How Do We End the Bloody Tuesday Nightmare? Operation Rescue rightly called election 2006 Bloody Tuesday. Operation Rescue President Troy Newman said: “America has voted and the bloody results have placed the most vulnerable among us, the pre-born, in the cross-hair for continued extermination.” There is only one way to end the Bloody Tuesday Nightmare. It is not by pointing fingers, but by understanding what happened and praying to God to help us do His will. Dr. Theresa Burke's book on post-abortion therapy, Forbidden Grief: The Unspoken Pain of Abortion, shows us that America has become a nightmare culture caused by trauma. Burke applies psychology to cure this trauma, but says that the abortion trauma can only be completely healed if one asks for and receives God's mercy. If the grief of abortion is not healed, then the world becomes a Freddy Krueger-like nightmare. Burke maintains that the horror icons of the United States such as Freddy Krueger and the "evil ch...