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"Skojec is invested very, very heavily in Bergoglio as Pope" & "If they're so dang sure F is the Pope, start acting like it"

Aqua said…
What does it take to turn he light bulb off?

Apparently all it takes is a phone call from Steve Skojec.

Skojec is invested very, very heavily in Bergoglio as Pope. He does not want to hear the arguments against him. He does not want anyone else to consider them or, worse, agree with the arguments against him.
John F. Kennedy said…
I've read on other sites that he's edited it 4 different times. At this point he should just delete it.
Debbie said…
Perhaps I'm very ignorant of these things, but does SS wield that much power? Other than 1P5 and a constant presence on social media....I don't get it.
Sandpiper said…
I believe his name is spelled Kwasniewski. In Polish it is pronounced KWAZH-NEF-SKI. Must not forget the second “w”.
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Michael Dowd said…

Can you provide any backup for Skojec's "heavy investment" in Begoglio. I have give Steve lots of dollars over the years. Your statement disturbs me. Please comment.
Jacob said…

I would assume Aqua is referring to all the ink Skojec has spilled over time defending the validity of Benedict's abdication/resignation and the fact Francis is actually pope. If one of his close collaborators at 1P5, someone with the credibility of the doctor, were to suddenly and categorically come out as convinced Benedict's resignation is not valid, Skopec's hardline position would not be as tenable.
Aqua said…
Michael Dowd,

I have given Skojec money as well. I have followed him since his personal blogging days prior to 1P5. I communicated with him directly more than once, one time was a lengthy exchange shortly after the Bergoglio elevation marveling at such evel portent.

Why do I say this? Because Skojec will not broach interchange of ideas on the unprecedented (without precedent in the bi-millennial history of the Church since Christ’s elevation of Cephas) Emeritus sitting in the Vatican as “His Holiness”, still wearing his White his Piscatory Ring and bestowing Apostolic blessings, receiving Cardinals etc.

The Conclave depends upon a prior occupant’s death or valid resignation. Steve Skojec will not broach questions on this topic and demands the unprecedented be accepted as new binding precedent. Why?, I say. Where in Tradition am I bound to this?

I was banned, quite rudely, from ever commenting on his site again. When Professor Kwasniewski sees evidence to alter his view on this Emeritus reality, he gets a phone call from Skojec and changes his public views and get back in line. Many have had similar experience. I have seen it.

I see this elsewhere. Mundabor is another, where I have been banned. Call the Pope every name in the book (Evil Clown with demonic picture attached). Insult him and denigrate his every act and thought and deed. But never, never question the predicate act that placed such a man on St. Peter’s Throne, which Throne truly belongs to Jesus Christ, established as HIS Cornerstone.

That is why I say what I say about Steve Skojec. He clamps down on *any*, across all public forums, who dissent from the view that Jorge Bergoglio is a valid Pope and insist, or ask questions whether, his presence there is the product of an invalid, heretical predicate act; the mother of all heresies: a bifurcated Papacy.

If Jorge Bergoglio is Pope, then treat him as Holy Father. Don’t denigrate. Reverence him. Follow where the shepherd leads. If you can’t do that, then you must question why. If others can’t do that, engage them as broad shouldered Catholics and answer their questions. Do not shut down valid questions from Lay Faithful who see a departure from Sacred Tradition at its most basic, important level.
Debbie said…
Your last paragraph Aqua.....could not agree more! If they're so dang sure F is the Pope, start acting like it.
12:45 PM



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