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Sede, but maybe some good info with bad frrom Barnhardt link: How Much Money Was Leveraged to Continue to Cover-Up the Greatest Case of Identity Theft in Church History? The Million Dollar Question& Br. Bugnolo comment

    1. I'd like to add to my last comment - I am listening now to Fr Relyea on The Four Last Things. I am just five minutes in and already there IS heresy. He is saying that the Church is teaching error, that the Catholic Church is teaching adultery. This is heresy because it contradicts the Catholic dogma of Indefectibility. The other thing that is heresy is that he is teaching that apostasy is within the Church. Apostasy can never be within the Church because an apostate, by very definition, is someone who has left the Church. The Catholic Church can never be an evil organisation, it is a Holy organisation founded by Christ. It can lead souls to Heaven, but it can never lead them to Hell. It is comprised of people who are baptised and profess the Catholic faith and Catholic worship, it can never be comprised of those who do not profess the faith but profess heresy and reject the ancient liturgy of the Catholic Church and even her baptism, as the many Muslims and Jews who Pope Francis prays with. It is an article of the Creed "I believe in the Catholic Church". Either we believe in it or we don't. If we are going to say that the Church now teaches adultery we will only turn the young people away from the Church; it makes a mockery of the Church and most of all, IT IS NOT TRUE. The Catholic Church does NOT teach adultery. The problem with all this is just as Bishop Donald Sanborn, Bishop Daniel Dolan, Fr Anthony Cekada has pointed out - Where is the Church? Did Vatican II come from the Catholic Church? No, it came from antipopes, John XXIII and Paul VI, they are no more true than the false Sr Lucy is true. People at the Fatima Centre might have good intentions, but it is not enough, we must have the truth and the love of the truth in order to save our souls (2 Thess 2). Sending up a prayer to Sr Lucy for you all.

  1. The arguments of dr Chojnowski about the impostor are so strong that it is incomprehensible how smart people can ignore it. If people from Fatima Center don't take this arguments and scientific evidence into account their behavior is suspicious. They're rubes, morons, idiots or........ traitors.

    1. People from Fatima Center don't take the arguments and scientific evidence for an impostor Sr Lucia into account because, as Dr Chojnowski states in his interview today at, people are "invested in a narrative," and to follow the truth when it requires paying a price requires humility, courage, trust in God, and detachment from the things of this world. We know that with our fallen human nature our will can choose to believe what our intellect knows to be false and refuse to believe what our intellect knows to be true. Accepting the ugly truth that Judeo-Masonic forces gradually took over the Vatican and finally the papacy in 1958 involves paying a high price, including ridicule, social and ecclesial isolation, and in many cases, poverty. I don't think those at the Fatima Center are rubes, morons, or idiots, but they are traitors, unless any of them are invincibly ignorant. Jesus said that in the latter times even the elect will be deceived. It's not an easy task for the average devout Catholic to connect all the dots pointing to the prophesied eclipse of the Church. It's somewhat similar to believing in 911 Truth and the fact that the so-called War on Terror is a lie. In both cases it is very difficult to abandon the narrative in which we have so much invested.

  2. From my youth I have always had the greatest respect for Father Gruner and his work, and all these revelations I find deeply disturbing. How can anyone with a shred of personal integrity as a friend go against Father Gruner's analysis that Benedict is still the pope. Do these laymen think they know better than that most famous apostle of Our Lady of Fatima! outrageous.


Dr. Chojnowski: Here is the leaked details of the grand conspiracy to purge those working with the Fatima Center who were judged by the Chris Ferrara/John Salza Novus Ordo clique to be favorable to the "resignationist" thesis:

