Queer Men. Who didn’t know that all this rainbow diversity was just a sham? Who actually cared about the “L” in LBGTQWERTY? This was ALWAYS about queer men seeking a privileged status, and especially powerful queer men. Drag Queen story hours? Let’s have a show of hands—who has heard of a Dykes story hour? Can we be serious, here? It’s simply about men wanting to act like women and flaunt it in public. Well, Don Surber went there today, in one of those Emperor has no clothes moments: Lesbians served their purpose. Men take over LGBT suzanne moore @suzanne_moore Police removing lesbians from Cardiff Pride. Right side of history boys? August 27th 2022 1,661 Retweets 8,328 Likes Cardiff, the capital of Wales, held its first gay pride parade in 3 years. Police responded by kicking out a group of lesbians who protest how the T-girls now dominate LGBT. The transwomen have become bully boys. T Rex. These pr...