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Stockholm Syndrome & Vaccine: Why is the Francis Deep Church and Washington Deep State being Nice?

Why is the Francis Deep Church and Washington Deep State through Anthony Fauci being nice to those they usually verbally and mentally abuse?

One reason the Francis Vatican is doing a Peron in pretending to be Catholic and Fauci is pretending to be nice to Donald Trump and his supporters in my opinion is because they think by being nice they can get more Catholics and Trump supporters to take the immoral and dangerous vaccine.

The other reason in my opinion is what is called the Stockholm Syndrome.

Archbishop Carlo Maria ViganĂ² in an interview by Radio Spada spoke of it this way:

As for my direct acquaintance with Benedict XVI, I can say that in the years of his Pontificate, in which I served the Church in the Secretariat of State, in the Governorate, and as Nuncio in the United States, I got the idea that he surrounded himself with inadequate, unreliable or even corrupt collaborators, who have largely taken advantage of the “meekness” of his character and of what could be considered as a certain “Stockholm syndrome” [i.e., a syndrome in which a prisoner, in a certain sense, comes to love those who have imprisoned him] especially towards Cardinal Bertone and towards his own personal secretary [G.G.]. []

Fr. David Nix explained it as follows:

LifeSite News demonstrated that the accusations of bad translations of the Vatican’s 2020 statements on “gay civil-unions” were not true.  In other words, the initial translations were true, for they positively affirmed “gay civil-unions.”

In Stockholm Syndrome, when the abuser loosens their grip on a victim, instead of the victim running, it causes the victim to thank the abuser for these occasional acts of kindness.  It is a survival mechanism for the abused.  Currently, both the left and the right go scrambling for doctrinal crumbs, rejoicing whenever official statements appear to congeal within their own personal beliefs.   Eventually, it all comes around to the abuser knowing he will ultimately be forgiven for the times that he looks like an enemy. Why?  Because the next day he will appear to be your friend.  Flip-flopping on doctrinal issues makes people insane.  Solid answers (even when people don’t like them) keep people sane.

But the mildly-conservative American Catholic celebrities say:  See!  He said something orthodox!  See!  He said something orthodox!  Here, the abuser uses his own flip-flopping to keep Catholics (on both left and right) held hostage as they hope for better doctrinal days.  (We also saw this doctrinal flip-flopping with all the edits to the CCC on the topic of the death-penalty.  They started under Pope John Paul II in the 1990s.)

To avoid getting taken for a ride on all this, I first suggest you teach Apostolic Catholicism to your children from old-school catechisms that don’t bait you into an ever-changing “doctrine.” (For example, try my CPX series you can subscribe to on YouTube for free.  We continue to study the short but handy Catechism of Pope St. Pius X written in 1880.). The old catechisms do no flip-flopping on important issues like sexual morality or the death-penalty as we see in the modernist hierarchy.  Yes, continue to be obedient to the hierarchy on whatever is within their bandwidth of authority, but remember such authority never includes changing the Apostolic faith or liturgy.

Secondly, make the resolution to neither get happy at CDF statements nor sad at tweets (when the opposite comes out in a month or two.)  Remember:  It’s all a game of oscillations between orthodoxy and liberalism  to keep us hanging on for the next wave of control followed by a doctrinal treat…manipulation followed by a treat…manipulation followed by a treat.  This is all explained in the third secret of Fatima, namely, apostasy from the top down.  Don’t be the victim of Stockholm Syndrome who defends your abuser—just because you had a good day. []

Francis Notes:

- Doctor of the Church St. Francis de Sales totally confirmed beyond any doubt the possibility of a heretical pope and what must be done by the Church in such a situation:

"[T]he Pope... WHEN he is EXPLICITLY a heretic, he falls ipso facto from his dignity and out of the Church, and the Church MUST either deprive him, or, as some say, declare him deprived, of his Apostolic See."
(The Catholic Controversy, by St. Francis de Sales, Pages 305-306)

Saint Robert Bellarmine, also, said "the Pope heretic is not deposed ipso facto, but must be declared deposed by the Church."

- "If Francis is a Heretic, What should Canonically happen to him?":

- "Could Francis be a Antipope even though the Majority of Cardinals claim he is Pope?":

 -  LifeSiteNews, "Confusion explodes as Pope Francis throws magisterial weight behind communion for adulterers," December 4, 2017:

The AAS guidelines explicitly allows "sexually active adulterous couples facing 'complex circumstances' to 'access the sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist.'"

-  On February 2018, in Rorate Caeli, Catholic theologian Dr. John Lamont:

"The AAS statement... establishes that Pope Francis in Amoris Laetitia has affirmed propositions that are heretical in the strict sense."

- On December 2, 2017, Bishop Rene Gracida:

"Francis' heterodoxy is now official. He has published his letter to the Argentina bishops in Acta Apostlica Series making those letters magisterial documents."

Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church by the bishops by the grace of God.

Election Notes:  

- Intel Cryptanalyst-Mathematician on Biden Steal: "212Million Registered Voters & 66.2% Voting,140.344 M Voted...Trump got 74 M, that leaves only 66.344 M for Biden" []

- Will US be Venezuela?: Ex-CIA Official told Epoch Times "ChĂ¡vez started to Focus on [Smartmatic] Voting Machines to Ensure Victory as early as 2003":

- Tucker Carlson's Conservatism Inc. Biden Steal Betrayal is explained by “One of the Greatest Columns ever Written" according to Rush:
- A Hour which will Live in Infamy: 10:01pm November 3, 2020:

Pray an Our Father now for the grace to know God's Will and to do it.
Pray an Our Father now for America.
Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church as well as the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.



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