September 15, 2020 Everyone knows that sexual predator ex-cardinal Theodore McCarrick is a liar. His whole life was a lie of betrayal of the most sacred vows he took and the violation of the moral tenets of the Catholic faith which he desecrated. Most people don't realize that part of this desecration of lies included lying for "gravely sinful" Democrats like Joe Biden. McCarrick protected Biden when then head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (later to be Pope Benedict XVI) wrote that bishops were not to admit to Communion politicians like "gravely sinful" Biden who supports the killing of unborn babies. McCarrick lied for politicians like Biden by ignoring the important parts of the Ratzinger letter and told bishops not to ignore the Catholic Church law. Last year, Fr. Robert Morey denied Holy Communion to the “gravely sinful” Biden following a "2004 decree signed jointly by the bishops of ...
I think the only thing I would add here is what seems like MV’S obsession with things of a sexual nature.
He, like many, defend the institution with the zeal that should be used to defend the Faith. Sad. What Mr. Voris fails to admit is that it is the institution of the conciliar fake church that is the biggest enemy of the Faith.
Blinded by secular values and prestige of man.
Please see the article “Unmarked building, quiet legal help for accused priests” Dryden, Mich. (AP) for the priest Mr. Voris defends, Rev.Eduard Perrone of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church also known as Assumption Grotto, is co-founder of Opus Bono Sacerdotii. This non-profit organization takes in accused priests and gives them shelter, legal defense, transportation, etc. Opus Bono claims to have helped over 8,000 priests and has raised over $8 million 2002-2016. One of the priests Rev. Perrone helped “…later admitted to molesting as many as 50 children in the 1980’s and 90’s, according to court documents in Texas.”
Since the information pamphlet for Opus Bono Sacerdotii in is the church where Mr.Voris goes, don’t you think he knows what Rev. Perrone does to help accused predators? Might he be protesting too much?
In 1999, when I become associated with the SSPX, those who attended their Masses were told to stay away from the Novus Ordo “church” and doubt was cast on the ordination of N.O. priests. That’s a big change from today when they are utilizing N.O. priests to “help out”. This is what I question more than anything else.
Two words sum up Michael Voris…. “Sodomite Narcissism”
He is off the rails and obsessed on the subject of Sodomite Clerics in the Church…to the point that maybe he protests..toooo much….to the point that maybe he is having internal problems maintaining his conversion/healing from his “former” sodomite lifestyle. Three observations. 1) Charity from MV/CMTV on SSPX, is rare. Accuracy on the SSPX is even more rare; 3) Truth does not require nastiness. Perhaps MV is projecting his suppressed self-loathing on SSPX et al… Don’t know but it would explain
a lot of his apparent rage at all things Sodomite and/or SSPX.
Michael probably does not have any pom poms with the SSPX colors and logo on the handles. Don’t curse the darkness, send him a pair!
Dear Mr. Verrechio,
Please check into Opus Bono Sacerdotii and its co-founder Rev. Perrone and the connection to Michael Voris. Another co-founder, Joe Maher, was ousted after the Mich. Atty Gen found misappropriation of funds and misleading contributors. Maher has since started a similar organization, Melchizedek.
I don’t think SSPX has an “underground railroad” for predator priests like the one run by the pastor of Mr. Voris!
Questions the SSPX needs to answer
1) Why was Father Mclucas brought into SSPX circles from the FSSP/ new church?
2) Who in the SSPX made the decision to let him in (a name or names please)?
3) Who is vouching for him (who in the SSPX leadership believes he did not have relations with the girl at any age again name or names please)?
4) How was Father Mclucas vetted for entry to the SSPX (access to the women and children!)?
5) Did the SSPX know about the bizarre tale from Christendom College in relation to Father Mclucas ( Father Mclucas vacationing alone with a wife and children from a troubled marriage then Father Mclucas wrote a letter on Christendom College letter head to a judge defending the vacationing alone with a wife and children from a troubled marriage!)?
6) As a friend of the SSPX was Father Mclucas given any financial compensation from the SSPX in any form (money, insurance housing any form)?
7) Why were the faithful attached to the SSPX not told anything about Father Mclucas (if good reasons exist to believe Father Mclucas should we not know them)?
