Is the "Centralizing Control" Francis Revolution "Eating its [own] Children" starting with Opus Dei? & "First they came for the Traddies, and I did not speak up, because I was not a Traddy. Then they came for Opus Dei..."
..Another Motu Proprio: Francis Downgrades Opus Dei
....Francis weakens the Opus Dei “personal prelature”
The French Revolution is an example of revolutions killing their members
who began it in the first place. The reign of terror began with the
execution of the nobility and the King. Not only the king and his nobles
were killed but thousand of suspects against the revolution. Years of
harsh rule by the monarchy finally ended with the execution of the King
and the establishment of France as a republic. In the new republic the
Church’s authority was completely stripped from them and was to have
nothing to do with the countries politics. This new state based on
blasphemous principles was what would be later called the “Reign of
terror”. Along with the King, Marie Antoinette was also to be beheaded
on the Guillotine during this time period. The Committee for Public
Safety was established by the new leader of the Jacobins, Robespierre.
The people had great hopes for this new group since it had come into
power after they overthrew the Girondin led regime that failed in
controlling the state of affairs in France. Although they were known as
the Committee for Public Safety this group had no uprightness at all as
can be seen by their extremist actions. In their reign of no more than
seven weeks they managed to send around 1300 people to the guillotine
and eventually the architect of the reign of terror himself was
guillotined by the hands of his own men. Robespierre, the man who
started the reign of terror and one of the men who had a major part in
the rise of the revolution was guillotined along with other famous men
of the revolution like Jacques Danton. Danton and Robespierre were
famous for being bitter rivals and Robespierre had him executed, but
Danton foreshadowed Robespierre’s own death. As he was passing by
Robespierre’s house on his way to his execution he said “You will follow
us shortly. Your house shall be beaten down and sowed with salt
(Purcell).” Danton’s prophecy was proven true, first the Girondins fell
then Danton and Finally Robespierre and all his followers. The
revolution had eaten its children. - UK Essays []
Wilma Lopez
First they came for the traddies, and I did not speak up, because I was not a traddy. Then they came for Opus Dei... []It appears that the Francis Revolution is starting to eat its own children starting with Opus Dei as the followings Trad quotes explain:
- Give us a break: this is revenge, Jesuit revenge, Peronist revenge. And this despite the fact that Opus Dei has been submissive to every whim of Francis from day one. Once again, with this thousandth motu proprio, the Jesuit coterie of perverts currently running the central offices of the Church want to make it clear to everyone: no matter how powerful and wealthy and sheepish and quiet you are, they are in charge. And they won’t leave you alone. []
- First, despite the early talk about decentralizing power from Rome, what we have seen again and again is concentration of more and more control in Rome. If this reign of Francis is about anything, it is about centralizing control.
Second, the structure of the “personal prelature” was often thought of as a solution for traditional groups, including the SSPX. This, therefore, does not bode well for any traditional group. In other news, water is still wet.
Third, this could also smack of caudillo-like revenge: more and more it seems that members of Opus Dei are not entirely thrilled with all that Francis does. []
Pray an Our Father now for reparation for the sins committed because of Francis's Amoris Laetitia.