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Planned Parenthood: New Video Outs More Racism

Planned Parenthood Continues to Crack: New Video Outs More Racism
UCLA publication releases another video of Planned Parenthood staff excitedly accepting donations earmarked for black babies
LOS ANGELES, April 2 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Advocate, a UCLA student publication, releases another video in its Planned Parenthood series exposing the organization's racist vision. Posing as a donor, law student James O'Keefe calls clinics in Oklahoma and New Mexico and asks to make a donation specifically to be used for a black baby. The clinics are more than happy to accommodate his request. See the video here:

The Advocate released its first video four weeks ago exposing Autumn Kersey, Director of Development at Planned Parenthood in Idaho. Ms. Kersey was caught on audio getting "excited" for a donation by an explicitly racist caller by phone. The students also exposed an Ohio clinic for gladly accepting donations, no matter what they may be used for. Video here:

"This new video demonstrates a disturbing trend of racism at Planned Parenthood," said Lila Rose, editor of The Advocate. "Planned Parenthood has no shame in accepting donations to purposely abort minority populations. People have forgotten the organization was founded on these principles and has continued to operate under these same racist views for decades."

Irene Gray of Planned Parenthood in Albuquerque, New Mexico took the call from O'Keefe last summer when he wanted to make a donation to abort a black baby. In sympathetic tones, Gray replied "yes, yes, it's a strange time for sure" to the donor's rant about affirmative action and how there is a need for less black people because they compete with whites for admission to schools.

When asked if the organization takes donations specifically to abort black babies, another Planned Parenthood staffer from Tulsa Susan Riggs answered, "We can definitely designate it for an African-American."

"Clearly, Planned Parenthood has absolutely no shame in using funds to target and abort black children from racist donors. It's a jolting reminder that abortion is a big business, regardless of what the politicians and the special interest groups say and given that Planned Parenthood receives over $300 million in federal funding every year, it's time Congress investigate these extremely disturbing business practices," continued Rose. "Planned Parenthood must be held accountable for their actions. No one is calling them out - including supposedly minority civil rights groups like the ACLU and NAACP - for their despicable actions."

To speak with Lila Rose, contact Kristina Grabosky at 703-683-5004.

Christian Newswire


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