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Flashback: Francis has Cardinals "Petrified" Silent with Fear says Vatican Expert Edward Pentin

Fr. Thomas Weinandy is an example of one who decided not to be silent and defend his cherished beliefs.

He lost his position with the USCCB instead of betraying his beliefs by the sin of omission.

The courageous Fr. Weinandy said in a letter to Pope Francis:

You "seem to censor and mock those who interpret Chapter 8 of Amoris Laetitia in accord with Church tradition... Many bishops are silent... Many fear that if they speak their mind, they will be marginalized or worst." (National Catholic Register, "Full Text of Father Weinandy's Letter to Pope Francis," November 1, 2017)

The example of the other side of this coin are all the silent bishops and Cardinals who "fear that if they speak their mind, they will be marginalized or worst" so they appear willing to betray their most cherish beliefs.

Vatican Expert Edward Pentin said "40 to 70 Cardinals" are silent because of their petrifying fear of Pope Francis and his Vatican. Pentin said:

"I was told earlier this year by a senior prelate that there is great concern by a good number of Cardinals about this pontificate and I also heard from another well placed source that... their estimate of about 40 to 70 Cardinals want a change, they are very concern, but they are simply petrified about speaking out."
(Fr. Z's Blog, November 4, 2017, "Edward Pentin's talk at the Catholic Identity Conference 2017," Quote from video in post)

That these Cardinals by their silence appear willing to betray their most cherish beliefs is the conclusion one gets from the video.

Even one source told Pentin that they know that they will have to answer to God on why they were silent during this crisis.

Fr. Z speaking of the video and Pentin said:

"Edward Pentin – at present the best English language Vaticanista in Rome – gave a talk at a conference.

There is a video of his talk. You might give it a shot.

Pentin, a sharp and reasonable guy, touches on a lot of sore points.

We have to stop blowing happy gas all around, as if everything in the Church was great. It’s not great."

Again, these Cardinals that Pentin speaks of in the video by their silence appear willing to betray their most cherish beliefs.

In fact, Pope Francis appointed Cardinal Blase Cupich said that bishops and Catholics must betray their most "cherished beliefs" which he associates with "and long-held biases" to follow Francis:

“It is our job to take up that discernment. It takes time. It involves discipline. Most importantly it requires that we be prepared to let go of cherished beliefs and long-held biases.” (November 2, 2017, LifeSiteNews, "Catholics must let go of ‘cherished beliefs’ to ‘discern’ like Pope Francis: U.S. Cardinal" [])

Pray for the Dubia Cardinals that they issue the correction.

Pray also for the 40 to 70 Cardinals that they act like Fr. Weinandy and not commit the sin of omission by silence.

Say a Our Father now for these intentions.



Aqua said…
Our Cardinals are “petrified” into silence. “Not this hill. This is not the hill to die on. Regroup and live to fight another day”

Actually what they mean is that there is no hill worth dying for. Because we have not fought for anything ever, on our long Catholic retreat until now, on this the last hill, we see there are no other hills - everything we see is owned and occupied by the enemy. But no, we must not fight and risk losing it all, even now at the end when we see there are no more hills left to defend.

Alternatively, this is what defense of “the hill, the last and final hill” looks like:

Or … you can just lay down weapons and quit to avoid bloodshed. Let the enemy take it all. It must be God’s will. “God will fix it someday. How long Oh, Lord; How long!?” Ugh!

We have no victory at Ia Drang without a Lt Col Hal Moore who knew a hill worth defending when he saw it; nor without the men who believed as he did about each other and about their nation.

We need Catholic leaders equivalent to Hal Moore and men to follow, clear-eyed about where they are going and why, willing to give their final and full measure for victory in defense of something precious against an enemy that is implacable and evil to the bone.

But … until then we continue the long, peaceful march to foreign occupation and confinement.
Aqua said…
The clip above from the movie “We Were Soldiers”, based on the book by the same name, based on the first battle of the Vietnam War, which encapsulated everything good and bad about that conflict - the bravery and heroism of the men on the ground; the duplicity and cowardice of the “leaders” who occupied comfortable offices and made self-serving decisions.

“I will be the first to arrive, and the last to leave”, Col Moore told his men. “And we are *all* coming home”. The definition of leadership and moral certitude.

The Vietnam war could have been won easily. But, as Ia Drang and its aftermath showed, we were led by generals and politicians who wanted to lose for some strange unknowable reason. Like today, in so many ways.

Anyway - great movie, one of the best war movies ever, about what it’s like to stand up and defend something when called upon to serve. It might pay to recall it when thinking about conflict and sacrifice in our own time. In each our own stations in life - what will WE do?

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