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Patriots Dilemma

> From:
> []
> Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2007 2:21 PM
> To:
> Subject: Patriots Dilemma
> "The federal government is now an astounding 185
> times as big in real
> terms as it was a century ago. A general sense that
> Republicans have
> forgotten why they were sent to Washington is a big
> reason why the GOP
> lost control of Congress last year. The road to
> redemption has to
> include a crackdown on earmarks, which Oklahoma
> Senator Tom Coburn calls
> 'the gateway drug to higher spending in many other
> areas.'"
> - John Fund, Political Diary, 12/21/07
> I understand that people are frustrated with the
> Republicans. So am I.
> I think there ought to be some way to punish the
> Republicans for not
> being conservative/constitutionalist and not doing a
> better job of
> resisting the Democrats' super-statist agenda. But
> I don't see how
> giving the government over to the Democrats -- whose
> whole platform is
> for even more federal control, spending, and taxes
> -- is the smart way
> to punish the back-sliding Republicans. It's like
> cutting off our noses
> to spite our faces, to use an old cliche. If voting
> third party in a
> close election would give the Presidency to the
> Democrat Party -- a
> party controlled by the Far Left tyrannists -- that
> would result in even
> more statism, more corruption, and an even more
> disastrous foreign
> policy and defense situation, not to mention federal
> court appointments.
> That doesn't make much sense to me. There must be a
> better way to make
> Republicans more adherent to teh Constitution than
> by letting the
> Democrats burn it completely.
> For many decades the Establishment Left has had a
> virtual monopoly in
> the electronic national media. These days the
> "liberals" are squealing
> like stuck pigs now that their media hegemony is
> being challenged by
> some elements of talk radio and the Internet. Such
> Cliinton/Soros front
> groups as "Media Matters" are targeting Rush
> Limbaugh and others who
> dare to expose their political and cultural agenda.
> Too many people
> (including, unfortunately, some libertarians,
> patriots, and
> conservatives) are falling for the barrage of
> left-wing propaganda
> smears against Limbaugh and other alternative media
> figures. The naive
> populist types seem most vulnerable to such
> divide-and-conquer tactics.
> These are often the same folks who credit such bogus
> conspiracy theories
> (of Far Left origin) as the notion that the attacks
> of 9/11 were an
> "inside job" perpetrated by Bush and Cheney, or the
> theory that Bush and
> Cheney secretly blew up the levies to flood New
> Orleans because they
> hate Black people so much.
> As bad as Bush has been in his own left-wing policy
> initiatives (e.g.,
> supporting Ted Kennedy's No Child Left Behind
> boondoggle, pushing the
> Law of the Sea Treaty, imposing new, outrageously
> expensive transfer
> schemes, not being serious about border control,
> little or no real
> attempt to restrain federal spending, and many more
> missteps), I see
> over and over the consequences of Democrat
> administrations (federal,
> state, and local) being blamed on the allegedly
> "conservative" Bush
> administration. Yet, the conservative/libertarian
> ideas have rarely if
> ever been really tried. Will the right ideas get
> the blame for
> liberal-left policy failures? That largely depends
> on the on-gong
> propaganda war. We can only hope that as the
> Establishment Left's hold
> on the electronic media continues to wane, that more
> and more people
> will turn to alternative sources in talk radio and
> the Internet for
> their news and analysis. But as far as the
> presidential race is
> concerned, we may have to just hold our noses and
> vote Republican or
> else face a Democrat in the White House who will do
> far worse damage.
> If we want better choices in our politicians, we
> will have to help pave
> the way by exposing more people to truth in the war
> of ideas against the
> myths and lies of the reactionary Left..


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