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Showing posts from June, 2005

What is the San Francisco VOTF’s Real Agenda?

What is the San Francisco VOTF’s Real Agenda? The pro-gay San Francisco Chronicle recently printed an article about a controversial “Catholic” organization including an email address and phone number on how to get in contact with the group, which the newspaper described as not being “fringe.” The group is Voice of the Faithful (VOTF) that is opposed nationally by Faithful Voice. Spokeswoman for Faithful Voice, Carol McKinley claims the organization is “profoundly” deceptive. “VOTF is controversial as a result of the profound deception of the individuals in leadership and teaching positions. While they deny their affiliation with Call to Action, VOTF's founding members Jan Leary, Fr. Walter Cuenin and others are keynote speakers at the Spring Call to Action Conference, right along with Joanna Manning of "Catholics for Free Choice", an abortion advocacy group,” McKinley said. “In VOTFs meetings with the Bishops, they purport they are "centrist" on the teachings of...

Is VOTF’s Agenda Still “Ultimately, Anti-Catholic?"

Is VOTF’s Agenda Still “Ultimately, Anti-Catholic?" Archbishop John Myers of Newark, N.J. on Oct. 11, 2002 wrote “Voice of the Faithful [VOTF]...has used the current crisis in the Church as a springboard for presenting an agenda that is anti-Church and, ultimately, anti-Catholic.” Myers is considered one of the most pro-life and orthodox members of the American Bishops. When bishop of Peoria, IL, he published a pastoral letter calling it "morally illicit" for Catholics to vote for pro-abortion candidates. In the October column called “A Voice Not Rooted in Faith” printed in the Catholic Advocate, the archdiocesan newspaper of Newark, the Archbishop said that VOTF “has as its purposes: to act as a cover for dissent...and to openly attack the Church hierarchy. Myers wrote: “[A]ltering Church teaching on sexual morality, and defiance of the apostolic authority that has guided the Church since its founding 2,000 years ago by Our Lord Jesus Christ, have all found a place in t...

What is the National Catholic Reporter’s Real Agenda?

What is the National Catholic Reporter’s Real Agenda? On February 20, the National Catholic Reporter (NCR) dissented from definitive Catholic teaching by endorsing homosexual marriage. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered…[and] under no circumstances can they be approved.” The “Catholic” lay operated national newsweekly said, "The ruling by the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts allowing same-sex civil marriage is a beneficial step along the path of human understanding and human rights." As a Special Commentary Columnist for NewsMax during the height of the Catholic scandal in 2002, I first became acquainted with NCR because of the lay-group Voice of the Faithful (VOTF). In the summer of 2002, I received this e-mail from a NewsMax reader: “Could you please direct me to a reliable assessment of the group Voice of the Faithful? A local ‘chapter’ is meeting this afternoon in Nashville, and it has been characterized b...