"Odd image. The Divine Mercy image is a strange imitation of the Sacred Heart without the heart. Christ is halo-less. The signs of his passion are almost invisible."
Gloria.tv asked "What Is Wrong with Faustina Kowalska’s Divine Mercy Devotion?":
Forbidden. What is wrong with Sister Faustina Kowalska’s Divine Mercy
Devotion? Pius XII placed the Divine Mercy Devotion, including the
writings of Sr. Faustina on the Index of Prohibited Books. John XXIII
confirmed this prohibition twice. In November 1958, the Holy Office
stated that there is no evidence of a supernatural origin of Kowalska’s
revelations. This translates, “We do not think that these apparitions
come from God.” The Holy Office declared that no Feast of Divine Mercy
should be instituted, and it forbade to propagate this devotion and to
publish the image of Our Lord as Divine Mercy. This was confirmed by a
March 1959 decree.
Odd image. The Divine Mercy image is a strange
imitation of the Sacred Heart without the heart. Christ is halo-less.
The signs of his passion are almost invisible. This contains the claim
that we can expect an unconditional mercy without the cross. The central
error of the Divine Mercy is that it promises lots of spiritual rewards
with no penance and reparation. Unfortunately, this corresponds very
much with what John Paul II wrote in his misleading Encyclical Dives in
Concerns. The 640 pages writings of Sr. Faustina
pose cause for concern. On October 2, 1936, Faustina stated that the
“Lord Jesus” appeared to her saying that – quote – “I am uniting Myself
with you so intimately as with no other creature.” Wait a minute, Our
Lord united Himself more intimately with Sr. Faustina than with any
other creature? So, Our Lord was more united with Sr Faustina than with
Our Lady?..
... An author M M Anthony has written two books on this contentious issue:- amazon.co.uk/…nanswered-Questions-ebook/dp/B073DX8NX1/ref=sr_1_2
long suspected that this devotion only escaped further censure because
of the Polish connection with Pope John Paul II who rehabilitated it. I
find it very man-centered - 'Have mercy on US' - as opposed to the
God-centered Sacred Heart devotion, where we make reparation to HIM. The
Sacred Heart visionary, St Margaret Mary Alacoque said: ”I understood
that devotion to the Sacred Heart is a last effort
of His love towards Christians of these latter times, by proposing to
them an object and means so calculated to persuade them to love Him… This
devotion was the last effort of His love that He would grant to men in
these latter ages, in order to withdraw them from the empire of Satan
which Jesus desired to destroy, and thus to introduce them to the sweet
liberty of the rule of His love, which He wished to restore in the
hearts of all those who should embrace this devotion.” (St. Margaret
Mary Alacoque, vision of the Sacred Heart, 1673). If this was Our Lord's
'last effort' where does the Divine Mercy devotion fit in, all those years later?
I think it safer to stick with the Sacred Heart devotion. The definitive book on the Sacred Heart devotion can be found here:- tanbooks.com/…f-jesus-how-to-practice-the-sacred-heart-devotion/
cover states that this book “is not ‘just another book on the Sacred
Heart devotion’, but it can be truly said to be THE book on this
devotion. Written by the spiritual director of St Margaret Mary, the
book comes from the pen of a man intimately familiar with every aspect
of the revelations given by Our Lord to this famous saint; thus the book
is actually the ‘key’ to understanding the importance and the
centrality of the Sacred Heart devotion for our lives as true Catholics.
But even more than being THE book on the Sacred Heart devotion, Fr
Croiset’s work is a revelation to us all just why so few people become
great saints, just why so few Catholics – despite going frequently to
the Sacraments – fail really to grow in the life of grace and make great
progress in the spiritual order. ‘Devotion to the Sacred Heart of
Jesus’ was actually commissioned by Our Lord Himself through St Margaret
Mary, and as the author neared completion of it, the Saint told him
that Our Lord said it was so completely in accord with His wishes, that
it would never be necessary to make any change in it. Later she revealed
to Fr Croiset that it was Our Lord Himself who had inspired him with
the ideas in this book and that it was so pleasing to Him that ‘none
other but Himself could have arranged everything so much to His wishes .
. . ” [https://www.gloria.tv/post/DAyM8rrgEnVj1jgiJjebXES9f]