Brazilian family advocate Julio Severo had his website taken down by Google for three days after a smear campaign by homosexual militants.
The following article is reprinted with permission from Lifesitenews (, which has become one of the world’s leading pro-family sources for news. (To sign up for Lifesite e-updates, click HERE.)
Call it homo-fascism, homo-totalitarianism, homo-supremacy or whatever you will, but the “gay” activist movement’s drive to silence opponents is intensifying worldwide. Yet American liberals and homosexual activists alike –with rare exceptions such as lesbian Georgetown University professor Chai Feldblum – play dumb, as if they cannot comprehend how homosexuality-based “rights” (in the guise of sexual orientation “equality”) will erode the freedoms of those who regard homosexual behavior as wrong.
We welcome homosexual (and liberal) activists who are not afraid of freedom and the battle of ideas to denounce the growing pro-”gay” trend of silencing opposing speech — whether it’s GLAAD threatening to sue a news producer to squelch a report on lesbian bullying; Britain trotting out the “anti-homophobia” police to crush that grave threat to democracy of a Christian passing out tracts at a “gay” event; or pro-homosexual militants claiming that decent religious people who agree with God about sexual sin are causing the murders of homosexuals like Matthew Shepard.
Where else but in the Orwellian world of pro-GLBT “multiculturalism” would you see politically correct bureaucrats squelching faith-based dissent in the name of “diversity” and “tolerance”? The time to speak out against the coming tyranny is now. We would do well to read Feldblum’s paper (delivered last year at a Becket Fund for Religious Liberty symposium): at least she acknowledges that the struggle between “gay rights” and religious freedom of conscience is a “zero-sum game.”
P.S. Take a guess which side Feldblum says deserves to win.– Peter LaBarbera
Here is the LifeSiteNews report on Brazil; for Part One, “Brazilian Homosexual Activist Luiz Mott Confesses to Pederastic Love for Boys,” click HERE:
Brazil Attacks Against Family Defenders Backed by Pro-Homosexual Regime of Nation’s President
Part 2 of Lifesite’s report on Brazil’s aggressive homosexual movement
See Part 1 - Leader of Brazil Homosexual Movement Under Investigation for Pedophilia
By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman
BRAZIL, July 30, 2007 ( - In recent months other Brazilians have been subject to the wrath of Brazil’s pro-homosexual regime.
In June of this year a coalition of protestant church groups, the National Vision for a Christian Conscience (VINACC), was ordered to halt their campaign “In Defense of the Family”, which displayed billboards that said “Homosexuality: God made them man and woman, and saw that it was good!” A court order decreed the removal of the billboards and the cancellation of a public event scheduled by VINACC to further the defense of family values, claiming that it was “homophobic”.
On May 29th of this year, a Lutheran pastor in the Brazilian town of Rancho Queimado; the Rev. Ademir Kreutzfeld, was subject to a criminal investigation when he was accused of calling local businesses in an effort to inform them that a newspaper they were sponsoring was promoting the homosexual agenda. The homosexual activist who owns the paper filed charges against the pastor for “defamation.”
Although no further steps have been taken against the minister as yet, homosexuals are agitating for his prosecution. “What have I done?” asks Kreutzfeld. “I just made some phone calls to shops, alerting that they were, without perceiving, sponsoring a newspaper of homosexual ideology. As a Christian committed to the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, I could not fail to inform them. Of course, I am not ‘homophobic.’ As a Christian, I love sinners. I am also one of them. But I cannot remain silent before sinful practices”.
Julio Severo (see his English-language blog HERE), who is seen as the principal opponent of Brazil’s militant homosexuals, and who has written a book called “The Homosexual Movement” warning against the political goals of the movement in Brazil and worldwide, states that, since he began his efforts against the homosexual movement in Brazil, he has suffered persecution and has been forced to flee his hometown. According to Severo, a homosexual government official used his refusal to involve his children with vaccines against him and had a court order to remove his children from their home (Severo and his family believe that vaccines are dangerous and often ineffective).
Severo states that others in the town also do not vaccinate their children, but he believes they were ignored in favor of him because of his stance against homosexual behavior. He now lives in hiding in another part of Brazil.
The attacks on Julio Severo, Jael Savelli, and others by the homosexual movement in Brazil are taking place within the political context of the strongly pro-homosexual regime of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who has led Brazil’s executive branch since 2003.
