Masturbation, Madhouses and Prisons
Robert Hale ’s recent statement- that the “... anti-abortion movement is no longer a movement. It’s an industry.”-made me think of a Crisis Pregnancy Center that contradicted his statement. About two years ago, I spoke with its Texan Director who has saved thousands of unborn babies. We spoke of a “Crisis Pregnancy Center” whose top priority-to put it mildly- was not saving as many babies as possible. He said stay away from that center because they are “ spiritual masturbators.”
I love new word combinations, so I researched it to see where it would take me. I found masturbation to be a good metaphor for the spiritual direction our society is taking.
“The ultimate direction of masturbation always has to be insanity” Norman Mailer said.
” If one has, for example, the image of a beautiful sexy babe in masturbation, one still doesn’t know whether one can make love to her in the flesh. All you know is that you can violate her in the brain...But, if one has fought the good or evil fight and ended with the beautiful sexy dame...One has something real to build on.”
Masturbation -as the pornography industry knows -is a profitable lie. For example, if one verbally lies about having sex with a porno star it is a lie. If one imagines having sex with a porno star it is still an untruth. The imagination is used to reach unreality.
On the other hand, the imagination can be used to reach into deep reality. As philosopher Edith Stein showed- truth can be found using the phenomena of the imagination. As Thomas Aquinas, also, demonstrated the mind can grasp the realities of love, truth and God using the phenomena of the imagination and reason.
One only need read Shakespeare or G .K. Chesterton to see the imagination grasping deep truths. Chesterton here shows how the reason and imagination can work together to reveal the philosophical reality of being or Ens:
“A brilliant Victorian scientist delighted in declaring that the child does not see any grass at all; but only a sort of green mist reflected in a tiny mirror of the human eye. This piece of rationalism has always struck me as almost insanely irrational. If he is not sure of the existence of the grass, which he sees through the glass of a window, how on earth can he be sure of the existence of the retina, which he sees through the glass of a microscope... the child is aware of Ens [being]. Long before he knows that grass is grass, or self is self, he knows that something is something. Perhaps it would be best to say very emphatically (with a blow on the table), There is an Is.”
The masturbator who imagines he is with the porno star is in is not. His body and imagination are moving or as moderns would say progressing, but not in the direction of reality.
He is living in what Professor Allan Bloom, writer of the Closing of the American Mind, called the only “self-evident” truth in modern America- the denial of truth. According to the Professor, the only virtue -50 years of public education -has achieved is relativity of truth. Bloom said relativism “is the modern replacement for the inalienable natural rights that used to be the traditional ground for a free society.”In other words, once one moves away from objective truth then universal rights will be replaced by raw power. Bloom, for example, showed how the old civil rights movement “relied on the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.” But, the new Black Power movement considering the Constitution “corrupt” demanded a “black identity, not universal rights. Not rights but power counted.”
Once again, Norman Mailer shows how moving away from natural objective truths such as heterosexuality can lead to debased power struggles:
“ So, yes q [homosexuals] in prison strive to become part of the male population, and indeed - it is the irony of homosexuality - try to take on the masculine powers of the man who enters them, even as the studs, if Genet is our accurate guide, become effeminate over the years. For reminds us: homosexuality is not heterosexuality. There is no conception possible, no, no inner space, no damnable spongy pool of a hint remains of the awe that a life in these circumstances can be conceived. Heterosexual sex with contraception is become by this logic a form of sexual currency closer to the homosexual than the heterosexual, a clearinghouse for power, a market for psychic power in which the stronger will use the weaker, and the female in the act, whether possessed of a vagina or phallus, will look to ingest or steal the masculine qualities of the dominator.”
This is the end result when universal truths and responsibility toward those truths are denied. The only “currency” left is stealing of power. If our society will not tolerate truth calling it intolerance; then sex will not be about married love, but masturbation and power struggles. Leaving our society progressing towards the unreality of a madhouse and the power struggles of a prison.
