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Showing posts from February, 2008

Abortionist Obama: "The First Thing I’d do as President is, is Sign the Freedom of [Abortion] Choice Act"

Coming soon Planned Parenthood’s Barack Obama as the Abortionist President. Fred Barack Obama before Planned Parenthood Action Fund, July 17, 2007 Dessa Cosma: [W]hat would you do at the federal level not only to ensure access to abortion but to make sure that the judicial nominees that you will inevitably be able to pick are true to the core tenets of Roe v. Wade? Barack Obama: Well, the first thing I’d do as president is, is sign the Freedom of Choice Act. []

Obama Strongly Endorses Partial-Birth Abortion

[Barack Hussein Obama] said, "for the first time in Gonzales versus Carhart, the Supreme Court held—upheld a federal ban on abortions with criminal penalties for doctors. For the first time, the Court’s Obama an abortion restriction without an exception for women’s health. The decision presumed that the health of women is best protected by the Court—not by doctors and not by the woman herself. That presumption is wrong." Notice, he doesn't use the words, "Partial-birth Abortion, " because just the name is disgusting and probably because 80% of the American people want it banned and here is why: In this late term gruesome procedure, the entire baby is delivered except for the head, which they make sure stays in the birth canal (otherwise it would be murder), then the back of the baby's head is stabbed with scissors, the hole is enlarged, a rube is inserted and the baby's brains are sucked out with a powerful machine. All the while the baby suffers excruci...

"Creating and Reinforcing Perceptions of Victimization"

Liberialism IS a mental disorder: Saturday, February 16, 2008 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WorldNetDaily Exclusive Top shrink concludes liberals are nuts! Makes case ideology is mental disorder -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted: February 16, 2008 12:23 am Eastern -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WorldNetDaily WASHINGTON – Just when liberals thought it was safe to start identifying themselves as such, an acclaimed, veteran psychiatrist is making the case that the ideology motivating them is actually a mental disorder. "Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded," says Dr. Lyle Rossiter, author of the new book, "The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness." "Like spoiled, angry ...

The Intolerance of Secularism The Intolerance of Secularism Extremists Force Cancellation of Papal Speech at Italy’s Largest University BY EDWARD PENTIN REGISTER CORRESPONDENT January 27- February 2, 2008 Issue | Posted 1/22/08 at 10:08 AM YOU MUST LOGIN TO VIEW THIS ARTICLE To continue reading this article, you must be a subscriber to the print edition of the National Catholic Register. This applies to all articles marked as “Sub Only”. If you’re a print subscriber, and have already registered for a username and password, please login at the left side of this page, below the front page image of the "Current Issue." If you’re a print subscriber, but have not registered for a username and password, you can do so by going to the Registration Page. To register for access to, you will need your account number, which you will find above your name and address in the label area of an actual print copy of the National Catholic Register. If you’re not a print ...

NY Times' Yellow Journalism in the McCain Story

NY Times' Yellow Journalism in the McCain Story Regarding the following: It's no secret that the liberal NY Times wants a Democrat to win the presidency, even going so far as to smear a man's reputation with NO evidence at all. And to put it on the front page, no less. The woman in question did not come forth and substantiate the story. NO ONE did. Unlike Juanita Broaddrick who accused Bill Clinton of raping her, which the Democrat loving NY Times ignored, let lone, putting it on the front page. Then there was Jennifer Flowers who actually came forward and said she had sexual relations with Bill Clinton lasting many years. Again it did not make the front page of the NY Times. But they will INSINUATE on the front page that McCain MIGHT have had an affair with a lobbyist, Ms Iseman. What kind of an affair? No one has even come forward that they even saw them having a cup of coffee together. Had Clinton been a conservative and a Republican, you can bet the NY Times wou...

Why are "Wall Streeters Underwriting" Obama, but not Huckabee?

Stay Classy, Mike Huckabee "The uncool subject is class," author Bell Hooks once wrote. "It's the subject that makes us all tense." What an understatement, considering the two leading "change" candidates in the latest presidential polls. Barack Obama is contending for the Democratic nomination as a candidate who avoids focusing on economic class. He asks us to believe — nay, to "hope" — that the interests of Wall Streeters underwriting his campaign can somehow be "brought together" with the interests of workers harmed by corporate America's wage, job and pension cutbacks. By contrast, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee is competing for the Republican nomination on a call for proletarian solidarity. Next to John Edwards (D), he is the "classiest" presidential candidate, explicitly deriding "plutocracy" and "the Club for Greed" that he correctly says runs Washington. "There's a great need in ...

The Media of Relativism The Media of Relativism BY The Editors February 17-23, 2008 Issue | Posted 2/12/08 at 11:58 AM Pope Benedict XVI sent a message to Catholics who watch TV or movies, or read periodicals that’s in a line with his warning about the “dictatorship of relativism.” In his World Communications Day address, he spoke about finding the truth in the media. The Communications Day theme this year uses a nice little turn of phrase: “Searching for the Truth in Order to Share It With Others.” It’s a good application of the Christian vocation to the media-driven world in which we live. In the message, the Pope recognizes the pervasive presence of the media in contemporary society, “Truly, there is no area of human experience, especially given the vast phenomenon of globalization, in which the media have not become an integral part of interpersonal relations and of social, economic, political and religious development,” he writes. He doesn’t say that with a sigh. ...

