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The Coronavirus Masked "Herdist" and their "Frenzied Mass Hysteria"

Aqua said…
“If you accept a vaccine from a known eugenicist who wants to depopulate the world, your brainwashing is complete.”

Anne Barnhardt has done some studies on the nano technology that will be used to tag every human being in the planet via the “Quantum Dot ID, using an enzyme called .... Luciferace (!). Not very subtle, are they? This will be a permanent part of your body and makes you trackable, not just your person, but your activity and compliance.

From a re-tweet from Laurence England’s account, Henry Makow observes “Microsoft’s patent for nano technology microchipping (link below). It can be administered with a vaccine and is ready to go. It has multiple applications such as commerce, medical information, passport, almost anything, it’s accessible via scanning.“

Then, clicking his link, we find the patent, applied for by “Microsoft Technology Licensing”:

They are connecting this “nano tech” as the mechanism only through which we can buy and sell via cryptocurrency! You don’t get the “Quantum Dot with Luciferace, you can’t buy or sell ... anything, assuming cryptocurrency replaces paper currency.

This is starting to make sense, from this perspective (to me). And I am getting the distinct impression, President Trump is part of this.
Fred Martinez said…
Good info.

How do you think Trump "is part of this"?
Aqua said…
“How do you think Trump "is part of this"?“

I don’t know. He called it. He did it. He’s the President, he didn’t have to shut us down; didn’t have to agree to the premise that a virus can shut America down and bring us to our knees. But he did. He is fully invested in this logic: a virus can overwhelm America in a day. He put us in house arrest. He declared the emergency and used emergency powers to override Constitutional rights for us and restrictions for him. Now the governors have followed that emergency powers lead, eliminating our fundamental Constitutional rights and their normal balance of power government.

What I worry about the most is the *next* virus season this fall. He has set the context so that we will do anything to keep from getting sick, keep from going into lockdown, keep from crashing our now fragile economy. When the next virus comes, the stage is set - by President Trump - for universal, trackable, verifiable, mandatory vaccination as outlined in my post above. This is not just another shot. This includes permanent inserted nano technology tied into this new 5G network that tracks our compliance and conditions individuals’ economic participation in society, via *cryptocurrency*, on vaccine compliance.

We have now been conditioned to do as we are told. If we do not comply, we are vectors of disease, murderers and the cause of economic hardship. Trump will call for universal vaccines and with it will lead us into new prosperity ... conditioned on getting the vaccine provided by Microsoft Vaccine Services - with continual updates over time. There is universal bi-partisan agreement that this is a good outcome.

Why is Trump “part of this”? He could have just ignored the Corona virus, like the Swedes. The virus would have come and gone. The economy would have remained strong. And we’d have another fake news sequence to talk about. I am really concerned about this vaccination technology and the universal tracking and compliance philosophy behind it (not to mention it’s abortifacient - the satanic sacramentals). And Trump has framed mandatory participation as the most likely outcome - heading into the fall.
Fred Martinez said…
Trump actually framed mandatory participation?
Aqua said…
There is no question he did that. The shutdown order came on March 16. He stood at the podium for six weeks with Pence, Fauci, Birx, Redfield (CDC), Adams (Surgeon General) etc and urged America to participate in his shutdown. My business essentially ended overnight because everyone we used to serve was now sheltering in place.

No question he “framed mandatory participation”, via emergency executive authority, and set that precedent for the nation and its Governors. The only question remaining, and it’s a big one, is what does that mean for the future - in order to plan accordingly.
Aqua said…
The alternative path - to NOT frame mandatory participation in future universal vaccine programs - would have been to defend constitutional rights and liberties as more important than external threats. Any suspension would have been framed as temporary with individual rights and liberties enshrined as the ultimate default.

Instead, he framed universal suspension for the collective good as appropriate, necessary - now and for any future similar emergency (defined at the Executive’s sole discretion).

With the balance of powers being removed so easily, we are left wide open to future events, especially if or when the leftists/communists win an election. The precedent has been set. He can do it. We accept that he can do it and will fully comply and force our neighbors who might disagree to comply with us.
Pisco30 said…
Aqua, Consider that Trump is taking advice from the criminal Fauci and other advisers. It would be politically disaster if he did what you suggest. Luciference Gates, CCP, WHO, all in cohorts, for what though? It's the eugenics mentality that the future will their blood lines? Egotism
7:51 AM



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