Advice from a Poet, Novelist and Webmaster The Highbridge Press published Kathryn Lively’s pro-life novel, Little Flowers, in May with good reviews. She is a now working on a mystery novel. Lively is in the HTML Writers Guild, the Catholic Writers Association(CWA) and the CWA webmaster. Q. What advice would you give to persons wanting to become a writer? A. The best writing advice I ever received came from one of my college professors: if you want to write, just write! I usually supplement this advice with some of my own, namely by advising people to find what works best for them in terms of writing. If a person is comfortable composing directly onto the computer keyboard, that person should write that way. If person is more comfortable either keeping a journal or writing drafts by hand, by all means he should do that. A person can not become a writer unless he makes the time to do it and then actually does it. Q. You have written freelance articles for business magazines, what is the ...