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Showing posts from September, 2024

Just beginnings continued...: A Three Act Play about King St. Fernando III By Fred Martinez

St. Ferdinand III Three Act Play about  King St. Fernando III By Fred Martinez The boy Fernando's eyes shined as he listened to the warrior Archbishop tell what happened that day when his grandfather King Alfonso saved Spain from total destruction. Archbishop:  Remember what your grandfather faced, the Moors trophy beheadings and crucifixions were continual. They cut off the knights head dead or alive and send them to the theirs principle towns of the Muslim empire. Sometimes the skulls and corpses were to huge piles of bloody mass as if it were a "height of mimaret" for a call for horrible macabre Islamic prayer. With this in mind, what you grandfather with his small Christian army proposed to do was courageous sheer madness when he readied to charge down into a Muslim combined army of over a hundred thousand as his troops seemed ready to crumble. With the battle seemingly almost lost, your grandfather shouted, "Archbishop, let you and me die here!" I roared ba...


BURKE'S ESTIMATE OF QUEEN BERENGARIA Ferdinand's mother, Berengaria [who died in 1246], was one of those rare beings who seen! to have been born to do right, and to have done it. From her earliest youth she was a leading figure, a happy and noble influence in one of the most contemptible and detestable societies of medieval Christendom» Married of her own free will to a stranger and an enemy, that she might bring peace to two kingdoms, she was ever a true and loyal wife; unWedded by ecclesiastical tyranny in the very floWerof her young woman*· hood, she was ever a faithful daughter of the church ; inheriting a crown H. W. — VOL. X. F 66 THE HISTORY OF SPAIN [1246-1247 A.D.] when she had proved her own capacity for royal dominion, she bestowed it on a strange and absent son, with no thought but for the good of her country and of Christendom ; and, finally, as queen-mother and ever-faithful counsellor, she accepted all the difficulties of government, while the glory of royalty wa...

Thomist scholar Taylor Marshall, in the best paragraph of his book "Infiltration," summarized what Vatican II nouvelle theologians like Henri de Lubac did: "They [nouvelle theologians] sought to make everything grace, and by doing so, they, in fact, reduced everything to the natural, so that the natural longings [human experiences] of every human became the means of salvation. Hence, all human nature itself is 'open' to attaining salvation. This means that liturgy should be less supernatural and that other religions are 'open' as means of salvation. This theology necessitates a new liturgy, a new ecumenism, and a new form of Catholicism. It is Freemasonic naturalism cloaked with quotations of the Church Fathers. The nouvelle theologie was a frontal attack on Thomas Aquinas." ("Infiltration," Page 135)

Thomist scholar Taylor Marshall, in the best paragraph of his book "Infiltration," summarized what Vatican II nouvelle theologians like Henri de Lubac did: "They [nouvelle theologians] sought to make everything grace, and by doing so, they, in fact, reduced everything to the natural, so that the natural longings [human experiences] of every human became the means of salvation. Hence, all human nature itself is 'open' to attaining salvation. This means that liturgy should be less supernatural and that other religions are 'open' as means of salvation.  This theology necessitates a new liturgy, a new ecumenism, and a new form of Catholicism. It is Freemasonic naturalism cloaked with quotations of the Church Fathers. The nouvelle theologie was a frontal attack on Thomas Aquinas ." ("Infiltration," Page 135)

Is GK a son of Henri de Lubac Modernist-like that all is grace: [Chesterton] alludes to the idea that rights are Godgiven; elsewhere, he would say that he did not believe so much in natural rights as he did “in supernatural rights (and Jefferson certainly states them as supernatural)". This last quote from him is noteworthy, because he seems to use the word “nature” differently than would have the Scholastics: In that tradition, what was “natural” pertained to our status as rational creatures, while “supernatural” described that which came from grace. Yet Chesterton is using these in a more distinctly modern way, using “supernatural” to denote divine origins in contrast to “natural”. Chesterton is talking like a modern, not a medieval Finally, he alludes to the idea that rights are Godgiven; elsewhere, he would say that he did not believe so much in natural rights as he did “in supernatural rights (and Jefferson certainly states them as supernatural)". This last quote from him is noteworthy, because he seems to use the word “nature” differently than would have the Scholastics: In that tradition, what was “natural” pertained to our status as rational creatures, while “supernatural” described that which came from grace. Yet Chesterton is using these in a more distinctly modern way, using “supernatural” to denote divine origins in contrast to “natural”. Chesterton is talking like a modern, not a medieval Chesterton even remarked that Jefferson “certainly states that natural rights were sup...

Just beginnings continued...: A Three Act Play about King St. Fernando III By Fred Martinez

St. Ferdinand III Three Act Play about  King St. Fernando III By Fred Martinez The boy Fernando's eyes shined as he listened to the warrior Archbishop tell what happened that day when his grandfather King Alfonso saved Spain from total destruction. Archbishop:  Remember what your grandfather faced, the Moors trophy beheadings and crucifixions were continual. They cut off the knights head dead or alive and send them to the theirs principle towns of the Muslim empire. Sometimes the skulls and corpses were to huge piles of bloody mass as if it were a "height of mimaret" for a call for horrible macabre Islamic prayer. With this in mind, what you grandfather with his small Christian army proposed to do was courageous sheer madness when he readied to charge down into a Muslim combined army of over a hundred thousand as his troops seemed ready to crumble. With the battle seemingly almost lost, your grandfather shouted, "Archbishop, let you and me die here!" I roared ba...

Just beginnings continued...: A Three Act Play about King St. Fernando III By Fred Martinez

St. Ferdinand III Three Act Play about  King St. Fernando III By Fred Martinez The boy Fernando's eyes shined as he listened to the warrior Archbishop tell what happened that day when his grandfather King Alfonso saved Spain from total destruction. Archbishop:  Remember what your grandfather faced, the Moors trophy beheadings and crucifixions were continual. They cut off the knights head dead or alive and send them to the theirs principle towns of the Muslim empire. Sometimes the skulls and corpses were to huge piles of bloody mass as if it were a "height of mimaret" for a call for horrible macabre Islamic prayer. With this in mind, what you grandfather with his small Christian army proposed to do was courageous sheer madness when he readied to charge down into a Muslim combined army of over a hundred thousand as his troops seemed ready to crumble. With the battle seemingly almost lost, your grandfather shouted, "Archbishop, let you and me die here!" I roared ba...

@JackPosobiec..BREAKING: CNN REPORTS SHOOTER HAD A GOPRO..@orlandomicki weird cnn is getting the news first?

Jack Poso  @JackPosobiec · 51m BREAKING: CNN REPORTS SHOOTER HAD A GOPRO 166 608 4K 121K Free Speech Micki @orlandomicki Follow weird cnn is getting the news first? 1:03 PM · Sep 15, 2024 · 1,083 Views