Flashback: Might the Insurrection Act be the Last Chance to Stop the Demon-Like Possession of the USA?
Leading newspaper publisher and author Conrad Black for The Epoch Times newspaper gave an overview of the demon-like media "pretense" of the 2020 massively fraudulent presidential election.
Black said "The pretense that it has been fairly and judicially determined to have been a just election is required to make the case that the great Trump meeting on Jan. 6 in Washington was a criminal enterprise, and not what it really was: a peaceful gathering of some of the scores of millions of people who feel that the election was stolen from them":
The whole world is now witnessing the most lethal episode to date in the national bipartisan political establishment’s effort to destroy Donald Trump.
Approximately half the country believes that the presidential election was rigged, and no honest person can deny that there are legitimate questions about the vote in five or six states. The fact that the election went off smoothly in the other 44 states highlights the irregularities that may have determined the result.
Now, practically the entire media and social media have locked arms in an airtight pretense that any question of the legitimacy of the election is “nonsense” (veteran Fox News commentator Brit Hume), and any suggestions to the contrary are banned on the major social media outlets. This is a totalitarian suppression of legitimate public concerns; it’s unconstitutional, and it’s not a demonstration of confidence by Trump’s tormentors.
The pretense that it has been fairly and judicially determined to have been a just election is required to make the case that the great Trump meeting on Jan. 6 in Washington was a criminal enterprise, and not what it really was: a peaceful gathering of some of the scores of millions of people who feel that the election was stolen from them. [https://www.theepochtimes.com/establishments-threat-of-impeachment-a-confession-of-failure_3652054.html]
In Fr. Malachi Martin's book on exorcism "Hostage To The Devil (page 18)," he showed how the first task of an exorcist in expelling a demon "is to break that Pretense":
There is no sure physical trace of the Presence, but everyone feels it. You have to experience it to know it; you cannot locate it spatially — beside or above or within the possessed, or over in the corner or under the bed or hovering in midair.
In one sense, the Presence is nowhere, and this magnifies the terror, because there is a presence, an other present. Not a '"he" or a "she" or an "it." Sometimes, you think that what is present is singular, sometimes plural. When it speaks, as the exorcism goes on, it will sometimes refer to itself as "I" and sometimes as "we," will use "my" and "our."
Invisible and intangible, the Presence claws at the humanness of those gathered in the room. You can exercise logic and expel any mental image of it. You can say to yourself: "I am only imagining this. Careful! Don't panic!" And there may be a momentary relief. But then, after a time lag of bare seconds, the Presence returns as an inaudible hiss in the brain, as a wordless threat to the self you are. Its name and essence seem to be compounded of threat, to be only and intensely baleful, concentratedly intent on hate for hate's sake and on destruction for destruction's sake.
In the early stages of an exorcism, the evil spirit will make every attempt to "hide behind" the possessed, so to speak — to appear to be one and the same person and personality with its victim. This is the Pretense.
The first task of the priest is to break that Pretense, to force the spirit to reveal itself openly as separate from the possessed — and to name itself, for all possessing spirits are called by a name that generally (though not always) has to do with the way that spirit works on its victim. [https://archive.org/details/HostageToTheDevil]
The Epoch Times newspaper has stated that President Donald Trump could stop the demon-like possession of America by invoking the lawful Insurrection Act. The newspaper explains what the effect of the Act would have in "empowering... state legislatures":
Were the president to invoke the Insurrection Act in this or some similar surgical manner, that would doubtless spawn lawsuits by Biden and the Democrats. Some or at least one of these lawsuits would undoubtedly make its way to the Supreme Court. The high court would then have two interesting options:
- Decide in favor of Trump on some of his challenges, but rule that his invocation of the Insurrection Act was an unconstitutional infringement of the state legislatures’ powers under Article II, Section 1, to control the manner of choosing their electors, or
- Decline to consider either Trump’s challenge to the election or his invocation of the Insurrection Act, effectively leaving all parties where they stand.
Interestingly, the first option could have the effect of empowering those state legislatures—moved by the evidence of fraud at the legislative hearings—to “decertify” a Biden win in their states or to send a competing set of electors.
In other words, invoking the Insurrection Act would serve as a test to the power of the state legislatures under the Electors Clause and, therefore, could—even if it were overturned by SCOTUS—prove instrumental in unstealing the 2020 election. [Epoch Times: "The Case for Trump to Invoke Insurrection Act": http://www.thecatholicmonitor.com/2021/01/epoch-times-case-for-trump-to-invoke.html?m=1 and https://www.theepochtimes.com/case-for-president-trumps-invoking-insurrection-act-to-restore-election-integrity_3610513.html]
Might the Insurrection Act be the last chance to stop the demon-like possession of the USA?
Note: What
is needed right now to save America from those
who would destroy our God given
rights is to pray at home or in church and if called to even go to
outdoor prayer rallies in every town and city across the United States
for God
to pour out His grace on our country to save us from those who would use
a Reichstag Fire-like incident to destroy our civil liberties. [Is the DC Capitol Incident Comparable to the Nazi Reichstag Fire Incident where the German People Lost their Civil Liberties?: http://catholicmonitor.blogspot.com/2021/01/is-dc-capital-incident-comparable-to.html?m=1 and Epoch Times Show Crossroads on Capitol Incident: "Anitfa 'Agent Provocateurs'":
Note: Please put the America and