Birth Control Mutates Our Fish The consequences of birth control Birth Control Mutates Our Fish 15 Feb 2008 Andrew Flusche Staff Attorney Birth control hurts people—the side effects are well documented. And now there's increasing evidence that hormonal birth control also harms our environment. I wrote about this in a featured column and a new study by the U.S. Geological Survey found the same results. The chemicals in birth control run through women's bodies and out into the water system. The fish are being harmed by this influx of estrogen. The result: intersex fish. You don't have to be an environmentalist to be scared of that! ( LINK ) ► The Pill What is it? The birth control pill is also known as an oral contraceptive. It is a pill taken by mouth daily. It is supposed to work by preventing the woman's body from becoming pregnant if she engages in sexual intercourse. What is in the pill? The birth control pill come...

'Republicans for Choice' Endorses McCain

'Republicans for Choice' Endorses McCain By Penny Starr Senior Staff Writer February 06, 2008 ( - The Republicans for Choice Political Action Committee has endorsed John McCain (R-Ariz.), saying he is the best candidate now that former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani is out of the presidential race. The Republicans for Choice PAC supports Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion, and also wants the Human Life Amendment removed from the plank of the Republican Party. Republicans for Choice founder and Chairwoman Ann E.W. Stone told Cybercast News Service that McCain's pro-life position wasn't an issue. "(McCain) is (pro-life), but it's not at the top of his agenda, not like Huckabee or the born-again Romney," Stone said. "He's shown his willingness to reach across the party, and we look forward to those discussions." Another Republican pro-abortion group, however, has not endorsed McCain or any...

"Flurry of E-Mails, Blog Posts, and Complaints from the Pro-Life Community Pressured YouTube into Reversing their Decision"

14 February 2008 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Michael Hichborn, Director of Media Relations 540.226.9178 YOUTUBE CONCEDES ERROR IN BANNING AMERICAN LIFE LEAGUE'S PRO-LIFE VIDEO Censored Video Restored After Objections from Pro-Life Media and Supporters Washington, D.C. (14 February 2008) – After numerous articles and pressure from Catholic and online media, Google-sponsored YouTube cited a “technical malfunction” as the reason American Life League’s pro-life video was censored by YouTube staff. "Once word got out that YouTube had allowed the Planned Parenthood ads our report was based on to remain on their site, while at the same time censoring our report, a flurry of e-mails, blog posts, and complaints from the pro-life community pressured YouTube into reversing their decision," said Jim Sedlak, vice president of American Life League. The original notification e-mail sent to American Life League by YouTube reads, "After being flagged by members o...

How Birth Control Works A Challenging Truth, Part One: How Birth Control Works By Patti Maguire Armstrong February 9, 2008 How can something be both immense and minute at the same time, something upon which all of human history depends, yet fragile and almost non-existent to the eye? It is the union of an egg and sperm — an embryo. Such is God's way. He takes something smaller than a mustard seed and brings forth all of civilization. After creating everything in the universe single-handedly, He created us in his own image and bestowed upon us the power to become co-creators with Him. Working in union with us, when the sperm unites with the egg, not only has a new human life been set in motion, but so too has a spiritual life. God places an everlasting soul into the being of every son and daughter. Most of us rarely think that deeply about it all. In our worldly way, we forget eternity and begin to affix costs — physical, emotional and monetary. The costs can seem...

Rush vs. McCain

Rush vs. McCain :: Personal Asides: My Interview on Black Radio... McCain's "Calm Down" Not Exactly What the Doctor Ordered... Lessons from the Book "Grace and Power." Posted: 08 Feb 2008 07:52 AM CST WVON Radio. My longtime buddy and former sparring partner when we were on Chicagoland public radio, Cliff Kelley, has become, as many of you know, the authentic voice of the black community and has been celebrated as such because as a former alderman he knows the political situation intimately and is extraordinarily well-spoken, witty and perceptive. Yesterday he called me for comment on his WVON radio show on the decision by my candidate, Mitt Romney, to withdraw. Whether he reached me at a down time or not I cannot say, but it happened just after I had my daily dose of Limbaugh. Hearing that whining and egregious self-justification and puffery... ballooned by an ego that pretends it is kidding but which is truly not and is instead struttingly brag...

Poll Shows John McCain Faces Tough Road in Gaining Conservative Support

Poll Shows John McCain Faces Tough Road in Gaining Conservative Support Less than 30% of conservative activists at the Conservative Political Action Conference "strongly support" him MANASSAS, Va., Feb. 9 /Christian Newswire/ -- Richard A. Viguerie, chairman of, today released the results of a true random poll of 1,000 conservative activists attending the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington, D.C. CPAC is the nation's largest annual gathering of conservatives, and was chosen by former Gov. Mitt Romney as the place where he announced his withdrawal from the GOP presidential race on Thursday. The first question asked of the 1,000 conservative activists was: "In your opinion, is Senator John McCain a true conservative?" The results: Yes 197 (19.7%) No 595 (59.5%) Undecided 208 (20.8%) The second question was: "If Senator John McCain is the Republican nominee, I will..." The results: 299 29.9% "strongly supp...

Why is Ann Coulter Campaigning for Hitler, Hillary and Romney?

Why is Ann Coulter campaigning for Hitler, Hillary and Romney? The one thing all three had in common is a gay agenda. "Coulter noted, if McCain made former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney his vice president, she would support the Republican ticket."[] Romney or Giuliani being the VP would be a reason for me and many pro-family voters not to vote for McCain. Although we could never join Ann in voting for Clinton. Maybe Coulter needs to ask Hillary to make Romney her VP. Fred Unlike McCain, Hitler 'Had a Coherent Tax Policy,' Coulter Says By Matt Purple Correspondent February 08, 2008 (Clarification: Ann Coulter's appeared at the Omni Shoreham hotel but not at CPAC.) Washington ( - In a speech at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C., Friday, just down the hall from the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), author Ann Coulter said that the p...