanctity of marriage, Mitt was with us on the march to recuse our children from his sex education policies teaching young girls to sleep with any irresponsible person that comes along while throwing them a condom, Mitt marched with Catholics trying to obtain our constitutional right to refer rape victims to a facility five minutes away if they have ovulated and wish to take emergency contraception to end a potential pregnancy. Why wouldn't they have all marched with Martin in Detroit? If you haven't seen today's story...

Romney's Gay Mafia Christmas Present

What is the difference between Giuliani and Romney? The Gay Mafia's media attacked Huckbee for saying Merry Christmas and daring to mention Jesus during Happy Holidays season. The Gay Mafia supports Romney and Giuliani for promoting "homosexual 'marriage,' same-sex adoption and pro- homosexuality indoctrination of schoolchildren." What is the difference between Giuliani and Romney? Romney seems to be deeper in the pocket of the Gay Mafia. Even Giuliani seems afraid to give a "Christmas Present to the 'Gay' Lobby." Fred Mitt Romney's Christmas Present to the 'Gay' Lobby Should End Pro-Family Leaders' Support for his Candidacy CHICAGO, December 26 /Christian Newswire/ -- Peter LaBarbera, longtime pro- family advocate and founder of the Republicans For Family Values website, is calling on pro-family leaders who have endorsed Mitt Romney to withdraw their support for his candidacy in light of his recent comments on NBC's "Mee...

Anti-Christians Attack Christmas and Huckabee

Huckabee Stands by Christmas Campaign Ad By ELIZABETH WHITE, Associated Press Writer Sunday, December 23, 2007 (12-23) 20:08 PST SAN ANTONIO (AP) -- Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee made no apologies Sunday for the religious tone of a recent holiday campaign commercial and said it is important to look for Jesus at this time of year. "You can find Santa at every mall. You can find discounts in every store," Huckabee said from the pulpit of Cornerstone Church. "But if you mention the name of Jesus, as I found out recently, it upsets the whole world. Forgive me, but I thought that was the point of the whole day." Huckabee was referring to the ad airing in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina that shows him in a red sweater in front of a Christmas tree as he asks, "Are you about worn out by all the television commercials you've been seeing, mostly about politics? Well, I don't blame you. At this time of year sometimes it's nice to pull ...

Some Reasons we should Vote for Huckabee instead of Paul

Some Reasons we should Vote for Huckabee instead of Paul Here are some reasons to get behind Huckabee from Fred For some reason, this year’s slot of Republicans has included a few surprisingly decent candidates, the like of which we have not seen in a long time. In fact, some of us have forgotten what a real conservative is like, after the Bushes, the Doles and the Fords. To hear candidates seriously discussing concepts like eliminating the IRS, and giving more than lip service to the pro-life cause, would have been inconceivable in the last presidential election. However, some hard choices are going to have to be made and soon if we conservatives don’t want someone like Romney, Guiliani or Thompson to get the GOP nomination. Like it or not, we are going to have to unite behind one conservative candidate, capable of not only disposing of phonies like Romney or Guiliani, but also of going all the way to the White House in 2008. Cong. Paul, that most ve...

Three Courageous Pro-Life Heroes Still in Jail

Three Courageous Pro-Life Heroes Still in Jail MANCHESTER, New Hampshire, Dec. 22 /Christian Newswire/ -- Right now, three courageous pro-life heroes - Joan Andrews-Bell, her son Emiliano, and "Lifeboat Willy" - are serving a 5-day sentence in Manchester, New Hampshire for their part in a peaceful "sit-in" outside the office of GOP Presidential Candidate Rudy Giuliani. They refused to pay a $240 fine, and were jailed at the rate of $50 per day. On the day before there arrest, eleven others (myself included) were arrested for the same activities. We are free, awaiting trial. The purpose of these arrests is simple: draw attention to Rudy Giuliani and his hard-core support of child- killing by abortion. Rudy has done a masterful job hiding his pro-death, pro-homosexual marriage agenda, and has been selling himself as a "conservative Republican." Our efforts have proven successful thus far; major newspapers have been carrying the unfolding story, and the web i...

Patriots Dilemma

> From: > [] > Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2007 2:21 PM > To: > Subject: Patriots Dilemma > > THE ROAD TO REPUBLICAN REDEMPTION > "The federal government is now an astounding 185 > times as big in real > terms as it was a century ago. A general sense that > Republicans have > forgotten why they were sent to Washington is a big > reason why the GOP > lost control of Congress last year. The road to > redemption has to > include a crackdown on earmarks, which Oklahoma > Senator Tom Coburn calls > 'the gateway drug to higher spending in many other > areas.'" > - John Fund, Political Diary, 12/21/07 > > I understand that people are frustrated with the > Republicans. So am I. > I think there ought to be some way to punish the > Republicans for not > being conservative/constitutionalist and not doing a > better ...

Conservative Choice for President

--- wrote: > Subject: Conservative Choice for President, Pat > Buchanan web site. > > From the web site of Pat Buchanan, is this great > article by Chuck Baldwin, former Vice-Presidential > nominee of Constitutional Party. > > No real conservative could support GOP front runners > like Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, John McCain, or > Fred Thompson. When it comes to historic > conservative principles, each of these men is as > phony as a three dollar bill. They are now > attempting to cast themselves as conservatives. Mike > Huckabee is dismal (liberal) on immigration and Big > Brother issues. > > And speaking of Christianity, Ron Paul’s testimony > is clear. He has publicly acknowledged Jesus Christ > as his personal Savior. And for Paul, this is not > political posturing, it is a genuine personal > commitment. > > Just recently, Ron Paul said these words, “I have >...

