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Showing posts from July, 2008

Was Marshall Ganz "Kicked Out" by Cesar Chavez?

Did Ganz Stage an Overthrow of Cesar Chavez? The Official Web Page of the United Farm Workers of America "Marshall Ganz was kicked out for trying to stage an overthrow of the Unions leadership because he had a difference of opinion. differences of opinion are respected, internal overthrows are not. Pawel says that the "purge" was about control for Cesar when in fact it was about control for Ganz who wanted to be a great leader like Cesar." [] The Official Web Page of the United Farm Workers of America In a message dated 1/12/2006 3:50:07 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, Dear Editor, I have been following your recent four part series "UFW: A Broken Contract" very closely and am upset about the irresponsible journalism by the Writer Miriam Pawel. The piece poses itself as responsible investigative journalism but reeks of opinion, misinformation, personal tie...