Moreover, epidemiological expert Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg has brought forward credible scientific evidence that the PCR test used to verify Coronavirus could be flawed and even possibly dubious in results which basically could falsely be claiming a virus is Coronavirus when it's another virus. (Modern Ghana, "The curse of the PCR method- comments on the COVID-19 criticism by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, MD,"M 23, 2020)(Modern Ghana, "The curse of the PCR method- comments on the COVID-19 criticism by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, MD,"M 23, 2020)
I received a email from my traditional Latin Mass pastor which summarizes the information many people are getting:
"[M]ost people who get the coronavirus are not likely to become gravely ill, [but] COVID-19 is highly contagious."
Even former Barack Obama Global AIDS Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx who is the present White House Coronavirus Coordinator said most don't die unless they're old and already sickly:
"99% of all mortality coming out of Europe in general is over 50 and [people who have] pre-existing conditions."
(The Jewish Voice, "Trump: 'USA not Built to be Shut Down" - Latest Presser from White House, March 23, 2020)
The media claims that the Coronavirus is "highly contagious" (which most people such as my pastor apparently believe) are not verified by science.
Live Science says how contagious a illness is measured by RO which means "the average number of people who catch a virus":
"The flu has a RO of 1.3... Preliminary studies have estimated a RO value for the new coronavirus to be between 2 and 3."
(Live Science, "How does the new coronavirus compare with the flu," 5 days ago)
Approximately double the rate of the flu. In simple words:
The scientific evidence above is not claiming that the Coronavirus is the end of the world which requires that the United States economy be destroyed and the Catholic Mass be banned.
Moreover, epidemiological expert Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg has brought forward credible scientific evidence that the PCR test used to verify Coronavirus could be flawed and even possibly dubious in results which basically could falsely be claiming a virus is Coronavirus when it's another virus.
(Modern Ghana, "The curse of the PCR method- comments on the COVID-19 criticism by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, MD,"M 23, 2020)
Are the Coronavirus PCR tests quickly accepted by the apparent Communist Chinese operative World Health Organization (WHO) for supposed urgency giving not only possibly false positives, but wrongly identifying flu-like symptoms as COVID-19?
Finally, is the anecdotal evidence of Italian hospitals looking like war zones a straw man fallacy when we an look back to images of the 2018 flue outbreak with very similar images of hospital war zones.
(Daily Mail, "Flu drives hospitals into "war zone" conditions: Tents on the streets in California, 'state of emergency' in Alabama, and Boston is using Gatorade to plug shortage of IV drips," January 17,2018)
Why didn't the flu outbreak hospital war zones of 2018 require the destruction of the United States economy and the banning of the Catholic Mass?
Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Mass and of the Church as well as for the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Also, pray an Our Father now for President Trump to get the grace of God to do God's will in this crisis.
"[M]ost people who get the coronavirus are not likely to become gravely ill, [but] COVID-19 is highly contagious."
Even former Barack Obama Global AIDS Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx who is the present White House Coronavirus Coordinator said most don't die unless they're old and already sickly:
"99% of all mortality coming out of Europe in general is over 50 and [people who have] pre-existing conditions."
(The Jewish Voice, "Trump: 'USA not Built to be Shut Down" - Latest Presser from White House, March 23, 2020)
The media claims that the Coronavirus is "highly contagious" (which most people such as my pastor apparently believe) are not verified by science.
Live Science says how contagious a illness is measured by RO which means "the average number of people who catch a virus":
"The flu has a RO of 1.3... Preliminary studies have estimated a RO value for the new coronavirus to be between 2 and 3."
(Live Science, "How does the new coronavirus compare with the flu," 5 days ago)
Approximately double the rate of the flu. In simple words:
The scientific evidence above is not claiming that the Coronavirus is the end of the world which requires that the United States economy be destroyed and the Catholic Mass be banned.
Moreover, epidemiological expert Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg has brought forward credible scientific evidence that the PCR test used to verify Coronavirus could be flawed and even possibly dubious in results which basically could falsely be claiming a virus is Coronavirus when it's another virus.
(Modern Ghana, "The curse of the PCR method- comments on the COVID-19 criticism by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, MD,"M 23, 2020)
Are the Coronavirus PCR tests quickly accepted by the apparent Communist Chinese operative World Health Organization (WHO) for supposed urgency giving not only possibly false positives, but wrongly identifying flu-like symptoms as COVID-19?
Finally, is the anecdotal evidence of Italian hospitals looking like war zones a straw man fallacy when we an look back to images of the 2018 flue outbreak with very similar images of hospital war zones.
(Daily Mail, "Flu drives hospitals into "war zone" conditions: Tents on the streets in California, 'state of emergency' in Alabama, and Boston is using Gatorade to plug shortage of IV drips," January 17,2018)
Why didn't the flu outbreak hospital war zones of 2018 require the destruction of the United States economy and the banning of the Catholic Mass?
Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Mass and of the Church as well as for the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Also, pray an Our Father now for President Trump to get the grace of God to do God's will in this crisis.