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“May we all move away from the dull cosmos of Marxist and WOKE scientism to the world of wonder where everything is not the dead dull physics of practical atheism, but where the sun and the moon and we are moved by the love of God”

The Song of Roland: Merwin, W. S.: 9780375757112: Books

El Cid - The Story of History's Greatest Knight - YouTube

“May we all move away from the dull cosmos of Marxist and WOKE scientism to the world of wonder where everything is not the dead dull physics of practical atheism, but where the sun and the moon and we are moved by the love of God.”

It sometimes appears that Francis in his attacks on Traditionalists and the Traditional Latin Mass seems to be like the Pharaoh who opposed Moses and God's people. I actually feel sorry for him because his fate will be the same if he doesn't change his present course. 

But, lately, I've thought that Francis is more like Don Quixote in the way Pope Paul VI was like him, but more so.

Paul VI wrote "Am I Hamlet or Don Quixote?"

Is Francis like Paul who asked if he was Don Quixote who was the non-hero of the first modern novel in history? A man going insane in a non-heroic world.

The Spanish author of that first modern novel said, "he wrote Don Quixote in order to undermine the influence of those 'vain and empty books of chivalry.'"[]

The American TFP  website asked "Did Cervantes Kill Chivalry?":

"Intended or not, European society saw Don Quixote as a mockery of chivalric ideals, which were summarily abandoned in the century that followed. Considered the first modern novel, the influence of Don Quixote has been far reaching. Some questions arise as we examine the four centuries that have since passed: did Cervantes kill chivalry in publishing Don Quixote?" []

The un-chivalric Francis seems like a man going insane in a modern novel where there is no ultimate good or evil as Amoris Laetitia promotes and no heroes, but only Marxist-like narratives. He is a modern novel non-hero who "is mad before the book begins, and suffers from the harsh steadiness and cruel sanity of the cosmos." G. K. Chesterton illustrates what it might be like in Francis's apparent sad dull Marxist-like cosmos

“Can you not see, […] that fairy tales in their essence are quite solid and straightforward; but that this everlasting fiction about modern life is in its nature essentially incredible? Folk-lore means that the soul is sane, but that the universe is wild and full of marvels. Realism means that the world is dull and full of routine, but that the soul is sick and screaming. The problem of the fairy tale is-what will a healthy man do with a fantastic world? The problem of the modern novel is-what will a madman do with a dull world? In the fairy tales the cosmos goes mad; but the hero does not go mad. In the modern novels the hero is mad before the book begins, and suffers from the harsh steadiness and cruel sanity of the cosmos. ”

Aristotle agreed with Chesterton when he said that art such as masculine heroic poetry and awe-inspiring music is more important than dead history (or dull modern novels) such as is promoted in Hegelian drab Soviet-like countries like Castro's Cuba along with their drab ideological propaganda narratives. The philosopher said history tells how man did act. Art shows how man should or ought to act. It gives us a model of how to be moral.

The humble, but masculine knight-like Pope Benedict XVI loves the Traditional Latin Mass because he is a man of heroic poetry and music who played the grand piano. 

Might the reason Francis promotes immorality in Amoris Laetitia and apparently hates the Traditional Latin Mass be in part because his cosmos is like a madman in a dull world of false dull media ideological narratives?

Benedict is a man of chivalry, but Francis appears to be a man living in a dull world of ideology. 

The Mary Victrix website gave a overview of the the kind of world Benedict may live in:

Chivalry is only a name for that general spirit or state of mind which disposes men to heroic and generous actions and keeps them conversant with all that is beautiful and sublime in the intellectual and moral world.
(Kenelm Henry Digby, Maxims of Christian Chivalry)

Here we have succinct but essential definition of an institution that is often poorly understood. Today chivalry can mean anything from mere external manners to adulterous romance. Some revivalists conjure up a completely pagan version, ignoring or redefining the Christian virtues that made chivalry great: fidelity, honesty, courtesy, prowess and generosity.

Imagine one arguing that fidelity is based on faith, but that faith does not necessarily have any relation to God. Such is the present state of affairs.

According to the definition given above, chivalry keeps men “conversant with all that is beautiful and sublime in the intellectual and moral world.” From a Christian perspective nothing is more beautiful and sublime than the sacrificial love of Christ for his Church, and the Church’s obedient love for Christ.


