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Flaskback: Is Obama's Planned Parenthood Encouraging Donations "Aimed at Aborting Black Babies?”

Is Obama's Planned Parenthood Encouraging Donations "Aimed at Aborting Black Babies?”

Yes, read below.


Planned Parenthood of Idaho officials apologized Wednesday for what they called an employee’s ‘serious mistake‘ in encouraging a donation aimed at aborting Black babies,” The Statesmen said.

According to a press release by Vice President of External Affairs Julia Piercey, “a known anti-choice extremist set out to smear Planned Parenthood.” Rose, who calls herself a whistleblower, believes the tapes speak for themselves.


Abortionist Obama: "The First Thing I’d do as President is, is Sign the Freedom of [Abortion] Choice Act"

Coming soon Planned Parenthood’s Barack Obama as the Abortionist President.


Barack Obama before Planned Parenthood Action Fund, July 17, 2007

Dessa Cosma: [W]hat would you do at the federal level not only to ensure access to abortion but to make sure that the judicial nominees that you will inevitably be able to pick are true to the core tenets of Roe v. Wade?

Barack Obama: Well, the first thing I’d do as president is, is sign the Freedom of Choice Act.


Planned Black Parenthood
Posted on March 2, 2008 by A.M.

The Abortion Debate

*Editor’s Note: This entry is cross-posted at BlogHer.

“When the history of our civilization is written, it will be a biological history, and Margaret Sanger will be its heroine,” Gloria Steinem wrote in Time.

What Steinem omitted in her tribute to the founder of Planned Parenthood was her outspoken view of eugenics as the “most adequate and thorough avenue to the solution of racial, political and social problems.”[1]

According to a pro-life student magazine at UCLA, Planned Parenthood may not have abandoned their founder’s beliefs.

A sting operation by The Advocate uncovered Planned Parenthood donations earmarked by race in Idaho and Ohio.

“We obtained the information by having an actor call clinics across the country and pose as a donor. The actor who called, The Advocate’s advisor, communicated to them a very racist agenda — the one that Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood’s founder, had envisioned. He then asked to donate money specifically to ‘reduce the numbers of Blacks,’” said Lila Rose, editor-in-chief of The Advocate.

“In fact some went so far as agreeing with the anti-Black agenda” — like Autumn Kersey, vice president of development and marketing for Planned Parenthood of Idaho. “On Tuesday, The Advocate released transcripts and audio recordings of this phone call and another to fund-raising representatives in Ohio,” according to

“Planned Parenthood’s 800 clinics receive more than 200 million dollars of taxpaper money annually. It’s unacceptable for a nonprofit to accept donations that target specific races,” Rose said. “With more than 79% of clinics in minority neighborhoods, and more than 1400 Black abortions daily, these programs are doing precisely what their actor asked them to do. Planned Parenthood is (intentionally or not) exterminating the Black community,” she wrote.

“What the Ku Klux Klan could only dream about, the abortion industry is accomplishing,” says Klan Parenthood. “Lynching by the Ku Klux Klan isn’t as efficient at killing Blacks as Planned Parenthood abortions. Thanks to them, in America today, almost as many Black babies are killed by abortion as are born.”

Blacks receive 35% of all abortions in the United States, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. “The abortion ratio for black women (503 per 1,000 live births) was 3.0 times the ratio for white women (167 per 1,000 live births). The abortion rate for black women (30 per 1,000 women) was 3.1 times the rate for white women (10 per 1,000 women).”

Planned Parenthood of Idaho officials apologized Wednesday for what they called an employee’s ‘serious mistake‘ in encouraging a donation aimed at aborting Black babies,” The Statesmen said.

According to a press release by Vice President of External Affairs Julia Piercey, “a known anti-choice extremist set out to smear Planned Parenthood.” Rose, who calls herself a whistleblower, believes the tapes speak for themselves.

What was said
Autumn Kersey of Planned Parenthood in Boise: Good afternoon, this is Autumn.

Donor: Hello, Autumn, I’m interested in making a donation today.

Kersey: Fantastic!

Donor: What about abortions for the underprivileged minority groups?

Kersey: Oh, absolutely. We have, um, in fact, uh wonderful, fantastic news. We just received a very generous donation to our women in need fund.

Donor: Wonderful. I want to specify that abortion to help a minority group - would that be possible?

Kersey: Absolutely.

Donor: Like the black community for example?

Kersey: Certainly.

Donor: OK, so the abortion I can give money specifically for a black baby, that would be the purpose.

Kersey: Absolutely. If you wanted to designate that you wanted your gift to be used to help (an) African-American woman in need, then we would certainly make sure that that gift was earmarked specifically for that purpose.

Donor: Great. Because I really face trouble with affirmative action, and I don’t want my kids being disadvantaged, you know, against black kids. I just had a baby; I want to put it in his name, you know.

Kersey: Mmhmm, absolutely.

Donor: So that’s definitely possible.

Kersey: Oh, always, always.

Donor: So I just wanna - can I put this in the name of my son?

Kersey: Absolutely.

Donor: Yeah, he’s trying to get into colleges, and he’s going to be applying, you know, he’s just … we’re just really big … he’s really faced troubles with affirmative action.

Kersey: Mmhmm.

Donor: And we don’t, you know, we just think, you know, the less black kids out there the better.

Kersey: (Laughs) Understandable, understandable. … Um David, let me, if I may, just get some sort of specific general information so we can set this up the right way. You said you wanted to put it in your son’s name, and you would like this designated specifically to assist (an) African-American woman who’s looking to terminate a pregnancy.

Donor: Exactly, and yeah, I wanna protect my son, so he can get into college.

Kersey: All right. Excuse my hesitation, um, um, this is the first time I’ve had a donor call and make this kind of request, so I’m excited, and I wanna make sure I don’t leave anything out.



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