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Showing posts from September, 2008

Secret "Small Donors" Raise $200 Million, Obama Won't Disclose Names SECRETS...LIES..FOREIGN MONEY FLOODS OBAMA'S CAMP!!! More than half of the whopping $426.9 million Barack Obama has raised has come from small donors whose names the Obama campaign won't disclose. And questions have arisen about millions more in foreign donations the Obama campaign has received that apparently have not been vetted as legitimate. Obama has raised nearly twice that of John McCain's campaign, according to new campaign finance report. But because of Obama’s high expenses during the hotly contested Democratic primary season and an early decision to forgo public campaign money and the spending limits it imposes, all that cash has not translated into a financial advantage — at least, not yet. The Obama campaign and the Democratic National Committee began September with $95 million in cash, according to reports filed with the Federal Election Commission (...

Will Christianity be a Hate Crime if Same-Sex Marriage Proposition 8 Wins?

Gay Canada is Proposition 8's model of change for the USA. Fred Catholicism - A Hate Crime in Canada? June 4th, 2008 by Pete Vere “If one, because of one’s sincerely held moral beliefs, whether it be Jew, Muslim, Christian, Catholic, opposes the idea of same-sex marriage in Canada, is that considered ‘hate’?” The question was not rhetorical. Nor was it theoretical. Fr. Alphonse de Valk, a Basilian priest and pro-life activist known throughout Canada for his orthodoxy, is currently being investigated by the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) — a quasi-judicial investigative body with the power of the Canadian government behind it. The CHRC is using section 13 of Canada’s Human Rights Act to investigate the priest. This is a section under which no defendant has ever won once the allegation has gone to tribunal — the next stage of the process. Most defendants end up paying thousands of dollars in fines and compensation. This is in addition to various court costs. Moreover, defend...

Is Obama the Manchurian Candidate? The Jihad Candidate by Rich Carroll Conspiracy theories make for interesting novels when the storyline is not so absurd that it can grasp our attention. 'The Manchurian Candidate' and 'Seven Days in May' are examples of plausible chains of events that captures the reader's imagination at best-seller level. 'What if' has always been the solid grist of fiction. Get yourself something cool to drink, find a relaxing position, but before you continue, visualize the television photos of two jet airliners smashing into the Twin Towers in lower Manhattan and remind yourself this cowardly act of Muslim terror was planned for eight years. How long did it take Islam and their oil money to find a candidate for President of the United States? As long as it took them to place a Senator from Illinois and Minnesota? The same amount of time to create a large Muslim enclave in Detroit? The time it ...

"Mad Bomber" Mastermind behind Barack Obama's Rise to Power William Ayers has been the mastermind behind Barack Obama's rise to power in Chicago. Obama continues to deny the truth. Barack Obama and William Ayers: Finally exposed PART ONE BY ANDY MARTIN Executive Editor 'Factually Correct, Not Politically Correct' AMERICA'S #1 POLITICAL BLOG ON THE 2008 CAMPAIGN -- We're not always first because we're #1; We're #1 because we are always first. -- WILLIAM AYERS HAS BEEN THE MASTERMIND BEHIND THE RISE OF BARACK OBAMA AYERS HAS DESIGNED AN OBAMA CAMPAIGN STRUCTURE WHICH IS BASED ON AYERS' THEORIES OF MAOIST REVOLUTION. THE CHICAGO VERSION OF "FRIENDS" OBAMA LIED TO ABC NEWS AND A NATIONAL TV AUDIENCE (NEW YORK, NY)(September 9, 2008) Nailing down the relationship between "mad bomber" William Ayers and Barack Obama has been the greatest challenge of the 2008 presidential campaign. The second biggest challenge of 2008 has been decipher...

Obama's Economic Adviser Caused the Present Economic Calamity

Obama economic adviser Robert Rubin, Bill Clinton's treasury secretary, caused the present economic calamity by repealing the of the Glass-Steagall Act, passed during the Great Depression. Fred Martinez "Near the end of his eight years in office, Clinton signed into law the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999, one of the most far-reaching banking reforms since the Great Depression. It swept aside parts of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 that had provided significant regulatory firewalls between commercial banks, insurance companies, securities firms, and investment banks. . . Wall Street had been lobbying for years for an end to Glass-Steagall, but it had not received much support before Clinton. Among those with a personal interest in the demise of Glass-Steagall was Robert Rubin, who had months earlier stepped down as treasury secretary to become chair of Citigroup, a financial-services con...

Bias " is the Biggest Travesty" MSM’s Corrupt Truth Squads Posted by Dirty Harry on Saturday, September 20th, 2008 Most every time you turn on MSNBC or CNN — or click on over to the likes of the Washington Post’s Howard Kurtz,, and ABC’s Jake Tapper – they’re constantly proclaiming themselves the high and mighty arbiters of truth with their so-called “Truth Squads,” and I’m telling you this is the single most insidious thing going on in the campaign right now. Obviously they are taking hammer and tong to McCain with much more frequency than Obama, the result of which effectively undercuts both McCain’s legitimate criticisms of Obama and McCain’s credibility. This is a disgustingly bias practice with most McCain attacks being taken wildly out of context in order to be proven false and Obama given a pass on such things as the disgraceful Rush Limbaugh ad – which got scant, scant coverage compared to McCain’s “lipstick” ad — and of course the media can read Obama’s mind...