I wonder who in the SSPX thought it was a good idea to import a problematic priest from new church/FSSP? I can think of at least 5 other good Traditional Priests that have been side lined for being good Priests that the SSPX could help that do not have any accusations made against in relation to the 6th and 9th Commandments. So why Father Mclucas and not the others?
Generally I’m grateful to CM and Michael Voris for shining a needed light on the scandalous behavior of so many clerics. They seem a faithful apostolate and that’s a good thing as well. I think they are sincere but of course, we’re all prone to our own set of issues and failings. They are an important voice in the resistance, there are not enough of us and the more the better. If CM makes any of these heretical clerics nervous that they might be confronted somewhere, good. There are things about the SSPX I don’t comprehend, like their silence.
What passes for Catholicism on high-hit websites and YouTube channels is NOT Catholicism. It’s VII-inspired entertainment, the real purpose of which is to flatter the vanity of the “Show Host” of those endeavors. St. John the Baptist, caught up in the Holy Spirit, proclaimed that with the coming of The Savior it was time for him (SJB) to decrease. Glory be to The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit. That should be, as Catholics, our focused intent in ALL endeavors. Put God absolutely first. Something that smacks of “Look at ME, everybody. I have such an exciting Web presence!” is the result of being caught up in a totally different spirit.
Excellent questions, piokolby. Will the SSPX answer?
Dear Louie and Evangeline–See the link in my post above about Opus Bono Sacerdottii. Next read what the daughter of the lay co-founder says about Fr. Perrone and Michael Voris (her response to comments)! Link:
Her name is Mary Rose Maher and she observed what happened from the beginning of this “Underground Railroad for Pedophile Priests” and now she is a whistleblower and an advocate for victims of abuse.
CMTV had no problem with the SSPX until around 2014/15 when they all of a sudden went in full attack mode against them. They used to have some SSPX followers who even travelled on their retreat at sea. Not anymore I guess.
Coastalfarm, do NOT be so quick to dismiss the “underground railroad” within the SSPX.
Williamson was well aware of the homosexual group in Urrutigoity’s class at Winona. Several straight seminarians who left referred to him as U Root A Groiney and onto the boys of St Gregory’s Academy. Friends at the chapel said Fr David Hewko used their phone to call his buddy Hewko.They asked him if he was leaving the SSPX to join the SSJ, According to them Hewko replied ,”Not if but when”. Then the scandal broke. lucky for Hewko but later he created his own and he invited several other “friends” . Fr Marshall Roberts , Fr Titherow and a few others.
I was there . I saw the ignorance of the SSPX concerning priestly sodomites.
No one mentions the last Nazi arrested who was hiding out in the SSPX seminary in Nice when he was arrested. His name? Paul Touvier. For forty years he was on the run supported by a monthly stipend from the Chevalier de Notre Dame of which ArchBishop LeFebvre was the Grand Master. All documented.
correction…..Hewko called Urrutigoity from a friend’s home.
Urrutgoity went on to S America after that fiasco where he eventually was in charge of an Orphanage. Thanks to Mrs Engel’s investigations he and the Opus Dei Bishop who took him in knowing what he had done in PA ,were ousted from Paraguay by the Vatican. Last heard he was in good standing in Argentina. He comes from a very wealthy family in Argentina.
One thing that should be made clear. SSPX people said Urrutigoity was kicked out of the Winona seminary because he was being watched as they knew he was a homosexual. Seminarians said he was really kicked out because he was recruiting for his new group the SSJ.
My friends lived in St Marys Kansas and told us of their first hand experiences with Fr Angles and his support of Hitler and the Nazis.
Good observations Piokolby !
My good friend ( now deceased ), Mother Teresa of the Still River Mass convent ,
called me years before the McLucas story broke. He was staying there and celebrating the TLM for the nuns. He took a shine to two young Postulants and went for long walks with each separately. Mother was extremely concerned this was inappropriate but the priest assured her he was imparting Spiritual Direction.
Mother said shortly thereafter both girls left the convent. One showed up at my home and stayed with us for several weeks. . She told us McLucas gave her the
money to leave . He called several times but we did not answer the phone.
Seems he has a penchant for SD of teen aged girls.
To better understand the Nazi Paul Touvier and his close friendship with LeFebvre’s Order and the Vichey nazi Regime ……see