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Waffling Trump must Fire Pence & make his Running Mate someone like Candace Owens to keep his Conservative Base

"Candace Owens has been on fire lately, In her most recent Facebook post she destroyed the liberal narrative on testing and called it all  'absolute B.S.'”

Renowned scholar George Gilder who "is one of the leading economic and technological thinkers of the past forty years" let President Donald Trump know his recent waffling leadership in the coronavirus hysteria could destroy him with his conservative base:

"With the latest reports of plummeting death rates from all causes, this crisis is over. The pandemic of doom erupted as a panic of pols and is now a comedy of Mash-minded med admins and stooges, covering their ifs ands and butts with ever more morbid and distorted statistics."

"The crisis now will hit the politicians and political Doctor Faucis who gullibly accepted and trumpeted what statistician William Briggs calls 'the most colossal and costly blown forecast of all time.'”

"An egregious statistical horror story of millions of projected deaths, suffused with incense and lugubrious accents from Imperial College of London to Harvard School of Public Health, prompted the pols to impose a vandalistic lockdown on the economy. It would have been an outrage even if the assumptions were not wildly astronomically wrong."

"Flattening the curve was always a fool’s errand that widened the damage."

"President Trump had better take notice. He will soon own this gigantic botch of policy and leadership. No one will notice that his opponents urged even more panicky blunders..."

"... In a fascinating open letter to German Prime Minister Angela Merkel, epidemiologist Mihai Grigoriu concludes that with the French study, corroborated by findings from a Stanford antibody seroprevalence study in Santa Clara county, 'the case for extreme measures collapses like a house of cards.' Grigoriu says that since the virus has already spread widely in the general population, efforts to stop further spread are both futile and destructive."

"So let’s stop pretending that our policies have been rational and need to be phased out, as if they once had a purpose. They should be reversed summarily and acknowledged to be a mistake, perpetrated by statisticians with erroneous computer models."

Might Vice President Mike Pence have betrayed President Donald Trump and the country like Judas betrayed Jesus in the coronavirus hysteria?

Judas handed Jesus over to His enemies to kill him.

Did Pence hand President Trump over to Dr. Anthony Fauci and his collaborators such as Dr. Anne Schuchat who were demonstrably wrong in their 2016 predictions on the so-called Zika virus crisis?

Remember that Trump entrusted Pence to put together the White House Coronavirus Task Force which for all intents and purposes is a mouthpiece for former Obama administration Zika hoax collaborator pro-abortion Fauci.

It seems that it is Pence who apparently was trusted by Trump who handed the president over to Fauci's coronavirus predictions when it is a known fact that his exaggerated Zika virus predictions were wrong.

With Fauci's track record in making wrong exaggerated predictions on the so-called Zika crisis, why must we place blind faith in him now when as Rush Limbaugh says he IS "NOT providing the underlying data so others can assess its reliability.... Some of President Trump's top adviser have expressed doubts about the estimate [of Fauci's predicted death tolls]"?
(Rush Limbaugh Show, "Modelers Cast Doubt on Death Toll Projections they gave Trump!," April 3, 2020)

Attorney and World Net Daily (WND) contributor Scott Lively said that Pence who says he is a Christian betrayed Christians when he was the Indiana governor:

"This brings me to Vice President Pence, and a worry I've had about him from the beginning. It was five years ago next month that Indiana Governor Mike Pence caved to the 'gays'... [to] preserve free speech rights for Christians... I've never really trusted him on LGBT issues since."
(Scott Lively Ministries, "President Trump's Most Dangerous Error," February 25, 2020)

Why did President Trump entrusted Pence to put together the White House Coronavirus Task Force?

Remember that Pence apparently gave control of the Task Force to Bill Gates operative Fauci who "has a multi-million dollar relationship with" Gates according to the BBC's Yours News.
(Your News (which according to Wikipedia "is a BBC News television programme"), "Fauci and Birx both have a Big-Money Bill Gates Conflict of Interest," April 4, 2020)

Can President Trump trust Pence?

