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2020 Flashback: After President Trump Seizes the Machines, he must make Ken Starr the Special Counsel to Investigate the "Constitutional Travesty" Biden Steal

"Our lawsuit seeks to prevent Congress from tallying Electoral College votes until the legislatures of each state have had a chance to independently certify the results, as required by the Constitution." -  Former Attorney General of Kansas andcProfessor, Liberty University Phillip Kline []

[Constitution Expert] KEN STARR: That’s exactly what it means. It got lost in the Pennsylvania shuffle. The founding generation sitting in Philadelphia undoubtedly thought, “Well, should we have the state Supreme Court make the determination?” No, we want … a very democratic with a small “d” approach. We want the legislatures, those closest to the people, the state legislatures, they’re the bosses, not the governor. And what happened in Pennsylvania over these recent weeks is a constitutional travesty.

- "If I were @realDonaldTrump and I genuinely believed the vote counting machines were rigged, I would not tweet out appeals to SCOTUS and the DOJ. I’d have the machines seized & the fraud exposed, so that it is impossible for the courts, the DOJ and the GOP to ignore." -Scholar and producer Dinesh D'Souza []

One America News Network (OAN) reported in a sit "down with former Defense Department official Andrew Knaggs" that "Trump Has Authority To Appoint Special Counsel And Seize Machines." [[]

After President Donald Trump seizes the voting machines then he must make Kenneth Starr the Special Counsel to investigate the Joe Biden and Hunter Biden illegalities and the 2020 massive voter fraud "constitutional travesty" Biden Steal.

Why Ken Starr?

Former United States circuit judge as well as 39th solicitor general of the United States Kenneth Starr was the "independent counsel while Bill Clinton was U.S. president. Starr was initially appointed to investigate the suicide of deputy White House counsel Vince Foster and the Whitewater real estate investments of Bill Clinton."[]

Newsweek reported that Starr who is "a professor of constitutional law at Baylor University" said "to count every vote may be a crime" because it is "illegal" and "unconstitutional":

"Former U.S. Circuit Judge Kenneth Starr told Fox News host Mark Levin that the Pennsylvania state Supreme Court and Governor Tom Wolf made an "unconstitutional decision," claiming many of the votes counted were "illegal."

Starr, who rose to national prominence in the 1990s prosecuting former President Bill Clinton, told Levin Sunday night that Pennsylvania's three-day extension for mail-in ballots was a "constitutional travesty." Levin and Starr both questioned the integrity of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito and the state Supreme Court for allowing an emergency order Friday in which every county had to segregate and secure ballots received after 8 p.m. on Election Day. The order did not prevent election workers from continuing to count the ballots, which Starr claimed were "illegal." [ and]

On the Mark Levin Show, the constitution expert Starr said "what happened in Pennsylvania over these recent weeks is a constitutional travesty." The Oxford Dictionary defines travesty as "A false, absurd, or distorted representation of something":

MARK LEVIN: The state’s legislature determine how to select their elections. Is that what the [Constitution section] means?

KEN STARR: That’s exactly what it means. It got lost in the Pennsylvania shuffle. The founding generation sitting in Philadelphia undoubtedly thought, “Well, should we have the state Supreme Court make the determination?” No, we want … a very democratic with a small “d” approach. We want the legislatures, those closest to the people, the state legislatures, they’re the bosses, not the governor. And what happened in Pennsylvania over these recent weeks is a constitutional travesty. Governor Wolf tries to get his reforms, his vision, as he was entitled to do, through the legislature of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. He failed. He then goes to the state Supreme Court, which by a divided vote, accepted the substance of what Governor Wolf was doing, and then added thereon nooks and crannies as well. []

I repeat:

After President Donald Trump seizes the voting machines then he must make Kenneth Starr the Special Counsel to investigate Joe Biden and Hunter Biden illegalities and the 2020 massive voter fraud "constitutional travesty" Biden Steal.

Note: The Catholic Monitor implores all CM readers to now or as soon as possible to "Contact Governor Brian Kemp and DEMAND that he IMMEDIATELY call a special session of the legislature":

  1. Call him at 404-656-1776

  2. Email him at or use this contact form.

  3. Message him on Facebook and Twitter. 

    Also, please ask your friends and family to "Contact Governor Brian Kemp and DEMAND that he IMMEDIATELY call a special session of the legislature" and their elected officials now

    "[LifeSite says] "It’s imperative... that ordinary citizens contact their elected officials now all the way up until January 6. Politicians usually respond when their offices are inundated with phone calls"

"Click here to access LifeSite’s Voter Voice initiative so you can find your representative’s phone number."

"I sincerely hope all of my American readers will head those words. Your country is at stake! There is no more crucial time than right now. God love you." []


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