Ann Barnhardt: "I’m hard pressed to think of anything more romantic than to be told by a courter that he had been praying for me every day since childhood"
Ann Barnhardt beautifully wrote in the post "On the Feast of the Betrothal of St. Joseph and the Blessed Virgin Mary, remember that it is a wonderful practice for children, youth & unmarried adults to pray for their future spouse every day":
In the same vein, let us remember to teach children, youth and adults who are marriageable, to pray for their future spouse, even as yet unknown, every day.
I’m hard pressed to think of anything more romantic than to be told by a courter that he had been praying for me every day since childhood (or she for him) – and not merely as a future friend… le sigh. Not to mention the reality of the efficacy of those prayers. God is not limited by time, so yes, we absolutely can and should pray for people we haven’t met yet, with the future spouse being at the top of that list, future children, and future friends.
And then when you meet them, you can have the deep pleasure of telling them that you have been praying for them for years, and know that it’s true.
Happy Feast of the Betrothal of St. Joseph and the Blessed Virgin Mary! []