During its second year in office, the Lula regime initiated a program, “Brazil Without Homophobia” which teaches that homosexual orientation is unchangeable, and seeks to construct “a culture of peace and values for promoting human diversity.” According to the program’s charter document, this would include “the production of cultural goods and support for events with massive visibility for affirming sexual orientation and the culture of peace”, “artistic productions that promote a culture of non-discrimination for sexual orientation”, and preserving “the cultural, social, and economic values congruent with the participation of the Brazilian homosexual population in the process of development, based on its history and culture”.
Since the initiation of Brazil Without Homophobia, the government has spent millions of dollars funding “Gay Pride” parades and TV programming, and is promoting pro-homosexual “education” programs in the public schools. Homosexual leader Luiz Mott is one of those who participated in the creation of the document, according to the credits listed at the beginning.
In addition, the Lula administration is promoting a new “anti-homophobia” law that would prohibit any expression contrary to the homosexual agenda, forbidding Brazilians “To practice, induce or incite discrimination or prejudice of race, skin color, ethnicity, religion, national origin, gender, sex, sexual orientation and gender identity…What is determined in this article involves the practice of any kind of violent, constraining, threatening or humiliating action, of moral, ethical, philosophical or psychological order.”
Although the legislation has stalled in the Brazilian Senate, the issue will be taken up again this fall. The Brazilian legal system has also begun to allow homosexual adoptions (see
“Brazil Without Homophobia” also promises to promote the homosexual agenda at the international level, a commitment that the Lula regime has fulfilled with a rare enthusiasm. In 2003, 2004, and 2005 it introduced resolutions in the United Nations to declare homosexual orientation as a protected “right,” but failed in every case. In 2006, the Lula administration began pushing the resolution within the Organization of American States (OAS), although to date it has not passed in that venue either.
Those who wish to contact Julio Severo may do so through his email address which is found at He speaks English. His English blog can be found at, and his Portuguese blog’s address is
For more information about what is being referred to as the rise of homosexual “fascism” in Brazil, readers may contact the Brazilian philosopher Dr. Olavo de Carvahlo at
Brazilian family advocate Julio Severo had his website taken down by Google for three days after a smear campaign by homosexual militants.
The following article is reprinted with permission from Lifesitenews (, which has become one of the world’s leading pro-family sources for news. (To sign up for Lifesite e-updates, click HERE.)
Call it homo-fascism, homo-totalitarianism, homo-supremacy or whatever you will, but the “gay” activist movement’s drive to silence opponents is intensifying worldwide. Yet American liberals and homosexual activists alike –with rare exceptions such as lesbian Georgetown University professor Chai Feldblum – play dumb, as if they cannot comprehend how homosexuality-based “rights” (in the guise of sexual orientation “equality”) will erode the freedoms of those who regard homosexual behavior as wrong.
We welcome homosexual (and liberal) activists who are not afraid of freedom and the battle of ideas to denounce the growing pro-”gay” trend of silencing opposing speech — whether it’s GLAAD threatening to sue a news producer to squelch a report on lesbian bullying; Britain trotting out the “anti-homophobia” police to crush that grave threat to democracy of a Christian passing out tracts at a “gay” event; or pro-homosexual militants claiming that decent religious people who agree with God about sexual sin are causing the murders of homosexuals like Matthew Shepard.
Where else but in the Orwellian world of pro-GLBT “multiculturalism” would you see politically correct bureaucrats squelching faith-based dissent in the name of “diversity” and “tolerance”? The time to speak out against the coming tyranny is now. We would do well to read Feldblum’s paper (delivered last year at a Becket Fund for Religious Liberty symposium): at least she acknowledges that the struggle between “gay rights” and religious freedom of conscience is a “zero-sum game.”
P.S. Take a guess which side Feldblum says deserves to win.– Peter LaBarbera
Here is the LifeSiteNews report on Brazil; for Part One, “Brazilian Homosexual Activist Luiz Mott Confesses to Pederastic Love for Boys,” click HERE:
Brazil Attacks Against Family Defenders Backed by Pro-Homosexual Regime of Nation’s President
Part 2 of Lifesite’s report on Brazil’s aggressive homosexual movement
See Part 1 - Leader of Brazil Homosexual Movement Under Investigation for Pedophilia
By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman
BRAZIL, July 30, 2007 ( - In recent months other Brazilians have been subject to the wrath of Brazil’s pro-homosexual regime.