The Biggest Loser: Press Credibility--along with The Biggest Loser: Press Credibility--along with Saturday, September 13, 2008 at 1:01 pm — admin The following was posted today on --an interview with Mark Penn, former Clinton campain Chief Strategist. (It is also a cover story on Real Clear Politics.) As a journalist, i couldn't agree more with Mr. Penn....the Press has absolutley lost credibiity in this much so that I, a member and long-time defender of the 4th Estate, am full of shame. Here is an excerpt from Penn's CBS interview: ----------------- Mark Penn: Well, no, I think the people themselves saw unfair media coverage of Senator Clinton. I think if you go back, the polls reflected very clearly what "Saturday Night Live" crystallized in one of their mock debates about what was happening with the press. I think here the media is on very dangerous ground. I think that when you see them goin...

Why Reparation is Needed for America

Archbishop Sheen Today! -- Reparation By Barbara Kralis © Catholic Online 2004 “My sin is always before me,” Ps.50 In the face of spreading agnosticism and relativism, the term 'reparation' is most unusual. Moreover, not only is the term unusual but also is its theology. We witness today the loss of the meaning of penance, prayer, fasting, confession, and reparation. The modernists call it change when its real name is decay. Why Reparation is Needed for America In a culture where sin is no longer considered sin, why should anyone make reparation? How many today remove the body of Christ from the Crucifix and look only at the empty cross. If we Christians have a Crucifix before us, instead of an empty cross, we cannot forget about sin and reparation. "Paccatum meum contra me est semper." [1] To understand 'reparation,' we first have to understand what St. Paul was teaching the Colossians about our cooperation in Christ's sufferings. The following is part ...

Election Novena 2008 Election Novena 2008 A 54 Day Rosary Novena Novena Intention "For an outcome of the November election which is pleasing to Almighty God, and which best serves the eternal and temporal interests of all of His children." Please Help Spread the Word !!! 1. Tell everyone you know, especially those without internet access about this prayer campaign and help them in whatever way you can to participate themselves, as well as to enlist the participation of everyone they know. 2. E-mail everyone on every e-mail list you have. Tell them about the novena, and be sure to include the URL of this web site. 3. Inform your bishop about the novena and ask that he support its promotion throughout the diocese. 4. Approach your diocesan superintendent of education and request that the novena be promoted in the Catholic schools. 5. Approach your diocesan newspaper and ask the editor to promote the campaign in any way possible. 6. Approach your Catholic broad...

Why is Obama's AP not Condemning his Supporters Goon-Squad Tactics?

Why is Obama not condemning his supporters goon-squad tactics? Is it possible he is behind them. Why is AP not condemning Obama supporters goon-squad tactics? "The Associated Press obtained all the emails and ran stories about their contents, but when the Secret Service contacted AP on Wednesday and asked for copies of the leaked emails, AP hesitated to cooperate." [] Is AP Obama's Pavada? Fred ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- September 19, 2008 Obama Releases His "In-Your-Face" Hounds by Michelle Malkin Warning: If your neighbor's got an "Obama '08" bumper sticker or lawn sign, you might want to double-check your door locks at night. The One has commanded his Purveyors of Change to go forth...

Hillary Refuses to be Obama's Anti-Palin “Attack Dog”

"Clinton has said she’ll hit the road for Obama, but her team says she refuses to be an anti-Palin 'attack dog.' Further complicating matters for Obama, Hillaryland fundraiser Susie Tompkins Buell is leading a group that will fight media sexism against the Alaska governor." Could Clinton Have Palin-Proofed Dems? Politico: As McCain Gains Female Support After Palin Pick, 'What If' Question Hangs Over Obama Camp Comments 1505 Sep 10, 2008 E-Mail Story Print Story Sphere Share Text Size: A A A Videos Photos Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton appeared at a Women For Obama finance breakfast in New York, New York, on Thursday, July 10, 2008. (Sipa via AP Images) Women Inspired By Clinton Although Hillary Clinton has ended her bid for the Democratic presidential nomination, many women and young girls throughout the nation have been inspired by her campaig...

Hillary Fundraiser to Fight Media Sexism Against Palin Could Clinton Have Palin-Proofed Dems? Politico: As McCain Gains Female Support After Palin Pick, 'What If' Question Hangs Over Obama Camp Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton appeared at a Women For Obama finance breakfast in New York, New York, on Thursday, July 10, 2008. (Sipa via AP Images) Women Inspired By Clinton Although Hillary Clinton has ended her bid for the Democratic presidential nomination, many women and young girls throughout the nation have been inspired by her campaign. Nancy Cordes reports. | Share/Embed » More Videos Related Timeline Palin's Path A look at Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's life and career Photo Essay United Front Rivals turned allies Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton make show of unity ... in Unity. Stories Who's Swaying Female Undecided Voters? Palin's Female Connection Campaign Blog: New McCain Spot Argues Economy I...