Patrick Coffin: Seven Pieces of ...
DEBATE: Is Benedict Still Pope?
Today is the nine year
anniversary Pope Benedict announced his resignation to the world
(February 11th, 2013). Today's debate answers the question: was
Benedict's resignation valid; and of not, IS BENEDICT STILL POPE?
Todays debaters are:
Dr. Ed Mazza is former Full Professor of History at Azusa Pacific University and host of “The Bar of History” at
Mazza is the author of The Scholastics and the Jews: Coexistence,
Conversion and the Medieval Origins of Tolerance from Angelico Press.
His online classes in Church and World History are available at
Steven O’Reilly
is a graduate of the University of Dallas and the Georgia Institute of
Technology. He writes for the blog RomaLocutaEst, He has had articles
appear in the old Catholic Answers magazine, "THIS ROCK," One Peter
Five, and LIFESITENEWs. He is working on a historical fiction trilogy
entitled PIA FIDELIS set in the time of the Arian Crisis, and the rise
Julian the Apostate. Book I, "PIA FIDELIS: The Two Kingdoms", is
available for order on Amazon and other sites. He is a former
intelligence officer, who served in the Clandestine Services of the CIA.
He lives in Georgia with his wife, Margaret. He has four sons, and new
granddaughter. []
Dr. Edmund Mazza and Steven O’Reilly on the Rules for Retrograde podcast debated on “The Resignation of Pope Benedict XVI.” It can be found here.
Here is some stuff on Rumble and Twitter on the debate as well as on whether Benedict is still pope:
Canori Mora@CanoriMora
recent 'BiP' debate with Dr. Mazza and Steven O'Reilly, made me recall
the article by @CionciAndrea from last July, wherein he responds to 3
objections (from @S_OReilly_USA) wrt Pope Benedict XVI's "Plan B".
Answer 1 below. Original Italian here:
Steven O'Reilly@S_OReilly_USA
Here is the video of the debate between Dr. Mazza and myself on @timotheeology R4R show. Debate resolution: Benedict’s resignation was invalid due to “substantial error.” Dr. Mazza was the ‘yes’ ; I took ‘no’ position. []
On the ninth anniversary of Pope Benedict not Canonically resigning, another person comes out publicly as “Benedict is Pope – BiP” | Barnhardt []
Will there be coffee in the gulag?@CoffinMedia
And now: shiny jagged red pill evidence that the Feb/2013 abdication by @P_BenedictXVI (who, if you click on it, is still called "Pope Benedict XVI") was fatally flawed, and the Mar/2013 election of Bergoglio was likewise null: []
Link to Patrick Coffin's Rumble video:
Seven Pieces of Evidence That Francis Is an Antipope
Here are Coffin's 7 pieces of evidence:EVIDENCE ITEMS
1) The term “pope emeritus” has no precedent and is confusing
2) Pope Benedict XVI seems to have resigned only part of the papacy, the
active ministerium, not the office or munus of the papacy
3) Pope Benedict’s longtime personal secretary Archbishop Georg Gänswein
has made statements that appear to affirm Benedict’s continued papal
4) Pope Benedict’s correct form of address is still “Your Holiness”
5) There are at least three errors in the official Latin “declaratio” read by Pope Benedict on February 11th 2013
6) “Universal peaceful acceptance by the Church of Francis has never really occurred.
7) The canonically illegal behavior of the St. Gallen Mafia cardinals in
conspiring to vote in their man from Buenos Aires in 2013 invalidates
the Conclave. []
Pray an Our Father now for reparation for the sins committed because of Francis's Amoris Laetitia.