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Robert Hale ’s recent statement- that the “... anti-abortion movement is no longer a movement. It’s an industry.”-made me think of a Crisis Pregnancy Center that contradicted his statement. About two years ago, I spoke with its Texan Director who has saved thousands of unborn babies. We spoke of a “Crisis Pregnancy Center” whose top priority-to put it mildly- was not saving as many babies as possible. He said stay away from that center because they are “ spiritual masturbators.”
I love new word combinations, so I researched it to see where it would take me. I found masturbation to be a good metaphor for the spiritual direction our society is taking.
“The ultimate direction of masturbation always has to be insanity” Norman Mailer said.
” If one has, for example, the image of a beautiful sexy babe in masturbation, one still doesn’t know whether one can make love to her in the flesh. All you know is that you can violate her in the brain...But, if one has fought the good or evil fight and ended with the beautiful sexy dame...One has something real to build on.”
Masturbation -as the pornography industry knows -is a profitable lie. For example, if one verbally lies about having sex with a porno star it is a lie. If one imagines having sex with a porno star it is still an untruth. The imagination is used to reach unreality.
On the other hand, the imagination can be used to reach into deep reality. As philosopher Edith Stein showed- truth can be found using the phenomena of the imagination. As Thomas Aquinas, also, demonstrated the mind can grasp the realities of love, truth and God using the phenomena of the imagination and reason.
One only need read Shakespeare or G .K. Chesterton to see the imagination grasping deep truths. Chesterton here shows how the reason and imagination can work together to reveal the philosophical reality of being or Ens:
“A brilliant Victorian scientist delighted in declaring that the child does not see any grass at all; but only a sort of green mist reflected in a tiny mirror of the human eye. This piece of rationalism has always struck me as almost insanely irrational. If he is not sure of the existence of the grass, which he sees through the glass of a window, how on earth can he be sure of the existence of the retina, which he sees through the glass of a microscope... the child is aware of Ens [being]. Long before he knows that grass is grass, or self is self, he knows that something is something. Perhaps it would be best to say very emphatically (with a blow on the table), There is an Is.”
The masturbator who imagines he is with the porno star is in is not. His body and imagination are moving or as moderns would say progressing, but not in the direction of reality.
He is living in what Professor Allan Bloom, writer of the Closing of the American Mind, called the only “self-evident” truth in modern America- the denial of truth. According to the Professor, the only virtue -50 years of public education -has achieved is relativity of truth. Bloom said relativism “is the modern replacement for the inalienable natural rights that used to be the traditional ground for a free society.”In other words, once one moves away from objective truth then universal rights will be replaced by raw power. Bloom, for example, showed how the old civil rights movement “relied on the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.” But, the new Black Power movement considering the Constitution “corrupt” demanded a “black identity, not universal rights. Not rights but power counted.”
Once again, Norman Mailer shows how moving away from natural objective truths such as heterosexuality can lead to debased power struggles:
“ So, yes q [homosexuals] in prison strive to become part of the male population, and indeed - it is the irony of homosexuality - try to take on the masculine powers of the man who enters them, even as the studs, if Genet is our accurate guide, become effeminate over the years. For reminds us: homosexuality is not heterosexuality. There is no conception possible, no, no inner space, no damnable spongy pool of a hint remains of the awe that a life in these circumstances can be conceived. Heterosexual sex with contraception is become by this logic a form of sexual currency closer to the homosexual than the heterosexual, a clearinghouse for power, a market for psychic power in which the stronger will use the weaker, and the female in the act, whether possessed of a vagina or phallus, will look to ingest or steal the masculine qualities of the dominator.”
This is the end result when universal truths and responsibility toward those truths are denied. The only “currency” left is stealing of power. If our society will not tolerate truth calling it intolerance; then sex will not be about married love, but masturbation and power struggles. Leaving our society progressing towards the unreality of a madhouse and the power struggles of a prison.
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