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Pro-Criminals "Destigmatiz[ing] Pedophiles": Was Epstein a "Sex Offender" or a MAP as "transgender professor Allyn Walker... made the case that pedophiles should be referred to as “minor-attracted persons” or “MAP"

The Epoch Times reported that late sex offender Jeffrey Epstein is back in the news as a Barack Obama judge is apparently defending him after his death by attacking the rights of his victims: 

Information about women who said they were abused by late sex offender Jeffrey Epstein was handed over on Nov. 24 to prosecutors and defense attorneys associated with the case of close Epstein associate Ghislaine Maxwell, who has been accused of helping to recruit and groom the women when they were underage.

The information had voluntarily been given to the administrators of a victims’ compensation fund. A total of 225 alleged victims submitted information and collectively received nearly $125 million.

Prosecutors fought against forcing the fund administrators to hand over details, arguing that information about women who submitted claims wasn’t relevant or admissible in Maxwell’s upcoming trial. Maxwell’s lawyers argued the opposite.

U.S. District Judge Alison Nathan, an Obama appointee presiding over the high-profile case, decided this week to order the administrators to send the information to both parties. Nathan said she would review the materials first and decide whether to hold some of them back...

... The former designation means that the materials can’t be disclosed to anyone outside of the parties except for legal workers, experts, or potential experts or consultants. The latter designation pertains to nude, partially nude, or otherwise sexualized material, which must be introduced under seal if it’s filed at all in the case.

The charges filed against Maxwell include enticing a minor to travel to engage in criminal sexual activity and transporting a minor with the same intent. Her trial is scheduled to start on Nov. 29. Only people inside the courthouse will be able to watch it, per federal rules. Alleged victims, members of Maxwell’s family, and members of the press are being guaranteed access to the trial.

Maxwell, who has pleaded not guilty in the case, has been held since her arrest in summer 2020 due to her wealth and connections around the world. She is facing up to 50 years in prison if convicted on all charges. []

LifeSiteNews reported that the leftist Woke establishment wants "to destigmatize" sex offenders like Epstein: 

I am keenly aware of how easy it is, at this stage in the sexual revolution, to produce commentary that seems prone to panic or is designed to provoke anger or fear. But I also think that it is essential, considering the breathtaking and lightning-fast speed of cultural change over the last ten years, to keep our eyes wide open. Remember: We were told for decades that much of what has occurred over the past few years was impossible by the very people working to bring it about. 

With that stated, I would like to draw your attention to a story from a CBS affiliate revealing that the Sex Offender Management Board in Colorado, which sets standards for the state, voted on November 22 to abandon the term “sex offender” to something more “person-first.”


The Sex Offender Management Board considered several other options, and eventually voted by 10-6 to change the term to “adults who commit sexual offenses.” As Jessica Dotter of the Colorado Attorneys’ Council noted: “I’m concerned that the use of person-first language generally is an intent to remove accountability from offenders and to diminish the experience of the victims.” Supporters of the move argued that eliminating the label would make it easier for perpetrators to move past their crimes to become healthy members of society. 

This may not seem like a particularly significant move. It very well may turn out not to be. But the first fight in the war to destigmatize various behaviors has always been to first change the language. If you can change how an issue is framed, you ensure the debate is held on your terms. On every issue with regard to sexuality and sexual behavior, for example, a shift in language has preceded a shift in cultural views and, eventually, a shift in law. Language is the first field upon which the battle for hearts and minds is always fought. 

It is also important to note that those seeking to destigmatize behaviors always begin by insisting that they are merely advocates for compassion. “Sex offenders,” here, is presented as a term that is cruel to… Well, sex offenders. This is the same argument made recently by the transgender professor Allyn Walker, who made the case that pedophiles should be referred to as “minor-attracted persons” or “MAP.” She insists that she is not seeking to justify pedophilia, merely to destigmatize pedophiles as people. She may be telling the truth. That’s not particularly relevant to what she’s trying to accomplish here...

...  Consider this truly insane little snippet from a UK media outlet: 

A woman accused of indecent exposure, masturbating in public and using a sex toy in a public place, will stand trial early next year. Chloe Thompson, of Borough Road, Middlesbrough, appeared at Teesside Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday after denying the offences. She is charged with committing a public nuisance by indecently exposing her penis to other members of the public, whilst masturbating from a property window. 

You’ll remember that politicians, media commentators, and even some Christians insisted that the issue of “preferred pronouns,” which rocketed Dr. Jordan Peterson to global fame when he refused to cede the field of language to trans activists, was a mere matter of courtesy. To not use someone’s preferred pronouns wasn’t a matter of truth, but of politeness. That was always nonsense: to call a male a female or vice versa is to accept that gender ideology is true. Inevitably, the result is this: delusional news articles straight facedly utilizing phrases like “exposing her penis.”  []



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