I can confirm that this kind of back room dealing and drama was going on between those involved with the Fatima Center and Catholic Family News. The main focus of the attack was Fr. Paul Kramer AND the current Vice President of the Canadian Fatima Center, Andrew Cesanek. Apparently, the Novus Ordo clique of John Salza, Robert Siscoe, Chris Ferrara, and Michael Matt had to wait until the death of John Vennari to chop a whole slew of us from the Fatima Center because we did not fit into the Ralliement "Rally to Rome" agenda (i.e., fit in nicely into one of the wings of the Modernist Novus Ordo church and treat Francis as if he were simply a wandering idiot who was being maliciously manipulated to say and do all the things that he was saying and doing, not to mention daring to question the legitimacy of such a man laying claim to the Chair of Peter). The clique was worried that Fr. Kramer would take over the Canadian Fatima Center and use Andrew Cesanek, who would be ordained a priest by Bishop Richard Williamson --- or so they said that this was the plan, to run the Center. I heard about this from John Vennari in 2015. I know that John and Chris Ferrara and John Salza were very upset about the possibility of this "takeover." I have first-hand knowledge of this. What I did not know about was the million dollars from a donor that would be used to cut out "sedevacantists,""resignationists," or those who seemed to be against yoking the Fatima Center and Catholic Family News with the Modernist Novus Ordo church. The whole money-making operation depended on endlessly petitioning Francis to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary --- perhaps Russia will consecrate Francis to the Immaculate Heart of Mary so that HE might be converted. We are supposed to continue to do this even though we know that Francis is against people converting to the Catholic Faith and that the "Sister Lucy," which the Ferrara/Salza clique accept as the real Sister Lucy even though we have offered reams of scientific evidence to show that there was an imposture going on, explicitly said in televised interviews that "conversion" only meant conversion to liberal democracy and not to the Catholic Faith. A million dollars leveraged to keep the apple cart upright. No need for reality to interfere with a  $4 million operation. 

  1. Extremely interesting and disturbing. Immediately one is reminded of what Dr. Chojnowski posted on Oct. 29 2017. Christopher Graham (a personal friend of Fr. Gruner) conveyed to Dr. Chojnowski that Fr. Gruner was warned a Freemason had infiltrated the Fatima Center and was working along beside him.

    One can almost smell the sulfur.

  2. Interesting the comment regarding the infiltration of freemasonry into the Fatima center.
    We know for a fact that Salza is a "former" freemason. Today Henry Makow has a column up regarding freemasonry and the use of what they consider to be powerful numbers in important events. Those numbers include 11,13,22 and 33 or any combination thereof that can add up to these occult figures. What was the date of Benedict's resignation.....2/11/13. What was the date
    that Francis was announced as pope to the world...... 3/13/13.

  3. Hello Dr. Chojnowski, have you seen Mr. Salza's reply to Ann? If not you can find it here:

  4. We knew that a purge of the Fatima Center followed immediately after Fr. Gruner’s death. Anyone who was sympathetic to Fr. Gruner and Fr. Kramer’s argument that Benedict was still Pope was exiled.

    What's shocking is the million dollar conspiracy and how the donation was "contingent upon driving out all the 'sedevacantists'". (Salza's involvement is not so surprising.)

    Fr. Gruner finally took one small, incomplete step in the right direction, and even this was too much for Team Bergoglio (i.e. Ferrara, Siscoe/Salza, etc.). Unfortunately, the Fatima Center remains in the hands of directors who have zero intentions of using it as a means to do good for the Church. On the contrary, the apostolate continues to be a main conveyor of falsehoods and heresy.

    1. I watch videos from the Fatima Center and have never heard a word of heresy. Fr. Michael Rodriguez and Fr. Isaac Mary Relyea are holy priests. God bless~

    2. The Fatima Center continues to be a main conveyor of falsehoods and heresy. As Catholic commented below: "A Pope cannot be a heretic. This is in canon law-- in canon 188.4 of the 1917 code".

      Yet the directors of the Fatima Center pretend that the opposite is true and stubbornly "resist" a soul-destroying heretic, while recognizing him as a true pope. It's a diabolical heresy to serve the lie that a true pope can be the primary vehicle of the destruction of souls.

      "Fr." Relyea from the Fatima Center is a conveyor of heresy (as Catholic already proved below). A cursory glance at the posts in the Fatima Perspectives archives (2017-2018) shows how the Fatima Center recognizes the Destroyer as a true pope. See a few samples below:

      "In the Name of Pope Francis,
      Cardinal Cupich Declares THE END OF MORTAL SIN"

      "State of Emergency:
      Has the Pope DENIED THE EXISTENCE OF HELL (Again)? Here We Go Again:"

      "Upcoming 'Youth' Synod in October Will Be a Forum

      "World Net Daily:
      Pope Francis Is CAUSING HAVOC in the Church."