The Holy Rood is a great and cosmic icon of the highest ideals that can be held by men: the Crucified flanked by His Most Holy Mother and the Beloved Disciple. St. John is witness to and participant in the true and pure “courtly love” of Jesus and Mary, Christ and the Church, King and Queen, Child and Mother.

It is at the foot of the Cross, in the place of the Beloved Disciple and in the company of Our Lady that men will again become conversant with all that is “beautiful and sublime.” To carry one’s cross is the greatest of all “heroic and generous actions.”

In imitation of Christ Himself, the great King and most honorable Knight, men will find their honor in the honor of the most noble of women, the Virgin Mother and Queen of angels and of men. This is Marian Chivalry. []

Chesterton in Tremendous Trifles showed the type of dull world Francis may live in and the world of wonder Benedict appears to live in:

"Satan was the most celebrated of Alpine guides, when he took Jesus to the top of an exceeding high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the earth. But the joy of Satan in standing on a peak is not a joy in largeness, but a joy in beholding smallness, in the fact that all men look like insects at his feet. It is from the valley that things look large; it is from the level that things look high; I am a child of the level and have no need of that celebrated Alpine guide. I will lift up my eyes to the hills, from whence cometh my help; but I will not lift up my carcass to the hills, unless it is absolutely necessary. Everything is in an attitude of mind; and at this moment I am in a comfortable attitude. I will sit still and let the marvels and the adventures settle on me like flies. There are plenty of them, I assure you. The world will never starve for want of wonders; but only for want of wonder." 

May we all move away form the dull cosmos of Marxist and WOKE scientism to the world of wonder where everything is not the dead dull physics of practical atheism, but where the sun and the moon and we are moved by the love of God.

 ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA | St catherine of siena, Funny marriage advice,  Christian art

For Medieval Catholics it was not the "Enlightenment scientific" Newtonian and Marxist anthropomorphic metaphor of "laws of [impersonal] physics" that moved the sun and the stars and mankind, but the love of God. As Dante said it is "the love that moves the sun and the other stars." It is God's love that brought the stars and us out of nothingness and into existence and keeps us at every moment from falling back into nothingness.

G.K. Chesterton hilariously ridiculed Marxist's and atheist's sneer at this:

“It is absurd for the [atheistic] Evolutionist to complain that it is unthinkable for an admittedly unthinkable God to make everything out of nothing, and then pretend that it is more thinkable that nothing should turn itself into everything.”

Reality as well as God's and man's love are not "reducible to hormonal reactions; his aspirations for truth reducible to conditioned responses; his belief in God a neurological reaction to fear and uncertainty" unless you have the atheist's belief that "nothing... turn[s] itself into everything.”[]

Marxists and atheists ultimately believe in "nothing," but Catholics ultimately believe in a God who loves us. 

That is why Marxists and atheists don't believe in chivalry or courtly love or saints. No Marxists and atheists could begin to write what St. Catherine of Siena's spiritual director reported about her love relationship with the Son of God:

His most glorious Virgin Mother appeared with the most blessed St. John the Evangelist, the glorious Apostle Paul, St. Dominic (the founder of the Order) and he prophet David with his harp. While David played sweet strains on the harp the Mother of God took Catherine’s hand in her own most holy hand and presenting her to her Son courteously asked Him to marry her to Himself in faith.

The Son of God, graciously agreeing, held out a gold ring with four pearls set in a circle in it and a wonderful diamond in the middle and with His most holy right hand and He slipped it on to the virgin’s second finger, saying,  

"There! I marry you to me in faith, to me, your Creator and Savior. Keep this faith unspotted until you come to me in heaven and celebrate the marriage that has no end. From this time forward, daughter, act firmly and decisively in everything that in my Providence I shall ask you to do. Armed as you are with the strength of faith, you will overcome all your enemies and be happy.” 

[... ]

After the Marriage, the Lord, in a calm and orderly fashion, gradually induced her to have dealings with other people, without, however, depriving her of His divine society...

... He would say:

"Get; it is dinner time, and the rest of the family are about to sit down at table; go and be with them, and then come back to me." At that Catherine would cry bitterly and say, "Why, sweetest Bridegroom, are you sending me away? Woe is me!.. do not let me be obligated to endure the harsh punishment of being separated from you, my most loving Bridegroom, in any way or for any time. What do I care for food...

