Why is Francis Catholic Media trying to Discredit "Team Francis['s]" Martel "Hit Job" on "their Conservative Enemies"?
It is very amusing to see pro-Francis "conservative" Vatican expert
Robert Moynihan in Letter #35 say the "Team Francis, indulged" gay
activist Frederic Martel's gay gossip book is very confusing to him and
bad because it wants to put pressure on Francis's Team:
"[I]t [Martel's book] seems to me part of some larger strategy, for a
purpose I did not fully understand, to put pressure to bear on the Holy
Gay activist Michael Winters on February 22 for a National Catholic
Reporter article titled "Martel's Vatican city closet book exposes his
motives and mistakes, not truth", also, thought it was bad because it is
the "gay equivalent of a ViganĂ² testimonianza."
Might it be Moynihan and Winters are terrified that the general public
might realize that Francis's Vatican is controlled (and 80 percent gay
populated according to Martel) by the Vatican gay lobby as Archbishop
Carlo Maria ViganĂ²'s testimony revealed?
Catholic Herald editor and Vatican expert Damian Thompson unlike
Moynihan and Winters explains that the gay gossip book was the gossip of
"Team Francis." The apparent problem for the Francis media is that
"Team Francis" revealed to Martel that 80% of Francis's Vatican is
Thompson wrote:
"I know why the Pope's hardline allies, known as Team Francis, indulged
Martel. They wanted a hit job on their conservative enemies...
Unfortunately for Team Francis... [they] accidentally wound[ed] the
Supreme Pontiff - by revealing... Francis knew about the sins of
ex-cardinal McCarrick years ago and choose to do nothing."
""That is the only story in this book. It's true that Martel confirms
that the [Francis] Vatican is full of gossipy queens, most of whom stare
at waiters' bottoms and some of whom have sex with young men. But I
think we knew that already."
(The. Spectator, "An exposé of high-ranking gays in the Catholic Church
bears the fingerprints of the Pope's closest advisors," February 23,
Yes, most journalists following the Francis Vatican knew it, but
apparently Moynihan and Winters are terrified that the general public
might get in on the insider's knowledge that Francis's Vatican is a not
so secret homosexual pressure group clique.
It appears "Team Francis" and Francis media are terrified that the
"hinted" at Steve Bannon/Martel movie (reported on LifeSiteNews) about
the Francis gay Vatican may be a real project.
Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church.
Michael Dowd said…