Are Taylor Marshall's Connections to Opus Dei why he is Sitting on the Fence on Pushing Strongly against on the Coronavirus Hysteria?
The Spanish website called Sin Miedo de al "Opus Dei" which translates
in English to Without Fear of "Opus Dei" stated in Spain that the
leftist media and apparently the Opus Dei "conservative" media have
united to push the coronavirus hysteria:
"[T]here is not a single Spanish media in which there is a dissident voice... No one dares move a finger or open their mouths to say that there is something strange in so much quarantine and interruption of activity [by lockdowns]."
(Sinmiedoalopusdei, "Architecture of Oppression," April 11, 2020)
Why is the supposedly conservative Opus Dei media in Spain according to this Spanish website pushing a narrative that is destroying the country's political freedom, economy and banning the Mass?
Taylor Marshall who is against the banning of the Mass apparently is sitting on the fence on pushing strongly against on the Opus Dei coronavirus hysteria narrative (promoted in the Spanish Catholic media and by his former employer which are controlled by Opus Dei) which Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano calls "the Media's alarmism."
Is it possible that Marshall's connections to Opus Dei are why he is sitting on the fence, that is he lacks courage and decisiveness to choose sides, and is not strong in condemning the coronavirus hysteria and it's "Media's alarmism" which are causing the unconstitutional totalitarian lockdowns?
Marshall is so devoted to Opus Dei that he worked for their Catholic Information Center in Washington D.C. and named his son partly after the founder of the organization:
"Here is my son on the way home from the hospital today. He shall be baptized, Jude Ambrose Josemaria Marshall."
"Jude because I prayed a novena (a nine day prayer) through St Jude that I might find a job. On the ninth day of that novena I was offered my current position in Washington DC.... "
"... Josemaria after St Josemaria Escriva, the founder of Opus Dei. I have gained a deep devotion to this holy man and his writings. I attend daily Mass at the St Josemaria Chapel (at the Catholic Information Center) and my boss (and father and friend) is a priest of Opus Dei. Also, my son was born on June 26, the feast day of St Josemaria." []
It appears that he continued his devotion to Opus Dei even after he stopped working for them:
"[T]here is not a single Spanish media in which there is a dissident voice... No one dares move a finger or open their mouths to say that there is something strange in so much quarantine and interruption of activity [by lockdowns]."
(Sinmiedoalopusdei, "Architecture of Oppression," April 11, 2020)
Why is the supposedly conservative Opus Dei media in Spain according to this Spanish website pushing a narrative that is destroying the country's political freedom, economy and banning the Mass?
Taylor Marshall who is against the banning of the Mass apparently is sitting on the fence on pushing strongly against on the Opus Dei coronavirus hysteria narrative (promoted in the Spanish Catholic media and by his former employer which are controlled by Opus Dei) which Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano calls "the Media's alarmism."
Is it possible that Marshall's connections to Opus Dei are why he is sitting on the fence, that is he lacks courage and decisiveness to choose sides, and is not strong in condemning the coronavirus hysteria and it's "Media's alarmism" which are causing the unconstitutional totalitarian lockdowns?
Marshall is so devoted to Opus Dei that he worked for their Catholic Information Center in Washington D.C. and named his son partly after the founder of the organization:
"Here is my son on the way home from the hospital today. He shall be baptized, Jude Ambrose Josemaria Marshall."
"Jude because I prayed a novena (a nine day prayer) through St Jude that I might find a job. On the ninth day of that novena I was offered my current position in Washington DC.... "
"... Josemaria after St Josemaria Escriva, the founder of Opus Dei. I have gained a deep devotion to this holy man and his writings. I attend daily Mass at the St Josemaria Chapel (at the Catholic Information Center) and my boss (and father and friend) is a priest of Opus Dei. Also, my son was born on June 26, the feast day of St Josemaria." []
It appears that he continued his devotion to Opus Dei even after he stopped working for them:
Dr. Taylor Marshall
"I'm about to go to the Dallas Opus Dei recollection. Anyone else going tonight?" []
Opus Dei is not just promoting the coronavirus hysteria, but is strongly supportive of Francis and even Amoris Laetitia.
Might Marshall's connections to Opus Dei explain why he is so strongly against Archbishop Vigano including Bishop Rene Gracida in his anti-coronavirus hysteria petition to end the unconstitutional tyrannical lockdowns?
Might Marshall's connections to Opus Dei explain why he is so strongly against Archbishop Vigano including Bishop Rene Gracida in his anti-coronavirus hysteria petition to end the unconstitutional tyrannical lockdowns?
Bishop Gracida is against the coronavirus hysteria and is strongly
against Amoris Laetitia's pushing of Communion for adulterers and as his
co-host on the Taylor Marshall podcast Timothy Flanders said today
Gracida says "there needs to be a canonical trial and
investigation[1:15:12-1:15:30]" on the validity of the Francis conclave
and Pope Benedict XVI resignation.
This apparently goes against the Opus Dei narratives which it is
possible Marshall feels the need to oppose passively by sitting on the
fence on the virus hysteria as well as on "a canonical trail and
investigation" of the validity of the Francis conclave and Pope Benedict
XVI resignation.
Marshall speaking against Bishop Garcida's position, that "a canonical
trial and investigation" of the validity of the Francis conclave and
Pope Benedict XVI resignation is needed, said:
"I am a little concern that the [Vigano petition] movement can spin that
way [towards Bishop Garcida's position that "a canonical trial and
investigation" is needed] and break apart. That is a concern I
have." (1:40- 1:40:16) []
Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Mass and the Church as
well as for the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and
the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Pray an Our Father now to offer reparation for the offenses against the
Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary and for the
conversion of sinners.