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Showing posts from April, 2021

Francis Effect: "Counterrevolution[ary]" Traditional Latin Mass Attendees have "seen Unprecedented Growth during his Papacy" that may Overthrow the Novus Ordo Mass

December 01, 2019 New York Daily News reported that the fifty year-old Novus Ordo Mass is destroying the Catholic Church in America "[s]ince the 1960s, Mass attendance has plummeted, from around 70% of U.S. Catholics every Sunday and Holy Day." Ironically, however, the anti-Latin Mass Francis has inadvertently caused "a counterrevolution of sorts" that may overthrow the Novus Ordo Mass: "Fifty years ago this weekend, the Catholic Church debuted a new version of Mass following reforms made by the 1960s’ Second Vatican Council. From the use of vernacular language instead of Latin, to the priest facing the people instead of the tabernacle, the changes became mandatory at all parishes on the First Sunday of Advent 1969." "... The resurgence of the traditional Latin Mass started before Francis, but has seen unprecedented growth during his papacy, a counterrevolution of sorts that some (both admirably and critically) call an alte

Help your Family Connect in the Kitchen?

January 14, 2008 New Year – New Beginnings! If your family is feeling stressed, why not resolve to make a commitment to eat regular meals together? Research proves that children who eat with their parents five or more times a week are less likely to engage in risky behaviors. Coming together to prepare and share meals not only allows you to slow down and enjoy healthy food, it also helps you to build stronger relationships with the people you care about the most. Looking for tips and recipes to help your family connect in the kitchen? Fr. Leo’s new book Grace Before Meals: Recipes for Family Life is full of the information you need to strengthen your bond. []  

Why Europe is Dying and Why the US is Next?

November 18, 2006 Please read Paul Cameron's letter below to see why as the US continues along the Gay agenda we are not far behind Europe. Fred Traditionally, good citizens did three things:1) produced more stuff than they consumed.2) obeyed laws and customs.3) raised children in marriage. An ever-growing fraction of citizens are choosing not to have children, thereby ‘leaching’ off the efforts of those who do. Among this fraction, homosexuals stand out. Winning social approval in spite their sexual activity, they gain an important exemption – they don’t have to do the hard work of producing and raising children because they just don’t feel like it . They would rather follow their sexual desires, or pursue alternatives open to the unencumbered. Homosexuals participate in and reinforce the notion that sexuality is primarily, if not exclusively, recreational. They exemplify the ‘childless by choice,’ and as such, constitute both an index and a cause of childle

Radical Assault Against Fatherhood

January 13, 2008 By Michael D. O'Brien A longish post-script to my newsletter sent out a few days ago. I address this especially to my fellow fathers of families. This morning I re-read an old Zenit news report that quoted from a talk given in the year 2000 by then-Cardinal Josef Ratzinger. It's about fatherhood and the radical assault against fatherhood in societies dominated by materialism. Cardinal Ratzinger refers to both overt tyrannies and to the subtler, potentially more dangerous new totalitarianism of the Western world, and identifies them with the realm of the "Beast of the Apocalypse." He says that God himself "willed to manifest and describe himself as Father ... Human fatherhood gives us an anticipation of what He is. But when this fatherhood does not exist, when it is experienced only as a biological phenomenon, without its human and spiritual dimension, all statements about God the Father are empty. The crisis of fatherhood

Is the DC Capitol Incident Comparable to the Nazi Reichstag Fire Incident where the German People Lost their Civil Liberties?

January 10, 2021 The former governor of California and actor Arnold Schwarzenegger in a video compared the January 6 United States Capital protest incident which was apparently partly infiltrated by leftist activists to the Nazi " Night of Broken Glass" incident, but he is wrong and should compare it to the Reichstag Fire incident where the German people lost their civil liberties. [ and ] Here is a summary of the actor's video:   On January 11, The Associated Press (AP) headline was "Arnold Schwarzenegger compares US Capitol mob to Nazis."  On the same day, Twitter, in "What's happening" or trending under "Arnold" it said " Arnold Schwarzenegger, the former governor of California and actor, compares the insurrection at the Capitol building in Wash

Are the Media and Tucker Carlson Lying that there isn't any Evdence of Voter Fraud?

November 22, 2020  Here is just the iceberg tip of the mountain of evidence that there was voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election: - Dominion Contractor Says She Witnessed Fraudulent Actions at Detroit Ballot-Count Site []   -  AWFUL. Tucker Carlson Doubles Down, Hits Sidney Powell and Says No Evidence of Switching Votes — HERE ARE 11 TIMES THEY GOT CAUGHT SWITCHING VOTES (Video) [ ]   - Mark Levin said "The Washington Post FLAT OUT LIED," but did Francis & Tucker Carlson Lie? [ and ]     - Fellow