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Media "Lied -- Over and Over --" that "There is Still No Evidence" of Hunter Biden Scandal like they're Lying "There is Still No Evidence" for Biden Steal

"I've unlocked this article because I believe it's vital to document the historically corrupt behavior of the media, in with the intelligence community, prior to the 2020 election. They knowingly lied -- over and over -- that the Hunter documents were 'Russian disinformation.'" []

With News of Hunter Biden's Criminal Probe, Recall the Media Outlets That Peddled the "Russian Disinformation" Lie - Pulitzer winner and liberal Glen Greenwald []

The "historically corrupt" media lied "There is Still No Evidence" on Hunter Biden scandal like they are lying "There is Still No Evidence" of the 2020 voter fraud Joe Biden steal.

Today, pundit Dan Bongino in his said liberal Glenn "Greenwald piece about the Hunter Biden criminal probe confirms our worst fears about the media":

Hunter Biden acknowledged today that he has been notified of an active criminal investigation into his tax affairs by the U.S. Attorney for Delaware. Among the numerous prongs of the inquiry, CNN reports, investigators are examining “whether Hunter Biden and his associates violated tax and money laundering laws in business dealings in foreign countries, principally China.”

Documents relating to Hunter Biden’s exploitation of his father’s name to enrich himself and other relatives through deals with China were among the cache published in the week before the election by The New York Post — revelations censored by Twitter and Facebook and steadfastly ignored by most mainstream news outlets. That concerted repression effort by media outlets and Silicon Valley left it to right-wing outlet such as Fox News and The Daily Caller to report, which in turn meant that millions of Americans were kept in the dark before voting.

But the just-revealed federal criminal investigation in Delaware is focused on exactly the questions which corporate media outlets refused to examine for fear that doing so would help Trump. (, "The Greenwald piece about the Hunter Biden criminal probe confirms our worst fears about the media.")

Pulitzer winner and liberal Greenwald, who is a co-founder of the Intercept new outlet renowned for its accurate journalism on intelligence before it forced Greenwald to resign, said that "Biden, the Media and CIA Labeled the Hunter Biden Emails 'Russian Disinformation.' There is Still No Evidence" like they are claiming there is "no evidence" of 2020 voter fraud:

The same factions that constantly claim to abhor Fake News and disinformation continue to be the most aggressive and shameless propagators of it -- especially the media.

Congressman Adam Schiff, the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and, not coincidentally, the single most shameless pathological liar in the U.S. Congress by a good margin, appeared on CNN with Wolf Blitzer on October 16 to discuss The New York Post story about Hunter Biden’s emails. The CNN host asked him a rhetorical question embedded with baseless assumptions: “does it surprise you at all that this information Rudy Giuliani is peddling very well could be connected to some sort of Russian government disinformation campaign?” 

Congressman Adam Schiff, the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and, not coincidentally, the single most shameless pathological liar in the U.S. Congress by a good margin, appeared on CNN with Wolf Blitzer on October 16 to discuss The New York Post story about Hunter Biden’s emails. The CNN host asked him a rhetorical question embedded with baseless assumptions: “does it surprise you at all that this information Rudy Giuliani is peddling very well could be connected to some sort of Russian government disinformation campaign?”

Schiff stated definitively that it is: “we know that this that this whole smear on Joe Biden comes from the Kremlin,” adding: “clearly, the origins of this whole smear are from the Kremlin, and the President is only too happy to have Kremlin help in amplifying it.” Referencing Trump’s promotion of The New York Post reporting...

... As he also usually does when he publicly lies, Schiff was merely echoing the propaganda of current and former operatives of the CIA and other arms of the intelligence community who abuse their power to interfere in U.S. domestic politics: the very factions over which the Intelligence Committee Schiff runs is supposed to exercise oversight supervision, not serve as their parrot. During the same week as Schiff’s CNN appearance, as Politico reported, “more than 50 former senior intelligence officials have signed on to a letter outlining their belief that the recent disclosure of emails allegedly belonging to Joe Biden’s son ‘has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.’”

In that letter from intelligence operatives about The New York Post story — signed by Obama’s former CIA chief John Brennan now of MSNBC (repeatedly caught lying), Obama’s former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper now of CNN (who got caught lying to the Senate about NSA domestic spying), Bush’s former NSA and CIA chief Micheal Hayden now of CNN (who served during 9/11 and the Iraq War), and dozens of other similar professional disinformation agents — the intelligence operatives announced “our view that the Russians are involved in the Hunter Biden email issue,” adding “that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case.”

With these ex-CIA officials and their servant Adam Schiff disseminating this narrative into U.S. public, both the Biden campaign and their captive media outlets began asserting this claim as truth. They did so despite the fact that even the intelligence officials were cautious enough to acknowledge: “We want to emphasize that … we do not have evidence of Russian involvement” — a rather crucial fact that numerous outlets omitted when laundering this CIA propaganda and which the Biden campaign and Adam Schiff completely ignored when treating the claims as proven truth. [Glenn Greenwald ( You’re on the free list for Glenn Greenwald. For the full experience, become a paying subscriber, "Biden, the Media and CIA Labeled the Hunter Biden Emails "Russian Disinformation." There is Still No Evidence," November 12, 2020]

Pulitzer winner Greenwald was forced to resign from The Intercept, the news outlet which he co-founded, due to totalitarian-like media censorship for Joe Biden from the left-leaning news organization that he helped found. 

