"Tosatti recently revealed, Pope Benedict XVI has been denied all outside sources of information for 8 years, except those Ganswein allows him to have"
From Rome:
And here we come face to face with the case of Pope Benedict XVI, whom
Archbishop Ganswein — a known public liar — says received not only the
DeathVaxx, but even the 3rd booster, “out of conviction”. The problem
with that affirmation, in addition to its untrustworthy source, is that
as Tosatti recently revealed, Pope Benedict XVI has been denied all
outside sources of information for 8 years, except those Ganswein allows
him to have.[https://www.fromrome.info/2021/12/30/does-one-cease-to-be-a-christian-because-one-has-been-deathvaxxed/]