      "Life Site News Sounds the Alarm on Francis and 'Same-Sex Unions': Pope Francis seems to have affirmed RECOGNIZING HOMOSEXUAL RELATIONSHIPS under law..."

      Etc., Etc., Etc...

  5. Dr. Chojnowski - below is a comment I made earlier today for the responding article by Mr. Salza, which - as I anticipated - was apparently screened out (deleted) from the comments section....

    "It would be very interesting to know - also - what Cornelia Ferreira and Peter Chojnowski have to say. These two have apprently been ostracized by the Fatima Center as well, along with Fr. Kramer - Dr. Chojnowski, for obvious reasons, given the floor-collapsing implications of the Sister Lucy Truth project to the Fatima Center and its message, 3rd secret, etc."

  6. I have watched several of the Fatima Center videos and have never found anything heretical. Both Fr. Michael Rodriguez and Fr. Isaac Mary Relyea are holy priests who love tradition. God bless~

    1. Yes, Fr. Michael Rodriguez and Fr. Isaac Mary Relyea are holy priests who love tradition, but they were not involved in the "take over" , nor were they officially involved with the Fatima Center at that time of Father Gruner's death. The problem lies with some of the board members and managers.

    2. Those priests are probably not even validly ordained. You need to educate yourself as to what is going on. They might be good men, but it is unlikely that they are priests. They are with Pope Francis in any case, who is celebrating the Protestant Reformation and worshipping pachamama, a pagan goddess. They should separate from him if they wish to be truly Catholic. A Pope cannot be a heretic. This is in canon law in canon 188.4 of the 1917 code (1983 code was from an antipope). A rotten apple in a basket rots the other apples. So the Church teaches for heretics and we must separate from them in order to save our souls. We cannot profess unity with them in the Mass.

    3. I'd like to add to my last comment - I am listening now to Fr Relyea on The Four Last Things. I am just five minutes in and already there IS heresy. He is saying that the Church is teaching error, that the Catholic Church is teaching adultery. This is heresy because it contradicts the Catholic dogma of Indefectibility. The other thing that is heresy is that he is teaching that apostasy is within the Church. Apostasy can never be within the Church because an apostate, by very definition, is someone who has left the Church. The Catholic Church can never be an evil organisation, it is a Holy organisation founded by Christ. It can lead souls to Heaven, but it can never lead them to Hell. It is comprised of people who are baptised and profess the Catholic faith and Catholic worship, it can never be comprised of those who do not profess the faith but profess heresy and reject the ancient liturgy of the Catholic Church and even her baptism, as the many Muslims and Jews who Pope Francis prays with. It is an article of the Creed "I believe in the Catholic Church". Either we believe in it or we don't. If we are going to say that the Church now teaches adultery we will only turn the young people away from the Church; it makes a mockery of the Church and most of all, IT IS NOT TRUE. The Catholic Church does NOT teach adultery. The problem with all this is just as Bishop Donald Sanborn, Bishop Daniel Dolan, Fr Anthony Cekada has pointed out - Where is the Church? Did Vatican II come from the Catholic Church? No, it came from antipopes, John XXIII and Paul VI, they are no more true than the false Sr Lucy is true. People at the Fatima Centre might have good intentions, but it is not enough, we must have the truth and the love of the truth in order to save our souls (2 Thess 2). Sending up a prayer to Sr Lucy for you all.

  7. The arguments of dr Chojnowski about the impostor are so strong that it is incomprehensible how smart people can ignore it. If people from Fatima Center don't take this arguments and scientific evidence into account their behavior is suspicious. They're rubes, morons, idiots or........ traitors.

    1. People from Fatima Center don't take the arguments and scientific evidence for an impostor Sr Lucia into account because, as Dr Chojnowski states in his interview today at, people are "invested in a narrative," and to follow the truth when it requires paying a price requires humility, courage, trust in God, and detachment from the things of this world. We know that with our fallen human nature our will can choose to believe what our intellect knows to be false and refuse to believe what our intellect knows to be true. Accepting the ugly truth that Judeo-Masonic forces gradually took over the Vatican and finally the papacy in 1958 involves paying a high price, including ridicule, social and ecclesial isolation, and in many cases, poverty. I don't think those at the Fatima Center are rubes, morons, or idiots, but they are traitors, unless any of them are invincibly ignorant. Jesus said that in the latter times even the elect will be deceived. It's not an easy task for the average devout Catholic to connect all the dots pointing to the prophesied eclipse of the Church. It's somewhat similar to believing in 911 Truth and the fact that the so-called War on Terror is a lie. In both cases it is very difficult to abandon the narrative in which we have so much invested.