The revealed that Greenwald said he was “censored" by his organization and they “refus[ed] to publish it [an article] unless I remove all sections critical of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden”:

"Greenwald alleged his editors 'censored' an article he wrote this week about former Vice President Joe Biden. He claimed that the editors were 'refusing to publish it [an article] unless I remove all sections critical of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, the candidate vehemently supported by all New-York-based Intercept editors involved in this effort at suppression.'” [

Sub Stack reported that the leftist Pulitzer award winning journalist said that he left the Intercept when "editors abandoned those [journalistic] principles, spiking a controversial story, he was forced to quit":

"The Pulitzer winner founded the Intercept to challenge official narratives and protect editorial freedom. When editors abandoned those principles, spiking a controversial story, he was forced to quit... '

"... 'The irony,' Greenwald says, 'is that a media outlet I co-founded, and which was built on my name and my accomplishments, with the purpose of guaranteeing editorial independence, is now censoring me in the most egregious way — about the leading presidential candidate, a week before the election... '”

"... Greenwald, by then furious [due to the censorship], noted that neither Maass nor Reed had identified a factual inaccuracy in the article, but rather disagreed with its conclusions and his assessments of the facts — his “positions,” rather than his information.

"Greenwald added:

'What a healthy and confident news organization would do -- as the New York Times recently did with its own Pulitzer-winning 1619 Project -- is air the different views that journalists have about the evidence and let readers decide what they find convincing, not force everyone to adhere to a top-down editorial line and explicitly declare that any story that raises questions about Biden's conduct is barred from being published now that he's the Democratic nominee.'

"In the end, [Intercept editors] Maass and Reed would not budge, and Greenwald resigned rather than accept what he described as being censored. The Intercept quickly put out an icy statement describing him as a “grown person throwing a tantrum,” adding that Greenwald was laboring under the assumption that 'anyone who presumes to edit him is a censor.'”[]

The pro-Biden totalitarian-like censorship has become almost universal across all forms of United States media as shown by these pre-election Tweets.

Premiere lawyer Robert Barnes who deals in civil, criminal and constitutional law reported why Facebook and Twitter "are risking public notice of their brazen censorship" of the @NYPost article about the Hunter Biden and Joe Biden political scandal:

"Twitter, Facebook, and Google have the real election data, from their internal algorithmic information. They are risking public notice of their brazen censorship to suppress the Biden story to the extent of blocking the White House. What does that tell you about how close it is?.. " 

"...  BREAKING: Twitter has locked the White House Press Secretary's Twitter account.[]

Legal and political analyst for Fox News Channel Gregg Jarrett shows the exact lying double standard of most of the corrupt propaganda American media apparatus:

"Let me get this straight: The NY Times can post to Twitter & Facebook its story on Trump’s taxes based on unnamed sources and documents it won’t produce. But the NY Post cannot post its story on Biden based on documents it produced. Confused? Don’t be. It’s political censorship." []

Note: Anonymous said… 

Hi Mr Martinez,

Would you repost the prayer of command, this time adding Justice Barrett to the list. I suspect she is, and will be increasingly, under severe pressure?

Fred Martinez said… 
Please put your family, the United States of America, President Donald Trump, the Trump legal team and supporters as well as all the swing state legislators and all the Supreme Court justices especially Justice Barrett and Justice Gorsuch as the intentions in the following Prayer of Command:

Prayer of Command of  Exorcist Fr. Chad Ripperger:

In His Name and by the power of His Cross and Blood, I ask Jesus to bind any evil spirits, forces and powers of the earth, air, fire, or water, of the netherworld and the satanic forces of nature. By the power of the Holy Spirit and by His authority, I ask Jesus Christ to break any curses, hexes, or spells and send them back to where they came from, if it be His Holy Will. I beseech Thee Lord Jesus to protect us by pouring Thy Precious Blood on us (my family, etc.), which Thou hast shed for us and I ask Thee to command that any departing spirits leave quietly, without disturbance, and go straight to Thy Cross to dispose of as Thou sees fit. I ask Thee to bind any demonic interaction, interplay, or communications. I place N. (Person, place or thing) under the protection of the Blood of Jesus Christ which He shed for us. Amen  
Moreover, Gateway Pundit, the real leader of the patriot media, shows how you can fight against the BIDEN STEAL and "not take... it anymore":

All you have to do is open the links below and copy the list to your email, draft your message and send.  You can send these to any state and you don’t need to reside in that state. 





  • State of PA House eMail Addresses: <All hidden behind contact-forms>
  • State of PA Senate eMail Addresses (partial ):



Below is also a list of state legislatures in some of the key swing states the Biden campaign is trying to steal:

Arizona Legislature

Georgia General Assembly

Michigan Legislature

Pennsylvania Senate

Pennsylvania House

Wisconsin Senate

Wisconsin House

Please feel free to contact the Republican congressmen and women in these states and let them know your concerns and demand they stop Big Tech, Big Media, Foreign Countries and the corrupt Democrats from stealing this election. []


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