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Flashback: Is the so-called "Pro-life" and Eternal Mask Helping to Promote the Election of Pro-Abortion Biden?

 An anonymous COVID hysteria Karen in the Catholic Monitor comment section said:

"So if this is true, then all surgeons and surgery staff would have damaged their lungs long ago. Some of the surgeries last an entire day. The mask thing is nuts on all sides of this issue. Good Lord, we have more serious issues to worry about" []

The Monitor responded:

First, since you are a COVID eternal mask wearing Karen, please answer this question:

"Shouldn’t these masks be considered “toxic waste” - especially as they are supposedly trapping a virus so deadly we need bogus test to know we have it. Surely even muzzle wearers can see the blatant inconsistency here? Or is that simply too much to hope for?" []

Next, so "[i]f you wear a mask long enough" said the piece.

If "surgeons and surgery staff" like many female and male COVID hysteria Karens were to wear their masks all day long or most of the day and for months on end might they "damage their lungs" especially if they had other medical issues?

Think about it:

In the history of "all surgeons and surgery staff" mask wearing did they wear their masks all day long or most of the day and for months on end and maybe forever if your beloved pro-abortion Joe Biden is elected [if you're a NeverTrumper].  

Yes, promoters of the sacred "pro-life" and eternal mask are helping to promote the election of pro-abortion Biden. []

The female or male COVID hysteria Karen was commenting on this post, "Science on Mask's Possible Effects: 'Can Damage the Lungs... can even be Life Threatening' & 'Mental Confusion... Loss of Consciousness and Death'":

It appears that the coronavirus mask might have a better chance of killing a non-elderly person than COVID-19:

"COVID-19... N95 masks are estimated to reduce oxygen intake by anywhere from 5 to 20 percent. That’s significant, even for a healthy person. It can cause dizziness and lightheadedness. If you wear a mask long enough, it can damage the lungs. For a patient in respiratory distress, it can even be life threatening." []

"Because there are no warning signs of reduced oxygen concentrations, these environments are extremely dangerous. Effects of exposure to low oxygen concentrations can include giddiness, mental confusion, loss of judgment, loss of coordination, weakness, nausea, fainting, loss of consciousness and death"
[ › Files › PDF › company › safetygram-17]

Is science saying that you have a greater chance of death and  "mental confusion" because of the mask than of COVID?

Is the mask causing "mental confusion"?

Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the 

Mass and the Church as well as for the Triumph 
of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and 
the Immaculate Heart of Mary


Justina said…
I don't know if the mask is causing mental confusion, or if the mental confusion of hardcore mask advocates should be considered a pre-existing condition.
Aqua said…
This is the favorite argument of the Mask Cultist. Doctors wear them, so should you.

Doctors do not wear their masks all day. They wear them for short bursts of time during surgery. Then they remove them.

They are not wearing them in the snack bar.
They are not wearing them during patient consults.
They do not wear them to the bathroom.
They do not wear them as they walk the halls and check in on and talk to their patients.
They are not wearing them in the break room, when they might take a nap.
They are not wearing them when they do their charts and fill out their patient notes.
They do not wear them after work, in the garage, in the car, going home.

They put one on as they enter for surgery. They take it off when they walk away from surgery. What else would you expect? They're not stupid.

Mask Cultists, on the other hand, decorate their masks, put swag on their masks, personalize their masks, wear them in the car, eating in restaurants, jogging, biking, swimming, shopping, walking, sitting, dreaming, sleeping, swinging, typing ... it is a part of their face. A mask cultist can't even imagine not having one plastered on. Seeing a mask less face enrages the cultist.

It is a cult, and like all cults their rules make no sense and they are fanatic at enforcing compliance.
Anonymous said…
Not true, some of the most complicated brain surgeries go up to almost a day in surgery. I can't say they wearing N95's. And just because someone is saying something different does not make them a mask cultist as you say. I find them repulsive. I wear one at Mass, and it is very real suffering to do so. I think it is difficult for children to understand all this. I get why some people don't wear them. BUT the arguments against them need to be fact-based, and truthful. Just my guess from the heartland, the dems are clueless on how all this playing out. Biden saying he would lock down the country again if the experts say to proves he is clueless as to where most people are. They are clueless as to the effects of the riots. People won't tell you publically, but they really afraid of the liberal agenda and the whole defund the police thing. People desire security, I don't care who you are. PS I am the one you call a Mask Cultist! But I TRY to be someone who is law-abiding. I can't throw rocks at rioters if I refuse to obey the law myself. That being said, I have my line in the sand. It is fixed, and I pray I will hold to it. The great examples for us to follow are those who saved the lives of Jews during WWII at great cost. To them, the mask would be a little thing. They would have worn masks while saving human lives. Good advice, pick your battles wisely. McArthur didn't fight every enemy stronghold. He chose his battles. The mask is not the battle. Praying for Fred as he asked me. Praise be Jesus Christ!
Justina said…
The yellow Star of David wasn't "the battle," either, but it was an ominous indicator of what was to come. You are incorrect to assert that WWII resisters would have gone along with "little things" like that. Heroic Catholic bishops stood against the Jewish people being forced to wear such an identifier. As for "saving lives," the Third Reich was justified everything it did, big or small, in the name of "public health." (That's what the term "racial hygiene" means.)
Aqua said…
When you are in brain surgery - yes.

When you go down the hall to buy a package of chips after the brain surgery - no.

And when you are in the presence of Almighty God, your Maker - most definitely, no.
Aqua said…
Justina: A very important point: "just this little thing".

They asked us to give up our rights for just a short little time, just to flatten the curve. Just that little thing. Is that to much to ask, to save millions and millions (millions) of lives?!!!?

That is, in fact, how tyranny gains entry. Almost always.
Anonymous said…
If you really want to fight back, follow what Our Lady of Fatima taught us. She predicted the entire world would be taken over the Communists for a time if people did change their ways. If everyone would do their part, this would not happen. If we don't do our part, nothing I do, whether it's elect Trump, or fight Masks, will stop it. End of story! Our Lady said, repent, pray the Rosary every day, make the 5 First Saturday Devotions in reparations for the sacrileges and offenses committed against her Immaculate Heart, and offer up daily sufferings and sacrifices for others. This is the tough stuff that will work. This is God's plan given to us through her. These are the only two choices we really have. And politics is not one of them. Politics will take care of itself if we do what she asked. Her plan is not a flashy plan, but it is the hard work that must be done. If not enough people do it, then we all suffer, no matter who is president. And she did predict, per Sister Lucia, America too would become Communist. We only have one way to resist, Our Lady's way.
Aqua said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
9:10 AM



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