Francis Effect: "Counterrevolution[ary]" Traditional Latin Mass Attendees have "seen Unprecedented Growth during his Papacy" that may Overthrow the Novus Ordo Mass
"... The resurgence of the traditional Latin Mass started before Francis, but has seen unprecedented growth during his papacy, a counterrevolution of sorts that some (both admirably and critically) call an alternative Francis effect. Even bishops and priests who were not ordinarily interested in the traditional Latin Mass have been much more generous and vocal in offering additional such liturgies. Two distinct wings of the Catholic Church have emerged. Often, the new versus the old Mass is a defining characteristic of the opposing coalitions."
"... But after five decades of experiments and decline, there is some growth to be observed within the Catholic Church. Ironically, it is with traditionalists joining the priesthood, entering convents and attending parishes that offer the very Latin Mass that was replaced 50 years ago."
"... The past 50 years have not been good ones for the Catholic Church. Pope Benedict saw this when he wrote, of the new form of Mass, 'we abandoned the organic, living process of growth and development over centuries, and replaced it — as in a manufacturing process — with a fabrication, a banal on-the-spot product.'"
The Catholic Herald revealed that in the United States the Traditional Latin Mass attendees are the future real Catholics of the Church which will eventually out number the Novus Ordo Mass (NOM) attendees.
It appears that if the trend continues the Novus Ordo Mass may be overthrown by sheer numbers:
Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) attendees are over overwhelmingly real Catholics while New Mass or Novus Ordo Mass (NOM) attendees tend be lapsed and heretical Catholics according to a new study by Fr. Donald Kloster:
Fulfill Sunday obligation:
TLM: 99℅ vs. NOM: 22℅
Approve of abortion:
TLM: 1℅ vs. NOM: 51℅
Go to Confession at least once a year:
TLM: 98℅ vs. NOM: 25℅
Approve of contraception:
TLM: 2℅ vs. NOM: 89℅
Support same-sex marriage:
TLM: 2℅ vs. NOW: 67℅
"TLM attendees donate 5 times more in the collection" according to Fr. Kloster.
(Catholic Herald, "Traditional Latin Mass attendees more devout and orthodox, study says," February 27, 2019)
Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church.
The future never was, nor ever will be, actualized through rationalistically inspired iconoclasm concerning liturgy and the undermining orthodoxy and orthopraxy by Modernist clerics and their Masonic allies, who have demonically sought to accommodate to an ideological secularism and all that this implies.
At this point in time, one's choice clearly is to be an ally of the saints and our true Catholic forbearers or of the aforementioned numerous arrogant and vicious fools who sought to destroy the Church during the twentieth century.