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Showing posts from July, 2022

Is "Facist-Communist" Biden going to Displace you as happened in Mexico?

Today, the Market Ticker reminded me of what happened in Mexico and caused the illegal immigration explosion when it reported "Oh Look, Now They're Normalizing Displacing You!": Rising real-estate prices are stoking fears that homeownership, long considered a core component of the American dream, is slipping out of reach for low- and moderate-income Americans. That may be so — but a nation of renters is not something to fear. In fact, it’s the opposite. [Atlantic article] Complete crap... ... Renters have none of this ;  they are subject to the vagaries of the market and liquification of said market  screws them as often as it helps .  A renter who has a stable job and wants to raise kids with some continuity but has the market turned into a casino can and will be forced out at the whim of a landlord  or local tax assessor  who make it impossible to remain in their home. There is no possible way to consider this is a ...

Are the China Puppet Cowards Biden & Pelosi going cause the "Loss of Access to Taiwan's Chips [that] May Kickstart a [Deeper] Recession"?

Will She or Won’t She? [Biden-like Coward] Pelosi Leaves Taiwan Off Asia Trip Itinerary U.S. recession would be 'deep and immediate' if it ... - Fortune Loss of Access to Taiwan's Chips May Kickstart a Recession ... Telegram Gettr Share Advertiseme  

….What Cd. Burke (and any remaining Catholic Cardinals) need to do is follow up on what he laid out in 2016. They need to declare that Francis has either lost his office through numerous public heresies, or else that he never attained it to begin with: BRING ON THE SEQUEL TO THE GREAT WESTERN SCHISM

….What Cd. Burke (and any remaining Catholic Cardinals) need to do is follow up on what he laid out in 2016. They need to declare that Francis has either lost his office through numerous public heresies, or else that he never attained it to begin with BRING ON THE SEQUEL TO THE GREAT WESTERN SCHISM Limits on Papal Authority

Limits on Papal Authority This document does not try to demonstrate that the Extraordinary Magisterium has ever erred, I believe that it cannot. Moreover, I do not wish to argue that anything about the limits of papal authority has been positively defined. My only business is to document the fact that the Tradition speaks clearly that papal authority is limited and makes pretty clear what these limits are. Papal authority is limited as regards to: the ends it should be used to attain; its credibility when the charism of infallibility is not explicitly invoked; how the result of any particular exercise of infallible authority is to be understood and how it can be known that it has in fact been exercised. Conservative Catholics who wish to make of the pope some sort of everyday inspired mouthpiece of God would be well advised to read and learn well the facts of history which make it quite clear that he is no such thing. ST. VINCENT OF LERINS (CA. 400-CA. 450) "What then sh...