Presidential Race: Tancredo Out; Giuliani Falling

Presidential Race: Tancredo Out; Giuliani Falling Posted by Bobby Eberle December 20, 2007 at 7:18 am >> Printer-Friendly Version According to news reports, Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo will announce on Thursday his plans to leave the presidential race. Although his campaign never gained momentum, Tancredo can take heart in knowing that he nearly single-handedly changed the face of American political debate. Through his efforts, Tancredo took issues such as border security and illegal immigration and brought them out of the cellar and into mainstream political discourse. When Tom Tancredo used to talk about illegal immigration, you could feel the audience collectively cringe. "He's talking about THAT issue?" people would say to themselves. Much like social security, illegal immigration was something that just wasn't discussed. However, Tancredo persevered and turned the third-rail issue of illegal immigration into the most important issue facing Americans ...

Questions Republican Candidates Should Answer

Questions Republican Candidates Should Answer December 19, 2007 by Phyllis Schlafly Why are questions about Communist China asked only in the Democratic presidential debates? We want to know what the Republican candidates plan to do about China sending us poisoned foods and toys. All presidential candidates should be asked what they plan to do about the fact that free trade with China means acquiescing in gross discrimination against U.S. products and jobs. The Chinese avoid a level trading field by artificially undervaluing their currency up to 40 percent, subsidizing their products, and imposing import duties against U.S. products that are ten times higher than tariffs on their products in U.S. stores. Our free-trade negotiators routinely accept trade agreements that give other countries the right to charge higher tariffs than we charge for similar products. For example, the Chinese Chery car will face a 2.5 percent tariff when sold in the U.S., but U.S. autos entering China will be ...

"Hijacking Medical Ethics" and "Mass Deception" for Abortion

"Hijacking Medical Ethics" and "Mass Deception" for Abortion writes: A cheap shot from ACOG By Judie Brown The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists is once again attempting to hijack medical ethics. Because of ACOG’s history of mass deception, which I will detail in the paragraphs to follow, this latest action should not have surprised me. But because of the organization’s growing audacity, its most recent pronouncement shocked even me. The political effort to protect so-called reproductive medicine has led ACOG to the conclusion, according to its Committee on Ethics, that even when healthcare providers have moral concerns about a decision a patient has made, they may not allow those concerns to translate into a refusal to provide a “service” or a prescription to that patient. If one examines this premise and the committee’s language, it becomes painfully clear that the target for the statement is the Christian medical community. Fo...

Barack Obama = Planned Parenthood

Barack Obama Has Cozy Relationship With Pro-Abortion Planned Parenthood Washington, DC ( -- Illinois Sen. Barack Obama is getting renewed attention from voters and has caught pro-abortion rival Hillary Clinton in Iowa and New Hampshire polls. While some voters appreciate his fresh perspective, Obama has a long-standing relationship with the nation's leading abortion business. As profiled earlier, Clinton has attacked Obama for voting present on several abortion-related bills while he was a member of the Illinois state legislature. Yet, those votes came only because he worked intimately with the Illinois Planned Parenthood Council in a concerted effort to try to defeat the pro-life bills. The Council's CEO Pam Sutherland talked about the cozy relationship her group had with Obama during a July ABC News interview. She said Obama voted present on bills related to partial-birth abortions, parental notification, and providing medical care for newborns who s...

Police Attack Pro-lifers In Shocking Display of Abuse

From: Operation Rescue To: Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 10:33 AM Subject: Action Item: Police Attack Pro-lifers In Shocking Display of Abuse Police Attack Pro-lifers In Shocking Display of Abuse Rancho Cucamonga, CA - Three members of the Survivors were arrested on Tuesday, November 13, 2007, on Chaffey College campus in Rancho Cucamonga, California, in one of the most egregious displays of police misconduct that we have heard about in years. The three young men, Joey Cox, and brothers James and Jason Conrad, were on campus to obtain permits for a pro-life outreach at the college. They had learned through many experiences to record their dealings for their protection. At Chaffey, the young men had both video and audio recorders running. In this instance, college police objected to the taping. Without warning, and without identifying themselves as officers, Joey was attacked, shoved to the ground, and his audio recorder forcibly removed from his pocket. Joey ...

"We will tear down the conservative facade that Rudy has built"

'Stop Rudy!' Campaign Begins in New Hampshire; Picketing, Leafleting, and More MEDIA ADVISORY, Dec. 13 /Christian Newswire/ -- On Dec 17-19 and Jan 4-8, Randall Terry and volunteers from several states and New Hampshire will expose "the real Rudy" in a series of events in Manchester, Concord, and Portsmouth. "We will tear down the conservative facade that Rudy has built - to keep him from lying and seducing his way into the White House." Randall Terry What: Public Pickets and Leafleting in front of Giuliani Headquarters (and nearby) in Manchester, Concord, and Portsmouth - daytime, Dec 17th -19th Public Meetings: 7-9 pm, Dec 17 and 18 at Caesario's Restaurant, 1057 Elm Street, Manchester NH Who: 20+ volunteers from several states working with New Hampshire residents Statement from Randall Terry: "Some say, 'Mr. Terry, you are from Florida; others are from various states. Why are you coming to New Hampshire?' "Answer: New Hampshire is Am...