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Showing posts from August, 2022

....Abp. Viganò: Abp. Lefebvre must be seen as a holy man, not as a schismatic! As a fervent missionary and confessor of the Faith, a zealous defender of Tradition, the priesthood and the Catholic Mass.

....Abp. Viganò: Abp. Lefebvre must be seen as a holy man, not as a schismatic! As a fervent missionary and confessor of the Faith, a zealous defender of Tradition, the priesthood and the Catholic Mass.

Lesbians served their purpose. Men take over LGBT Queer Men. Who didn’t know that all this rainbow diversity was just a sham? Who actually cared about the “L” in LBGTQWERTY? This was ALWAYS about queer men seeking a privileged status, and especially powerful queer men. Drag Queen story hours? Let’s have a show of hands—who has heard of a Dykes story hour? Can we be serious, here? It’s simply about men wanting to act like women and flaunt it in public. Well, Don Surber went there today, in one of those Emperor has no clothes moments: Lesbians served their purpose. Men take over LGBT suzanne moore @suzanne_moore Police removing lesbians from Cardiff Pride. Right side of history boys? August 27th 2022 1,661 Retweets 8,328 Likes Cardiff, the capital of Wales, held its first gay pride parade in 3 years. Police responded by kicking out a group of lesbians who protest how the T-girls now dominate LGBT. The transwomen have become bully boys. T Rex. These pr...

I can confirm that attendance at an SSPX Mass does satisfy the Sunday obligation and is not necessarily sinful, unless one specifically attends Mass there for a bad reason — such as to express a breach from full communion with Pope Benedict. Fr. Zuhlsdorf, a Wanderer columnist, received a piece from a frequent reader, Brian M., to his blog. The reader gave Father permission to post it, if he thought it would be useful. Hi, Lucille — I can confirm that attendance at an SSPX Mass does satisfy the Sunday obligation and is not necessarily sinful, unless one specifically attends Mass there for a bad reason — such as to express a breach from full communion with Pope Benedict. Fr. Zuhlsdorf, a Wanderer columnist, received a piece from a frequent reader, Brian M., to his blog. The reader gave Father permission to post it, if he thought it would be useful. The significant portion of this page is found ...

ASK FATHER: What’s the truth about the SSPX? Posted on 16 April 2020 by Fr. John Zuhlsdorf Comment Section

64 Comments Kenneth Wolfe says: 16 April 2020 at 7:24 PM As the situation with the SSPX continues to develop, I commend you, Father, for also developing your outlook concerning the SSPX. I have a feeling seven years into this pontificate has only helped with that development. [Seven years into this pontificate we have seen concession of faculties to the priests of the SSPX which is a HUGE and new interpretive lens for their situation.] In addition to the points made, I would add the SSPX seminaries have had official visitations commissioned by the Vatican (conducted by Cardinal Walter Brandmuller and Bishop Athanasius Schneider) in recent years. Certainly the Vatican would not be sending a cardinal and bishop to visit a schismatic sect. [That point about the visitation is really good. Also. I recall that my old friend Card. Gagnon was once asked to make a visitation. It is important...