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Showing posts from December, 2023

Interesting posts & talks on why people hoard, fear imperfections in appearance & illness may be mental loops or glitches which The Brain Fitness Program DVD says to help remedy think: "It's not real" "Only brain talking [garbage]" "Only a nominal glitch [garbage]"

The Brain Fitness Program - PBS - YouTube 18:19  /  26:06 • OCD-adjacent disorders What no one tells you about OCD (DEEP DIVE) Hoarding Disorder Hoarding disorder is defined as the acquisition of, and inability to discard, worthless items even though they appear (to others) to have no value. People with compulsive hoarding syndrome may have immense difficulty throwing anything away, from the oldest paper clip, to a used food container, to an out-of-date newspaper, for fear that they might need those items in the future. If they have any doubt at all as to the value of an object, no matter how trivial, they will keep it "just in case." Animal hoarding is when someone has more pets than they’re able to take care of and deny this inability. When an individual struggles with hoarding animals, ...

"One of Mary Ann Glendon's most salient observations is that rights language impoverishes our moral discourse" Rights, the Person, and Conscience in the Catechism Catholic Dossier,  Vol. 3, No. 1: Jan-Feb 1997 Reproduced with permission Janet Smith  * Many have observed that the modern world is so pluralistic in its moral thinking that there is no common moral discourse. Yet there is one mode of moral discourse that seems to have a kind of universal currency and that is the language of human rights. One of Mary Ann Glendon's most salient observations is that rights language impoverishes our moral discourse. It reduces all moral claims to claims of justice. Entire other spheres of moral discourse are forgotten. One considerable challenge that the Church faces in modern times is finding a way of conveying its moral teaching to an age that most manifestly does not share the moral presuppositions of the Church. The Church holds many views very contrary to the modern age; for instance, that there are moral absolutes; that suffering ca...