... To these words, and many more of a like kind, which the virgin, lying prostrate at the feet of the Lord, had spoken more by way of tears than with her lips. He would reply: "Be quiet, my sweetest daughter; it is necessary for you to fulfill your duty, so that with my grace you may assist others as well as yourself. I have no intention of cutting you off from me; on the contrary, I wish to bind you more closely to myself, by means of love of the neighbor. You know that the precepts of love are two: love of me, and love of the neighbor... You must walk, in fact, with both feet, not one, and with two wings fly to heaven." (THE LIFE OF ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA, By her Spiritual Director Blessed Raymond of Capua, Page 81-82 and 89-90, THE MYSTICAL MARRIAGE

Pray an Our Father now for reparation for the sins committed because of Francis's Amoris Laetitia.

Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church as well as the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Stop for a moment of silence, ask Jesus Christ what He wants you to do now and next. In this silence remember God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost - Three Divine Persons yet One God, has an ordered universe where you can know truth and falsehood as well as never forget that He wants you to have eternal happiness with Him as his son or daughter by grace. Make this a practice. By doing this you are doing more good than reading anything here or anywhere else on the Internet.

Francis Notes:

- Doctor of the Church St. Francis de Sales totally confirmed beyond any doubt the possibility of a heretical pope and what must be done by the Church in such a situation:

"[T]he Pope... WHEN he is EXPLICITLY a heretic, he falls ipso facto from his dignity and out of the Church, and the Church MUST either deprive him, or, as some say, declare him deprived, of his Apostolic See."
(The Catholic Controversy, by St. Francis de Sales, Pages 305-306)

Saint Robert Bellarmine, also, said "the Pope heretic is not deposed ipso facto, but must be declared deposed by the Church."

- "If Francis is a Heretic, What should Canonically happen to him?":

- "Could Francis be a Antipope even though the Majority of Cardinals claim he is Pope?":

- If Francis betrays Benedict XVI & the"Roman Rite Communities" like he betrayed the Chinese Catholics we must respond like St. Athanasius, the Saintly English Bishop Robert Grosseteste & "Eminent Canonists and Theologians" by "Resist[ing]" him: 

 -  LifeSiteNews, "Confusion explodes as Pope Francis throws magisterial weight behind communion for adulterers," December 4, 2017:

The AAS guidelines explicitly allows "sexually active adulterous couples facing 'complex circumstances' to 'access the sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist.'"

-  On February 2018, in Rorate Caeli, Catholic theologian Dr. John Lamont:

"The AAS statement... establishes that Pope Francis in Amoris Laetitia has affirmed propositions that are heretical in the strict sense."

- On December 2, 2017, Bishop Rene Gracida:

"Francis' heterodoxy is now official. He has published his letter to the Argentina bishops in Acta Apostlica Series making those letters magisterial documents."

Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church by the bishops by the grace of God.

Election Notes:  

- Intel Cryptanalyst-Mathematician on Biden Steal: "212Million Registered Voters & 66.2% Voting,140.344 M Voted...Trump got 74 M, that leaves only 66.344 M for Biden" []

- Will US be Venezuela?: Ex-CIA Official told Epoch Times "Chávez started to Focus on [Smartmatic] Voting Machines to Ensure Victory as early as 2003":

- Tucker Carlson's Conservatism Inc. Biden Steal Betrayal is explained by “One of the Greatest Columns ever Written" according to Rush:
- A Hour which will Live in Infamy: 10:01pm November 3, 2020:
What is needed right now to save America from those who would destroy our God given rights is to pray at home or in church and if called to even go to outdoor prayer rallies in every town and city across the United States for God to pour out His grace on our country to save us from those who would use a Reichstag Fire-like incident to destroy our civil liberties. [Is the DC Capitol Incident Comparable to the Nazi Reichstag Fire Incident where the German People Lost their Civil Liberties?: and Epoch Times Show Crossroads on Capitol Incident: "Anitfa 'Agent Provocateurs'":

Pray an Our Father now for the grace to know God's Will and to do it.
Pray an Our Father now for America.
Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church as well as the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.


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