  8. From my youth I have always had the greatest respect for Father Gruner and his work, and all these revelations I find deeply disturbing. How can anyone with a shred of personal integrity as a friend go against Father Gruner's analysis that Benedict is still the pope. Do these laymen think they know better than that most famous apostle of Our Lady of Fatima! outrageous.

    1. If Benedict was not pope, then the opinion of Fr Gruner, or your opinion of him, really has nothing to do with it. You must put aside your prejudices and attachment to people, otherwise they will become for you an idol which you put before truth and Christ is truth. He said, "I am the Way and the Truth and the Life, no one cometh to the Father but by me." Not even by Fr Gruner. Yes, we now know better than Fr Gruner, because he was human and made a mistake. The Church teaches we have no part with heretics, nullam partem. St Robert Bellarmine says they have no jurisdiction and he is a Doctor of the Church.

  9. The resignationist theory leads inevitably to sedevacantism. The remant/novus ordo conservative clan/muzzled neosspx all follow vatican II and the new mass in some way. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.

  10. The Fatima center has many people in it that truly believe the center's narrative but it doesn't make it true. I believe that many are double minded and money seems to be at the heart of the problem. 1 Corinthians 10:21 "you cannot drink the chalice of the Lord and the Chalice of Devils...."Fr". Gruner may have not wanted to face the truth that his beliefs on Fatima was wrongminded in many important areas and those truths would diminish what had taken a life time of effort to build. its not the first time pride brought down good intentions.

  11. Those at the Fatima Center have an admirable facade of Catholic piety, which hides the fact that they're really promoters of the counterfeit religion. Their devotees, who are supposed to be Catholic, can't even tell the difference between heresy and authentic Catholicism anymore. The poor pawns have been imbibing the corrupted Catholicism that the Fatima Center (and the R+R) have been promoting for decades.

  12. I think it would be good, if feasible, for Dr Chojnowski to collaborate with the people at, since they, beginning with the work of Fr Luigi Villa, have exposed many disturbing facts about John XXIII (in "Grave Reasons of State"), Paul VI, John Paul II, and Benedict XVI, but they take for granted that there was only one Sr Lucia even though the impostor Sr Lucia is an important piece of the coup d'Eglise puzzle. For those not familiar with Fr Villa, he was commissioned by Padre Pio to expose and fight against Freemasonry in the Church, and then received a Papal Mandate from Pius XII to do so.

  13. Why haven't't 'Fr" Paul Kramer
    "Fr" Michael Rodriguez and
    "Fr" Isaac Relaya received conditional trad Rite Ordination from a valid trad Rite Bishop?
    The new rites are unacceptable for Roman Rite Catholics.

  14. Was Alexander VI. a valid pope?

  15. Was Alexander VI. a valid pope?

  16. Fr. Isaac Mary Relyea has departed from The Fatima Centre, and has his own website.

  17. As far as I know not once, I repeat not even one time, did the Fatima Center ever question the U.S. Government's official narrative on one of history's greatest and most evil hoaxes, that of 9-11. Why do you think they never publicly questioned that narrative either inside or outside the pages of The Fatima Crusader or the CFN? This immense hoax/fairytale was the prime enduring basis and still is the basis for all the death and destruction the U.S. has carried out in the Middle East since 9-11 under the guise of the "war on terror."

    How was it that the Fatima Center since day one could have remained horribly complicit in the monstrously huge lie of 9-11? For the Fatima Center Russia, China, Iran, Muslims, Saddam Hussein, Bin Laden, etc. have always been the Boogeymen, but Israel with its Mossad along with the Synagogue in general have pretty much largely gotten a free pass over the years. Ever wonder why?

  18. Very good point. But, then again, why does Our Lady Of Fatima only talk about the Consecration of Russia? Would it be that Russia is home base to the Ashkenazi Jews?


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