It appears that General Michael Flynn's son Michael Flynn Jr. doesn't think Pence can be trusted. On April 2018, Flynn Jr. Tweeted:

"American Patriot @GenFlynn did not lie to Pence... Why would a highly decorated military Intel officer lie about something legal?"
(CNN, "Michael Flynn Jr. cryptically tweeted that 'you're going  down.' Um, what?," May  22, 2018)

Moreover, General Flynn according to Reason is now saying he "never lied" to federal investigator and "alleges prosecutors threatened to indict his son."
(Reason, "Michael Flynn wants to Withdraw Guilty Plea, Alleges Prosecutors Threatened to Indict his Son," January 30, 2020)

On December 21, 2017, the CBS News article gave the Pence counter claim against Flynn and his son in the piece titled "Pence weighs in on Flynn firing, says White House is 'fully cooperating' with special counsel [Mueller]":

"'[CBS News' Margaret Brennan:] When he [Gen. Flynn] was fired, did you know he had lied to the FBI?' Brennan asked Pence."

"'What I can tell you is that I knew he lied to me -- and I know the president made the right decision with regards to him,' the vice president replied."

Are General Flynn and his son lying or is Pence lying?

Why didn't Special Counsel Robert Mueller seek an "interview with Mike Pence" when he sought an interview with Trump?
(Washington Examiner, "Bigger fish to fry': Mueller never sought interview with Mike Pence," April 19, 2018)

Why did Mueller give Pence a pass in his witch hunt against the president?

On April 12, 2018, the president implied Mueller was a "Deep State" operative as reported in the Newsweek article "Trump Promotes Hannity Show Likening Mueller To Mob Boss Of 'Deep State' Crime Family."

Why did the Deep State apparently give Pence a pass in its witch hunt against the president?

If the Deep State had been able to take down the president then Pence, who the same Deep State apparently gave a free pass in their inquisition against Trump, would now be the president.

Can President Trump and Americans who love the U.S. Constitution trust Pence?

Does Trump need to fire Vice President Pence and replace him with someone like conservative African American Candace Owens?

Owens has been one of the leading voices against the coronavirus hysteria. Recently, in a tweet, she showed that hundreds of thousands of people every year die more from abortion, starvation and for other causes than could die from COVID-19 which was even picked up by Rush Limbaugh for his show.

In a recent Facebook post she said:

"When you look at Sweden [and other countries as well as states]... they have never shutdown... these people are taking opposite methods and having better results. (WATCH: Candace Owens Destroys Leftist Narrative On COVID-19 Response! (VIDEO), :48-1:25).

It appears that Joe Biden might pick Michelle Obama as his running mate. I would love to see a debate between Obama and the brilliant conservative Owens. The quick-witted conservative woman would destroy Obama who is used to answering softball questions from the leftist media.

Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Mass and the Church as well as for the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary..



Alexis Bugnolo said…
Trump was told not to take Pence, and told to clean the swamp as he promised to do.

He did neither and now he reaps the whirlwind...

I am sure he has been asked many times to investigate Benedict's abdication and Bergoglioàs false claim to the papacy. I have no knowledge of this, but it can be presumed the Remnant asked him.

He has done nothing. His ambassador to the Vatican continues to praise Bergoglio.

All enemies of Pope Benedict XVI will be knocked down, because they have chosen to live a lie rather than the truth.
Ademar said…

Let us recall that Pence is a fallen-away Catholic. If you leave the True Faith, you have left Him Who is its Head. You can cry "Lord! Lord!" all you want afterwards, but you are no longer a branch on the Vine.

He was born in 1959, and is thus old enough to remember, if not actually serve at, the Traditional Latin Mass.

Let us pray for Pence's conversion and reversion!

Domina Nostra de Fatima, ora pro nobis!



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