In June of this year a coalition of protestant church groups, the National Vision for a Christian Conscience (VINACC), was ordered to halt their campaign “In Defense of the Family”, which displayed billboards that said “Homosexuality: God made them man and woman, and saw that it was good!” A court order decreed the removal of the billboards and the cancellation of a public event scheduled by VINACC to further the defense of family values, claiming that it was “homophobic”.
On May 29th of this year, a Lutheran pastor in the Brazilian town of Rancho Queimado; the Rev. Ademir Kreutzfeld, was subject to a criminal investigation when he was accused of calling local businesses in an effort to inform them that a newspaper they were sponsoring was promoting the homosexual agenda. The homosexual activist who owns the paper filed charges against the pastor for “defamation.”
Although no further steps have been taken against the minister as yet, homosexuals are agitating for his prosecution. “What have I done?” asks Kreutzfeld. “I just made some phone calls to shops, alerting that they were, without perceiving, sponsoring a newspaper of homosexual ideology. As a Christian committed to the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, I could not fail to inform them. Of course, I am not ‘homophobic.’ As a Christian, I love sinners. I am also one of them. But I cannot remain silent before sinful practices”.
Julio Severo (see his English-language blog HERE), who is seen as the principal opponent of Brazil’s militant homosexuals, and who has written a book called “The Homosexual Movement” warning against the political goals of the movement in Brazil and worldwide, states that, since he began his efforts against the homosexual movement in Brazil, he has suffered persecution and has been forced to flee his hometown. According to Severo, a homosexual government official used his refusal to involve his children with vaccines against him and had a court order to remove his children from their home (Severo and his family believe that vaccines are dangerous and often ineffective).
Severo states that others in the town also do not vaccinate their children, but he believes they were ignored in favor of him because of his stance against homosexual behavior. He now lives in hiding in another part of Brazil.
The attacks on Julio Severo, Jael Savelli, and others by the homosexual movement in Brazil are taking place within the political context of the strongly pro-homosexual regime of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who has led Brazil’s executive branch since 2003.
During its second year in office, the Lula regime initiated a program, “Brazil Without Homophobia” which teaches that homosexual orientation is unchangeable, and seeks to construct “a culture of peace and values for promoting human diversity.” According to the program’s charter document, this would include “the production of cultural goods and support for events with massive visibility for affirming sexual orientation and the culture of peace”, “artistic productions that promote a culture of non-discrimination for sexual orientation”, and preserving “the cultural, social, and economic values congruent with the participation of the Brazilian homosexual population in the process of development, based on its history and culture”.
Since the initiation of Brazil Without Homophobia, the government has spent millions of dollars funding “Gay Pride” parades and TV programming, and is promoting pro-homosexual “education” programs in the public schools. Homosexual leader Luiz Mott is one of those who participated in the creation of the document, according to the credits listed at the beginning.
In addition, the Lula administration is promoting a new “anti-homophobia” law that would prohibit any expression contrary to the homosexual agenda, forbidding Brazilians “To practice, induce or incite discrimination or prejudice of race, skin color, ethnicity, religion, national origin, gender, sex, sexual orientation and gender identity…What is determined in this article involves the practice of any kind of violent, constraining, threatening or humiliating action, of moral, ethical, philosophical or psychological order.”
Although the legislation has stalled in the Brazilian Senate, the issue will be taken up again this fall. The Brazilian legal system has also begun to allow homosexual adoptions (see
“Brazil Without Homophobia” also promises to promote the homosexual agenda at the international level, a commitment that the Lula regime has fulfilled with a rare enthusiasm. In 2003, 2004, and 2005 it introduced resolutions in the United Nations to declare homosexual orientation as a protected “right,” but failed in every case. In 2006, the Lula administration began pushing the resolution within the Organization of American States (OAS), although to date it has not passed in that venue either.
Those who wish to contact Julio Severo may do so through his email address which is found at He speaks English. His English blog can be found at, and his Portuguese blog’s address is
For more information about what is being referred to as the rise of homosexual “fascism” in Brazil, readers may contact the Brazilian philosopher Dr. Olavo de Carvahlo at