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Showing posts from January, 2022

"Mike Pence let down the entire nation when he certified the fraudulent results in the 2020 Election. He had every right and the duty to do what was right and he chose to side with corruption instead"

President Trump: If Vice President Pence had “absolutely no right” to change Presidential Election results – How Come Democrats and RINOs Are Trying to Pass Legislation to Block it in the Future?  

Thomistic Metaphysics

 By James Larson “ We so heartily approve the magnificent tribute of praise bestowed upon this most divine genius that We consider that Thomas should be called not only the Angelic, but also the Common or Universal Doctor of the Church; for the Church has adopted his philosophy for her own .” ( Pius XI, Studiorum Ducem ) “We therefore desired that all teachers of philosophy and sacred theology should be warned that if they deviate so much as a step, in metaphysics especially, from Aquinas, they exposed themselves to grave risk .” (Pius X, Doctoris Angelici )           “Metaphysics” can tend to be an intimidating word to most Catholics. It is usually defined as the science of “being, considered simply as being,” a definition which itself can seem imposing. Since metaphysics is considered the basis of all other philosophical inquiry and disciplines, it is therefore imperative that we begin by eliminating much of the unnecessary “...

Former CNN and CBS Anchor Attkisson: "Fact-checks are... created for the purpose of distributing Narratives and Propaganda" & Bp. Barron's new "New Reign of Terror"?

January 24, 2022   Bishop Barron's 'police Catholic media' proposal shows laypeople don’t trust bishops... LifeSiteNews Five-time Emmy Award winner, and a Radio Television Digital News Association (RTNDA) Edward R. Murrow Award recipient, Sharyl Attkisson , who was formerly an anchor for CNN and CBS News stated that "Fact-checks are... created for the purpose of distributing narratives and propaganda." Here is what Attkisson told EpochTV’s “American Thought Leaders : Mr. Jekielek: What are you trying to do to me here? The whole phenomenon is strange. You’ll have these people who really aren’t qualified fact-checking people like Dr. Robert Malone, an expert in vaccine technology. It’s just kind of bizarre. Ms. Attkisson: One has to understand, as I’ve tried to describe, that nearly every mode of information has been co-opted, if it can be co-opted, by some group. Fact-checks are no different either. They’ve been co-opted in many insta...